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Escribe una reseñaProgress: Chapter 41 (the one named "Chapter Forty" by the author). This should be more "No one under 17 admitted" and less "General Audiences". This review may contain light spoilers for the very early (mostly first) chapter. It's pretty much what I'm looking for in a story with an evil protag. Ruthless MC who still has some people he cares about and still has setbacks. Also one who knows when to back off. Writing Quality: Pretty Good. Half a star off for the occasional typo as well as grammar (such as full stops instead of question marks or a quote beginning with an apostrophe and ending with a double quote), but they are all pretty rare. Another half-point of for the Chapter Names, which are simply numbered (and off by one). I find those quite important. In my search for answers regarding my next point, I found out that the hated scrapers have chapter titles for the first 15 chaps, and those do match what I came up with in spirit. I don't know if this story once had Chapter Names or if the Pirates came up with them, either way they are better than what we have now. Stability of Updates It's black magic to me. Most reviews I see are from two years ago where according to the ToC nothing was released. Chapter 6 (the one named "Chapter Five" by the author) was released before Chapter 1 ("Prologue"). There are also pretty large gaps inbetween chapters. I can only assume that maybe there was some heavy editing involved. I'ma give three stars for the recent chapters, but have honestly no idea what to make of the dates from the ToC in terms of stability. But I will positively point out that these are long chapters. Story Development As the Sypnosis didn't make it clear for me: In the Prologue the MC goes from Broken to Slightly Overpowered, with hopes of becomming Completely Utterly Broken once he mastered Cultivation. As much as I usually dislike cultivation, this one pulls it of very nicely which I'd personally attribute to World Background. The Story progresses just fine (but without much time passing). Full marks from me. Character Design As there hasn't been much time which has actually passed in-story, we don't have that big an idea on the development. But the MC (if you forgot already: Evil, Ruthless, knows when to back off) does seem to adapt to his current situation(s). And the five years we time-skipped do seem to have made an impact (as we know he values his family). I'm letting you know that I'm not that picky here (especially when it comes to side characters, but they do seem to have personality for what I am concerned about), but I'll give it full marks. World Background We mostly only know what the MC knows when he encounters it in the world. I think this is isn't a bad thing, but I wish we knew slightly more. How many people have which cultivation rank? How many people are able to join that… institution he joins in what I think of as the second⁺ arc? As the MC doesn't seem concerned about these things (for he is one of the few people), we will also never know. We also don't know much political knowledge except for what can be found between the lines. I'll give four as what we have is sufficient for me to enjoy the work. Overall, I'd recommend it if you are into an Evil Protagonist Novel which is more then the simple "Revenge" plotline.
Good stuff honestly. the story is going great (though the weird change in his personality is kind of...weird). Anyways, the idea of creating a anti-hero is so cool and refreshing since it is usually not done well, and you do it great. I know this was something that used to get uploaded and only is getting reuploaded now, but to me it is new so I love it.
Good sh*t! I like, 5/5 recommend to anyone else. Just bugged it ended like that, but still, good sh*t! :) Maybe there were a few parts that also got me, like the weird character development or at least the first chap where for some reason Arnin, who is over a million or whatever years old, decides that his new parents, Ashia and Florian, are now worth protecting and caring for. Sure I understand his past being sh*t and messed, but like the kind of just met them and a single sentence won him over. Kinda BS, but still the story after the bs was amazing. Nice job, just hope you fix that gay **** in the beginning. He a Demon Lord out for revenge, not a bastard wanting to get adopted, ya know?
Shit ending. Good up till that point. MC had the whole "I'm hiding and someone slightly irked me, so obviously I'll make a huge scene" mentality, which was irksome. Then the story ends utterly without cause or preamble. Made sense in a more way, but it also proved the genius MC was a moron.
..Shitty of the ****tiest mc, a million year old demon lord reincarnates and all of a sudden becomes retarded, can barely cultivate, can’t fight for ****, can’t use his experience from past life in anything useful and most of all he panics everytime somebody attacks him instead of being the million year old demon lord... If it wasn’t cause of having nothing else to read I wouldn’t bother forcing myseöf to sit through this shitty cringefest which makes me literally scream out loud and smash something cause of how retarded mc is Over and out, don’t read unless you got a spare phone cause you might smash yours
Overall, the story is fantastic. However, some areas could be improved in terms of grammar. That aside, this story is rather engaging and well written.
Hello, tell me the ranks in order, confused.Thanks :) .... Novella very much, Waiting for more chapters, I definitly recommend! .....................................
