The rapid rise of Adu naturally raised the eyebrows of many music companies.
Needless to say, New Century was one of those companies.
Nowadays, Adu's popularity was almost equal to Yang Kun's, and with his momentum, it was likely that he would surpass Yang Kun; so naturally, New Century Entertainment began to discuss measures.
"Who the hell is Adu? How could you let this happen? Huh... Answer me!!"
Violent shouting filled the conference room, leaving everyone unable to look up, let alone speak up.
As for who was so furious, obviously, it was Cao Feifei.
The sudden rise of Adu had brought a lot of heat onto them, with many already comparing him to Yang Kun. Yang Kun was their trump card; their hope to reclaim their throne in the music industry.
They couldn't allow anyone to threaten his position.
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