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90% [MHA: The Ice King] / Chapter 25: Ch.25

Capítulo 25: Ch.25

Morning came like a truck, pulling me from my dreams. I opened my eyes and rubbed my face in attempt to get the tired fatigue that comes from mornings. Once I get up and going to a sitting position at the side of the bed I feel the feeling of a good sleep, I have minor insomnia so this feeling was unfamiliar. I looked to my right to see the peacefully sleeping Tsuyu absorbed into her blanket.-

I get up and grab my phone. It is 6 in the morning. Wow, that is something, I like never wake up at that time.. Well! Best make the most of it.-

I quickly get changed and quietly sneak down stairs and take one of the keys hanging next to the door and leave the house. I was going to the store as fast as possible.-

I go to a shop within 10 minutes it was just opening. I went inside grab a bunch of food and ingredients then bought it.-

I ran back to Tsuyu home and looked at my phone, it was 6:40. Time to get breakfast started! I go inside quietly and placed my bag on the kitchen table and started cooking some breakfast. It wasn't anything super special just some egg, Becon, Sausage and some toast.-

As I was plating the breakfast I could hear the Asui family waiting from their slumber, They could probably smell the food.-

As I was placing the last piece of toast on one of the plates I could see the Asui family staring at what I made with drowling mouths and hungry eyes.-

Beru suddenly spoke up, "You made this for us Kori? Where did you get all this food from? I have yet to go shopping." She question slightly confused but still has her eyes on the food.-

I mearly laugh, "I went to the shop! Come on stop staring and start eating!" I exclaimed with a grin while talking a seat next to a plate.-

"Good enough for me." Said Ganma with a strug and to his seat at the dining table.-

Soon everyone was eating their food. "You make really good Fry ups Kori." Said Ganma taking a bite into his toast. I chuckled, of course I am- was Scottish, We are made to make fry ups. |AN- I can confirm, This is true I also make a mean Fry up.|-

"Guess I am a natural." I laughed the kids were also munching on their food. "It feels good knowing I won't have to make breakfast.." Said Beru lightly, "Well everyone deserves a break every now and then." I said smiling and she nodded thankfully.-

We all sat in silence while eating our meals. Suddenly however Ganma asked a question that made me pause, "If you don't my me asking but how did you get the type of money to afford the restaurant you and Tsu went to yesterday?" He asked wiping his face with a napkin.-

I paused in thought and Ganma took this silence as me not wanting to share the information, "Of course you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." He said and I waved him off, "Nah, I was just thinking about how I could put it in words." I began and smiled slightly, "I am an upcoming popular Author." I said grinning.-

"Wow! That's Cool! What have you been writing?!" Said Samidare excitedly, this made his parents and Tsuyu looked at him strangely at his sudden excitement.-

"Haha, I am writing something called Harry potter, I just finished the third book." I said with a smile, His eyes widened, "You wrote Harry potter!?" He exclaimed, how? Did my book get that popular.. Well that's good I guess?-

"You like reading?" I asked him while dipping my toast into the yolk of the egg. "Yeah it's a good pass time." I nodded to that and we all started making small talk while finishing our breakfast.-

After we all had finished our meals I got up. "Hey, Can I asked for a huge favour?" I said brushing my long hair to the side. Beru looked at me curious, "And that favour would be?" She asked picking up the dirty plates.-

"Can you guys babysit Gunther while I make some errands?" I asked and she nodded immediately, "Yeah that's no problem, Satsuki loves the little guy anyway." She said dismissively.-

I was currently in a plain black t-shirt with some dark gray joggers, so I was ready to go. "Alright I will be back ar 17:30 to 18:00." She nodded and I said my bye's to everyone and said I would be back at the time I told Beru, then I left.

I took the train to the city and smiled happily the whole way, I was one step closer to getting a girlfriend! If someone could read my mind they would probably wonder why a 30 something year old man is acting like this.. Well, In my past life I was very immature because of one reason I held to my chest, I am Autistic, rather I am on the Spectrum. I am on a very low level but it effects how I act to a mature level.. I always got called out for ut from my colleagues so I pretended to act mature to seem more likeable.-

I feel different in this body, I chalk that up to this being a different brain.. I don't like it, it feels like a lost a part of myself.. And it seems like I have started to mature as Age more.. that didn't happen in my past life, I stopped mentally maturing when I was 15 in my past life. I guess I no longer have Autism anymore.. I don't know how to feel about that..-

Maturity doesn't mean intelligence nor wisdom it effects how we as people emotionally act to things.. Well I guess new me huh? Well seeing how my insecurities passed on from my past life, I am still me but more developed? I guess.-

As the train stops at my destination I get up and grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. Have you ever lost something that was so apart of your self that you no longer feel whole without it? Well that's what it feels ti have lost my Autism.. Okay I am going to move on now just thinking about it is making me depressed.-

As I walked through the city I like up and smiled, I would have never been seen in the light of day in a city In my past life without being intoxicated. My anxiety wouldn't allow it. I guess I am getting better on that remark, having super powers would boost your confidence like that.-

As I suddenly stopped at a building. It said, 'Record your Dreams!' On it, This is a music studio. A place to record your own music..-

I walked inside to see a man who looked in his early 40s with long curly dirty blonde hair and black eyes.-

"Hello I am Kyotoku Jiro how can I help you today young man." Said Kyotoku with a laid back smile.-

Ah. Jiro's dad. He was in that one episode when the UA teachers were going around begging the parents not to have their kids leave the school.-

"I book the Studio for 4 hours. Kori Petrakov." His eyes widened in remembrance, "Oh! Yeah, your the guy who paid me a hundred thousand yen to rent the studio! I thought you would be older though.." he said surprised.