Revelar spoilerI just love how evil is the mc if you’re not into violent bloodthirsty and ruthless then it’s not for you I like how introduce the characters but I don’t like that much the it all mc sometimes it annoys me as for writing quality English is not my main language but I find it pretty easy to read continue like that author-san I love your story
Waste of time. MC is a family man when it comes to mommy, sister and daddy, but just kills random people over stupid crap like wanting a tour guide. That isn't even a good demon lord, that's just a psycho MC who you can't even like. Dude can break a kid's arm over an interuption, kill families and scheme in the dark like a rat, then wants to bow his head down to mama and papa over everything. Lived for millions of years, made this world, was sad over losing his loved ones, then he himself inflicts that same pain on random people for nothing at all. I don't understand how crappy someone can be when developing character, but this author wins lol. He is either a demon lord aka 100% evil, or some b.s family/demon lord where he kills enemies but is at least tolerant to strangers like he was with the village elder and those girls. Why didn't he become evil then? They mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HIM. His behavior is such a joke based on this bad writing. But you managed to turn him into some psycho. Random people fighting against a beast, let's scheme to kill them all, muahaha. No, that is just shìtty writing. This is the so called demon lord? Seriously? A mommy's boy one chapter, a crazy MC who kills random people for nothing at all the next? Yeah, dropping this confusing pile of dog turd. And it's been out for 4 damn months and we're just on chapter 79? No thanks. Slow ass updates.
Well I don't know about other people opinion but I like the story and how even he create this world he don't know all of secretes which add a sense of mystery as he discover them and although the character of MC it's little to violence and cruel overall I like it and support it and hope more chapters are release
I love the plot and the flow of the story, it's not to slow moving or fast moving. This story is amazing and detailed. Arnin is my favorite due to his cruelty and such. I love how the author didn't make things to easy for Arnin as the protagonist and placed mysterious here and there like the memories of his sister and her tattoo/birthmark. The world backround is easy to understand I guess. The character design is great and detailed.
I think that your writing is great! Although I am poor and can’t support you on Patreon, I have voted for this novel with all my spare accounts. I hope you continue this awesome story and release more chapters! I usually don’t read originals because I’m afraid that if I find a good story and the author stops writing my fragile heart can take it. Please don’t do that to me, because I am already very attached 🙏🏻
to all those who are still on the fence thinking if they should start with this novel or not, trust me give it a go. With just 4 chaps you will be hooked. The story has alot of potential to cross atleast 500 chaps with the beautiful world building and the best part is that the author is not rushing the story or making the MC too op right off the bat. The MC is op but not like crazy world destroying at 5 years of age op. Regarding the MC not acting as a demon lord, what do you expect, MC was a demon lord in this previous life but that dosent mean he has to be a ruthless bloodthirsty killer that kills everyone within sight. Author if you can just concentrate on he human continent ark for some time and then venture into the other continents, it will be an awesome novel. Thanks for your efforts, i very much enjoying it.
Revelar spoilerThe term evil differs with what the society constitutes as evil and it differs from one society to another. What one considers as good may be bad for another. Personaly i dont find the mc to be " evil " but he sure is stupid as f**k. The mc is protrayed to have millions of years of experience in his previous life. So even if the mc is born with an iq of 20, with accordance to his lifespan he should have considerable amount of intelligence by the time his age hit 1million. Yet the MC in his second life is completely acting without prudence and common sense !!. Patience, wisdom, intelligence, cunningness, disregard of life, prudence, serenity, presence of mind, sense of self are some characteristics that could develop wr to time. The MC had Time, lots of it. Yet he lacks the qualities that corresponds to his claimed "hundred million years of life experience ". Mr.Author, i dont know if my ramblings would hurt you. But, kindly take my review in to consideration when u create a story like this. I dont find many faults except character design.
I had read a book before and I just hated the MC as he was an evil piece of ****. So I decided to write a review about the novel. But when I scrolled through the other reviews, there was one which intrigued me. I don't remember who wrote it but I think that it fits this novel greatly. Unknown: "Authors are allowed to give their characters whatever personalities they desire. But if you make your MC a giant a***ole, who is evil and tortures people just for the fun of it, then expect that there will be those who will hate you and your novel." This is my honest opinion after reading this story. Damn I hate this novel. :( I gave this novel an honest review. the writign quality is good, the stability of updates is also good. The story development is not bad either. The character development is not something I liked at all. And the world background is a little confusing because there isn't much known yet and the cultivation levels is also explained badly. If the author could post an entirely new chapter just for the cultivation levels then I think it would be easier for the future readers.
