"Was that everyone?" Kyera asked and Tang nodded slowly.
"We lost a few before you got here, but there was nothing more you could really do. Unfortunately the damage done by the tigresses was just too freaking much. A couple of our own turned on us in the battle too, and killed a fine young man. We never dreamed there would be so much blood…" Tang explained as she washed her hands in the water basin left from treating wounds. Kyera nodded grimly as she looked at the strands of bandages she had used to clean the wounds.
"Yea. There is always a lot of blood and unfortunately there is at least one more patient that I will need to tend to soon. I just don't know if i have the power now." Kyera whispered sitting down. She took a internal inventory of every bit of power, both on reserve and in use. There was so little left that she felt the tears in her eyes. She knew this weakness was by design. It wasn't something she could change no matter how hard she tried. A force much greater than her own bound half her energy, even the shadow King was unsure as to what held her soul in chains.
"How long will she survive in there?" Lazren asked, knowing full well Mally was the concern. Kyera shook her head, taking the earpiece off and staring at the amethyst stone. Her best friends blood had been on her claws, every ounce of energy poured into her wounds and yet she couldn't seal them all.
"She can live for around 48 hours in the stone, but if she stays much past that… or something disconnects me from the locket she will be lost. I have never kept anyone in it past 12 hours, and they were stronger than she was when she entered. I honestly don't know but I could also kill her if i bring her out again." Kyera pointed out as she put her head in her hands. Tang frowned and put a arm around Kyera's shoulders. There was a certain sorrow in both women's hearts as they stared at the stone.
"Then wait. Tomorrow, after you sleep, we will try to heal her but right now… it will do more harm than good." Lazren pointed out rubbing the back of his neck.
"But If she dies? Then what?" Tang asked honestly not understanding how any of this worked. The bear clan did not bother with such magics and the touch of the shadow had never befallen a bear. They chose not to play with that wich they could not understand.
"I don't know. I really really don't know." Kyera whispered putting her head on the table now.
"Kyera, are there any other healers? Can you call half eye?" Lazren asked and a thought crossed Kyera's mind. She flinched slightly away from in honestly, not wanting it to come to that. Did she have another choice? Was there another choice? No. No there wasn't.
"DAMN." Kyera cursed striking the table with her hand before standing up. "There is another freaking option. She better Know I love her." Kyera whispered before walking toward the door. Lazren grabbed her hand and tried to spin her back but Kyera held fast in her position.
"Where are you going?" He asked and Kyera offered a tender smile. Kyera broke free and stepped behind the partition by the door, he saw the gown she had been wearing fall to the floor before she transformed into the tigress he knew.
"I am going to the only other person on this planet with shadow energy to rival mine." Kyera replied before stepping out and jumping into the forest below. Pain jolted through her shoulder as it caught her weight heading down. The thin skin ripping from the force.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." Kyera murmured before dashing off into the forest.
SO who do you think shes going to ask for help?