Kyera walked back to the house, and Raina smiled at her, greeting her with a smile. "Lady Kyera, my father is in the Garden. He wishes to speak with you there, Please." Raina told her careful to be more polite than she normally was. Typically there was no use for this formality between them but here, where others could hear she was striving to prove her Princess title.
"Thank you, Princess Raina. Would you mind showing me the way?" Kyera asked, curtsying to her student but only partially. There was a fine line between princess and her teacher. She had to show respect for the young princess, but there was only so far she was allowed to go as a teacher. The Princess should show her a certain amount of respect as well.
"Certainly, Lady Kyera. I will show you to my father." Raina replied and turned opening the door so Kyera could follow her through the home. As Moon she had traveled these halls on more than one occasion. She was well aware of where the garden desk was located. However, it was best she not reveal that now. Luckily she remembered to keep the memories of each separate.
The pair moved through the house. A few maids and man servants were cleaning and refreshing the water in the little altars throughout the house. She was relieved to see that they did so frequently, and often before the final meal of the day. This would allow for the most effective cleansing of the home. The smells of dinner were already filling the air as evening drew close. Kyera was surprised to see the garden doors were open, despite Moon not being home. She had known them to be drawn closed when she was not expected. Perhaps the Prince wanted to be prepared if she dropped in again? It was a sweet touch… and even Kyera couldn't deny it touched her deeply. She never expected to be so well accepted and provided for in the human's culture as a pure tiger, perhaps there was hope?
They turned the corner, around the edge of the trees separating his little cove from the rest of the garden path. Wind blew through the tree, making leaves dance to their own toon and drift down to the earth. Golds, reds, and oranges seemed to be the main colors of the little garden he called home. Fall was in full swing, causing the winds to be both chilly and colorful a trademark of the season. Clovis sat at his desk, the gold and blue robes wrapped around his form, fluttering slightly in the soft wind. His black hair fell loosely around his shoulders, a small section gathered at the back of his head and held in place with a simple silver pin. From it dangled a single crimson stone. His eyes were very focused as he looked over the documents on his desk. There was something different about him now, rather than the keen observer she was use to. It drew her in a little as she approached. Raina stopped and smiled at Kyera and turned to walk back to the house, unaware that her teacher was focused on her father, a gentleness in her gaze.
Clovis felt her gaze before she drew his attention to her. He glanced up, finding a different glow to his eyes that captivated him in return. A slow smile curved his lips as he placed his brush on the table again. "Kyera, welcome back, My lady." He greeted and Kyera smiled walking closer to him. She curtsied to him before entering his little solace.
"Thank you, Prince Clovis. Raina invited me to dinner and said you had something to discuss with me." Kyera offered as she pulled the chair across from him out. Clovis smiled and nodded at her.
"Yes, I was wanting to speak to you about something that I may need you to attend." He agreed, sitting back and smiling at her. Her eyes narrowed slightly in the slightly distrusting expression he had come to expect from her. 'Who caused her to be so distrusting?' he wondered.
"What do you require of me, Fourth Prince?" Kyera asked, suddenly a bit more formal and distant than she had been moments before. He frowned slightly, not having expected that from her.
"Well I would like for you to be a guest at my Bride Ball."
Hello dear Readers,
Sorry to leave this on a bit of a bomb. I will try to update a chapter or two tomorrow despite it being a night I would not normally post.
Why do you think he wants here there?