Revelar spoilerGreat. I really like his personalities(Cuz he's so EVIL, and that's cool thought.) And the other reason I like Him cuz hes not that hypocrite. :)
Your volumes are messed up in the table of contents, please fix them. blablablablablablablablbalblabalbalbalbalbalbalbalbalbalablablabblablablabalbalaba
Beautiful I love how he's it one of types who are super strong due a certain reason, such reservation or some type of syste, and is not afraid to show how strong he is. I LOVE the way that people cultivate using orbs and how the stages make sense and are easy to k is what is better some I'm not confused on everyone strength.
Great story, with a pretty good writing quality. There aren't many grammatical errors in the writing from what I see. I'm interested in seeing how the mc will develop more as a character though. Sometimes he's just pure evil,which matches his past and later on, he starts to lose more of that caring side we see in the beginning. Hopefully we will see more of that later on. Anyways, I would recommend this story to those with an open mind and likes a good anti-hero because this mc doesn't give a damn and will sacrifice anyone, no matter the cost, in his rise to power. *Also he broke a seven-year-old's arm and killed the kid's family, early on in the story*.
Revelar spoilerVery interesting story! I'm really digging the sibling bond in this (perhaps its because I really want a brother who would protect me too? haha~) and the supportive family really warms my heart! Plot is pretty good as well and I'm excited to see the heights this the main character will reach -- of course, together with his darling family, haha! Give this novel a shot, you won't regret it!
Hey! Just started on this website! Glad my first book was yours! Love the suspense, But I think the story is moving a bit too fast! I want to know what the character is thinking about while doing the deeds that he commits. Anyway I will follow your Patreon! I want the early chapter! so keep on releasing them early so I can read them before everyone here can! Thanks so much
Hey great book! But I think some parts such as chapter 1 and 2 are a bit rushed i think. I think if u slowed down a bit and extended the story by explaining the emotions and monologues, it would make the story even better and worth reading. If me as a reader got an insight to the Demon child's mind it would make the story even better. It just a suggestion for the future chapters. Thanks!
So far a very interesting story. I like the style of writing. (140 characters, 140 characters,140 characters,140 characters,140 characters,140 characters)
This story is very dark and evil. I think that It has some potential but as all really evil stories it is quite useless and future development is easy to predict. It is obvious that really evil characters are basically sociopaths, so such stories become dull really fast and can become only worse in future. There is too many really evil things in real world so I do not recommend such read for anyone.
So far at the time of this review there are 18 chapters. The story so far has a fairly consistant MC personality wise, and takes the word demonic to a whole new level xanxia wise. We’re not talking “Guy who won’t bother people” standard, we’re talking “Will slaughter anyone who comes in his path” demonic. The only other character as evil as our MC here is Tarun from Sovereign Of Blood from my knowledge. Though, this is only hinted at until about 15 chapters in. As the other dude pointed out it’s a really nice touch him discovering his power, as that aspect MCs usually just ignore it or magically know it. Can’t talk about much else considering the story is so young, but it’s good so far.
I love this story. Escpeically since aarin is so frwaking clever to trick older more experienced (in the current world) into things that they didnt even think to comprenhend. Im dying of laughter. Keep up the good work
I was going to give 4.9 for character dev but I can't rate that so I gave it 4 cause of his mama Spam folder on the universe is going to be on your face and deleted just got the way I am writing is just to get to be on your face when they have no choice but in Europe but to be on your face when they are in Europe has been.
Words cant describe how good a book is you have to read it and since everyone is different some might not like this but i personally recommand this and support it with ur stones as the story is nice and is frequently updated by the author ** if you read though my entire comment then wow thanks for reading i guess
Intresting story. I hope it will stay like that in later chapters. I think it would have been better if you used china names like Yi Xiao Yun Feng Zhao Chu Che Lin Ling and other. I just read so many china novels its wierd to see different names. Will MC keep his ruthlessnes from his past life? I dont want him to be soft hearthed.
So this is my second novel and is (in my opinion) the better of the the two. Please give me feedback as to what you think about it and what you wish to see. I have also read many novels and know the basic concerns of many readers. If you any of you guys are wondering, my first novel is also in a state of incomplete and will be getting updated by me. However, I will be focusing on this novel more then my first. But if you would like to check it out, you can go to Wattpad and search for the book title, "The Lost Shadow", it will be under a similar pen name. If views on my other novel increase and it becomes something people start to like then I will continue that novel as well. :)
Progress: Chapter 41 (the one named "Chapter Forty" by the author). This should be more "No one under 17 admitted" and less "General Audiences". This review may contain light spoilers for the very early (mostly first) chapter. It's pretty much what I'm looking for in a story with an evil protag. Ruthless MC who still has some people he cares about and still has setbacks. Also one who knows when to back off. Writing Quality: Pretty Good. Half a star off for the occasional typo as well as grammar (such as full stops instead of question marks or a quote beginning with an apostrophe and ending with a double quote), but they are all pretty rare. Another half-point of for the Chapter Names, which are simply numbered (and off by one). I find those quite important. In my search for answers regarding my next point, I found out that the hated scrapers have chapter titles for the first 15 chaps, and those do match what I came up with in spirit. I don't know if this story once had Chapter Names or if the Pirates came up with them, either way they are better than what we have now. Stability of Updates It's black magic to me. Most reviews I see are from two years ago where according to the ToC nothing was released. Chapter 6 (the one named "Chapter Five" by the author) was released before Chapter 1 ("Prologue"). There are also pretty large gaps inbetween chapters. I can only assume that maybe there was some heavy editing involved. I'ma give three stars for the recent chapters, but have honestly no idea what to make of the dates from the ToC in terms of stability. But I will positively point out that these are long chapters. Story Development As the Sypnosis didn't make it clear for me: In the Prologue the MC goes from Broken to Slightly Overpowered, with hopes of becomming Completely Utterly Broken once he mastered Cultivation. As much as I usually dislike cultivation, this one pulls it of very nicely which I'd personally attribute to World Background. The Story progresses just fine (but without much time passing). Full marks from me. Character Design As there hasn't been much time which has actually passed in-story, we don't have that big an idea on the development. But the MC (if you forgot already: Evil, Ruthless, knows when to back off) does seem to adapt to his current situation(s). And the five years we time-skipped do seem to have made an impact (as we know he values his family). I'm letting you know that I'm not that picky here (especially when it comes to side characters, but they do seem to have personality for what I am concerned about), but I'll give it full marks. World Background We mostly only know what the MC knows when he encounters it in the world. I think this is isn't a bad thing, but I wish we knew slightly more. How many people have which cultivation rank? How many people are able to join that… institution he joins in what I think of as the second⁺ arc? As the MC doesn't seem concerned about these things (for he is one of the few people), we will also never know. We also don't know much political knowledge except for what can be found between the lines. I'll give four as what we have is sufficient for me to enjoy the work. Overall, I'd recommend it if you are into an Evil Protagonist Novel which is more then the simple "Revenge" plotline.
Good stuff honestly. the story is going great (though the weird change in his personality is kind of...weird). Anyways, the idea of creating a anti-hero is so cool and refreshing since it is usually not done well, and you do it great. I know this was something that used to get uploaded and only is getting reuploaded now, but to me it is new so I love it.
Good sh*t! I like, 5/5 recommend to anyone else. Just bugged it ended like that, but still, good sh*t! :) Maybe there were a few parts that also got me, like the weird character development or at least the first chap where for some reason Arnin, who is over a million or whatever years old, decides that his new parents, Ashia and Florian, are now worth protecting and caring for. Sure I understand his past being sh*t and messed, but like the kind of just met them and a single sentence won him over. Kinda BS, but still the story after the bs was amazing. Nice job, just hope you fix that gay **** in the beginning. He a Demon Lord out for revenge, not a bastard wanting to get adopted, ya know?
Shit ending. Good up till that point. MC had the whole "I'm hiding and someone slightly irked me, so obviously I'll make a huge scene" mentality, which was irksome. Then the story ends utterly without cause or preamble. Made sense in a more way, but it also proved the genius MC was a moron.
..Shitty of the ****tiest mc, a million year old demon lord reincarnates and all of a sudden becomes retarded, can barely cultivate, can’t fight for ****, can’t use his experience from past life in anything useful and most of all he panics everytime somebody attacks him instead of being the million year old demon lord... If it wasn’t cause of having nothing else to read I wouldn’t bother forcing myseöf to sit through this shitty cringefest which makes me literally scream out loud and smash something cause of how retarded mc is Over and out, don’t read unless you got a spare phone cause you might smash yours
Overall, the story is fantastic. However, some areas could be improved in terms of grammar. That aside, this story is rather engaging and well written.
Hello, tell me the ranks in order, confused.Thanks :) .... Novella very much, Waiting for more chapters, I definitly recommend! .....................................
Revelar spoilerI just love how evil is the mc if you’re not into violent bloodthirsty and ruthless then it’s not for you I like how introduce the characters but I don’t like that much the it all mc sometimes it annoys me as for writing quality English is not my main language but I find it pretty easy to read continue like that author-san I love your story
Waste of time. MC is a family man when it comes to mommy, sister and daddy, but just kills random people over stupid crap like wanting a tour guide. That isn't even a good demon lord, that's just a psycho MC who you can't even like. Dude can break a kid's arm over an interuption, kill families and scheme in the dark like a rat, then wants to bow his head down to mama and papa over everything. Lived for millions of years, made this world, was sad over losing his loved ones, then he himself inflicts that same pain on random people for nothing at all. I don't understand how crappy someone can be when developing character, but this author wins lol. He is either a demon lord aka 100% evil, or some b.s family/demon lord where he kills enemies but is at least tolerant to strangers like he was with the village elder and those girls. Why didn't he become evil then? They mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HIM. His behavior is such a joke based on this bad writing. But you managed to turn him into some psycho. Random people fighting against a beast, let's scheme to kill them all, muahaha. No, that is just shìtty writing. This is the so called demon lord? Seriously? A mommy's boy one chapter, a crazy MC who kills random people for nothing at all the next? Yeah, dropping this confusing pile of dog turd. And it's been out for 4 damn months and we're just on chapter 79? No thanks. Slow ass updates.
Well I don't know about other people opinion but I like the story and how even he create this world he don't know all of secretes which add a sense of mystery as he discover them and although the character of MC it's little to violence and cruel overall I like it and support it and hope more chapters are release
I love the plot and the flow of the story, it's not to slow moving or fast moving. This story is amazing and detailed. Arnin is my favorite due to his cruelty and such. I love how the author didn't make things to easy for Arnin as the protagonist and placed mysterious here and there like the memories of his sister and her tattoo/birthmark. The world backround is easy to understand I guess. The character design is great and detailed.
I think that your writing is great! Although I am poor and can’t support you on Patreon, I have voted for this novel with all my spare accounts. I hope you continue this awesome story and release more chapters! I usually don’t read originals because I’m afraid that if I find a good story and the author stops writing my fragile heart can take it. Please don’t do that to me, because I am already very attached 🙏🏻
to all those who are still on the fence thinking if they should start with this novel or not, trust me give it a go. With just 4 chaps you will be hooked. The story has alot of potential to cross atleast 500 chaps with the beautiful world building and the best part is that the author is not rushing the story or making the MC too op right off the bat. The MC is op but not like crazy world destroying at 5 years of age op. Regarding the MC not acting as a demon lord, what do you expect, MC was a demon lord in this previous life but that dosent mean he has to be a ruthless bloodthirsty killer that kills everyone within sight. Author if you can just concentrate on he human continent ark for some time and then venture into the other continents, it will be an awesome novel. Thanks for your efforts, i very much enjoying it.
Revelar spoilerThe term evil differs with what the society constitutes as evil and it differs from one society to another. What one considers as good may be bad for another. Personaly i dont find the mc to be " evil " but he sure is stupid as f**k. The mc is protrayed to have millions of years of experience in his previous life. So even if the mc is born with an iq of 20, with accordance to his lifespan he should have considerable amount of intelligence by the time his age hit 1million. Yet the MC in his second life is completely acting without prudence and common sense !!. Patience, wisdom, intelligence, cunningness, disregard of life, prudence, serenity, presence of mind, sense of self are some characteristics that could develop wr to time. The MC had Time, lots of it. Yet he lacks the qualities that corresponds to his claimed "hundred million years of life experience ". Mr.Author, i dont know if my ramblings would hurt you. But, kindly take my review in to consideration when u create a story like this. I dont find many faults except character design.
I had read a book before and I just hated the MC as he was an evil piece of ****. So I decided to write a review about the novel. But when I scrolled through the other reviews, there was one which intrigued me. I don't remember who wrote it but I think that it fits this novel greatly. Unknown: "Authors are allowed to give their characters whatever personalities they desire. But if you make your MC a giant a***ole, who is evil and tortures people just for the fun of it, then expect that there will be those who will hate you and your novel." This is my honest opinion after reading this story. Damn I hate this novel. :( I gave this novel an honest review. the writign quality is good, the stability of updates is also good. The story development is not bad either. The character development is not something I liked at all. And the world background is a little confusing because there isn't much known yet and the cultivation levels is also explained badly. If the author could post an entirely new chapter just for the cultivation levels then I think it would be easier for the future readers.
Revelar spoilerGreat. I really like his personalities(Cuz he's so EVIL, and that's cool thought.) And the other reason I like Him cuz hes not that hypocrite. :)
Your volumes are messed up in the table of contents, please fix them. blablablablablablablablbalblabalbalbalbalbalbalbalbalbalablablabblablablabalbalaba
Beautiful I love how he's it one of types who are super strong due a certain reason, such reservation or some type of syste, and is not afraid to show how strong he is. I LOVE the way that people cultivate using orbs and how the stages make sense and are easy to k is what is better some I'm not confused on everyone strength.
Great story, with a pretty good writing quality. There aren't many grammatical errors in the writing from what I see. I'm interested in seeing how the mc will develop more as a character though. Sometimes he's just pure evil,which matches his past and later on, he starts to lose more of that caring side we see in the beginning. Hopefully we will see more of that later on. Anyways, I would recommend this story to those with an open mind and likes a good anti-hero because this mc doesn't give a damn and will sacrifice anyone, no matter the cost, in his rise to power. *Also he broke a seven-year-old's arm and killed the kid's family, early on in the story*.
Revelar spoilerVery interesting story! I'm really digging the sibling bond in this (perhaps its because I really want a brother who would protect me too? haha~) and the supportive family really warms my heart! Plot is pretty good as well and I'm excited to see the heights this the main character will reach -- of course, together with his darling family, haha! Give this novel a shot, you won't regret it!
Hey! Just started on this website! Glad my first book was yours! Love the suspense, But I think the story is moving a bit too fast! I want to know what the character is thinking about while doing the deeds that he commits. Anyway I will follow your Patreon! I want the early chapter! so keep on releasing them early so I can read them before everyone here can! Thanks so much
Hey great book! But I think some parts such as chapter 1 and 2 are a bit rushed i think. I think if u slowed down a bit and extended the story by explaining the emotions and monologues, it would make the story even better and worth reading. If me as a reader got an insight to the Demon child's mind it would make the story even better. It just a suggestion for the future chapters. Thanks!
So far a very interesting story. I like the style of writing. (140 characters, 140 characters,140 characters,140 characters,140 characters,140 characters)
This story is very dark and evil. I think that It has some potential but as all really evil stories it is quite useless and future development is easy to predict. It is obvious that really evil characters are basically sociopaths, so such stories become dull really fast and can become only worse in future. There is too many really evil things in real world so I do not recommend such read for anyone.
So far at the time of this review there are 18 chapters. The story so far has a fairly consistant MC personality wise, and takes the word demonic to a whole new level xanxia wise. We’re not talking “Guy who won’t bother people” standard, we’re talking “Will slaughter anyone who comes in his path” demonic. The only other character as evil as our MC here is Tarun from Sovereign Of Blood from my knowledge. Though, this is only hinted at until about 15 chapters in. As the other dude pointed out it’s a really nice touch him discovering his power, as that aspect MCs usually just ignore it or magically know it. Can’t talk about much else considering the story is so young, but it’s good so far.
I love this story. Escpeically since aarin is so frwaking clever to trick older more experienced (in the current world) into things that they didnt even think to comprenhend. Im dying of laughter. Keep up the good work
I was going to give 4.9 for character dev but I can't rate that so I gave it 4 cause of his mama Spam folder on the universe is going to be on your face and deleted just got the way I am writing is just to get to be on your face when they have no choice but in Europe but to be on your face when they are in Europe has been.
Words cant describe how good a book is you have to read it and since everyone is different some might not like this but i personally recommand this and support it with ur stones as the story is nice and is frequently updated by the author ** if you read though my entire comment then wow thanks for reading i guess
Intresting story. I hope it will stay like that in later chapters. I think it would have been better if you used china names like Yi Xiao Yun Feng Zhao Chu Che Lin Ling and other. I just read so many china novels its wierd to see different names. Will MC keep his ruthlessnes from his past life? I dont want him to be soft hearthed.
So this is my second novel and is (in my opinion) the better of the the two. Please give me feedback as to what you think about it and what you wish to see. I have also read many novels and know the basic concerns of many readers. If you any of you guys are wondering, my first novel is also in a state of incomplete and will be getting updated by me. However, I will be focusing on this novel more then my first. But if you would like to check it out, you can go to Wattpad and search for the book title, "The Lost Shadow", it will be under a similar pen name. If views on my other novel increase and it becomes something people start to like then I will continue that novel as well. :)