I smiled and awkwardly looked to the side, I was having a little trouble with this conversation. "Anyway. Follow me." He said getting up and putting down the magazine he had been reading while I came in.-

"By the way. Are you perhaps related to Kyoka Jiro?" I said slowly to make sure I did stumble on my words. This happened for the first couple moments of me talking to someone whom I haven't spoken to before, my anxiety makes me stutter and I won't allow myself to do that so I speak slowly and try to keep calm.-

"Oh, you know my daughter?" He asked curiosity in his tone. "Yeah.. she is in my class, in UA." I said and he hummed in thought.-

"Interesting, it's a small world I guess haha." He said with a chuckle, we stopped at a door and he pointed to it. "It's all their kid. Make sure not to break anything but that goes unsaid." He said walking away with a wave.-

I walked in a locked the door..-

I walked over to a computer went on it and started working out the sound I wanted to accompany my voice.-

Once I got it set up, thanks to this worlds Technology which is kinda weird by the way GarageBand has been upgraded to a higher lengths it can make any type of instrument the way the person who uses it wants.-

I go over to a mic and take a deep breath and click record…-

[Trust Me by the frey..] |AN- I recommend playing it while you are reading it will give you the feels.|

"Looking for something I've never seen

Alone and I'm in between

The place that I'm from and the place that I'm in

A city I never been

I found a friend or should I say a foe

Said there's a few things you should know

We don't want you to see we come and we go

Here today, gone tomorrow

We're only taking turns

Holding this world

It's how it's always been

When you're older you will understand

If I say who I know it just goes to show

You need me less than I need you

Take it from me we don't give sympathy

You can trust me trust nobody

But I said you and me we don't have honesty

The things we don't want to speak

I'll try to get out but I never will

Traffic is perfectly still

We're only taking turns

Holding this world

It's how it's always been

When you're older you will, understand!

And then again maybe you don't!

And then again maybe you won't!~

We're only taking turns~

We're only taking turns

Holding this world

It's how it's always been

When you're older you will understand..

When you're older you might understand..

When you're older you might understand…."

As the sounds of the drums came to an end, I took in a deep breath and smiled. "Damn I am touching myself tonight.." I mimic a iconic line from the Deadpool movie..-

That was amazing, my voice is amazing I ain't toting my own horn but wow! I felt amazing while singing that! I only played that song because I listened it to so many times in ny past life and I was salty they didn't have it in this universe.-

"Wow, Kid that was amazing.." said a voice behind me making me jump, I turned around to see the stunned eyes and genuine smile from the older man.-

He seems to have sensed my question, "I heard some real good music coming from here and I'll admit I was curious so I unlocked the door and sat here listening to you singing." He explained and I nodded slightly embarrassed. This is like someone hearing you sing in the shower…-

I take a deep breath and locked eyes with Jiro's dad. "I have one more song before I have to edit them." I said and he puts his hand up.-

"If it's as good as the one I just heard then I will edit it for you for free." He said grinning and my eyes widened, if he did it that would mean I wouldn't have to do shit! "Deal." I said matching his grin.-

I went over to the computer and added the music I had prepared while I was doing the previous one. I just wanted to get both oh them done so I could sing them back to back before editing it but now I won't have to Mauhahaha!-

I walked over to the mic and clicked record and the music plays.-

[Pompeii by Bastille.]

"Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

I was left to my own devices

Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love

Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

And if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like you've been here before?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

We were caught up and lost in all of our vices

In your pose as the dust settled around us

And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love

Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

And if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like you've been here before?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

Eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Oh, where do we begin?

The rubble or our sins?

Oh, oh, where do we begin?

The rubble or our sins?

And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love

Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

And if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like you've been here before?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

If you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu

Eh, eheu, eheu…"

As the 'Eh, eheu, eheu.' I had overlaped in a pre recording stopped I heard faint clapping from Kyotoku, "Wow, just wow.. I Heard about what happened in Pompeii in history when I was a young fellow but I haven't thought about what it was like for the people while it was happening.." he says and I nodded, I loved this song. It gave Recognition to the people of Pompeii while being good enough to look at from different prospective, for example it could be about dark times may come but if you just close your eyes it may seem like nothing changed at all..-

Nothing changed at all… maybe I should look at my Lost autism like that.. I am still me and if I close my eyes nothing changed.. well as corny it is I like the sappy shit in life.-

Soon Kyotoku was editing my songs and even polishing it to his best ability which is pretty high, dude is a master at music.-

"Done." He said handing be two disks, "Thanks." I said and he nodded and looked into my eyes, "Hey kid I have a offer for you." He said and I looked into his eyes and waited for him to continue.-

"Why don't you let me be your Music producer and editor." My eyes widened and I looked down in thought. "What percentage of the songs to you want?" I asked and he smirked.-

"20%." He said, "10%" I counter and he sighed seeing my resolute face, he isn't getting higher then 10%.-

"Deal." He said grabbing my hand.-

"Let's get these uploaded to a the Radio kid." He said grinning to which I returned.-

But first he made me sign a contract with him that he would get 10% of my money from the music and in return he would edit, produce and help my music get to the Radio.-

I told him after we got it to the radio I wanted to put it on WeTube and he agreed.-

After that I gave him my bank details so he could transfer my money earned from the Radio to my bank once he has got it confirmed.-

After that I left and took the train back to Tsuyu's.-

"Welcome back." Said Beru as I walked into the doors. "Has Gunther been Fed?" I asked curiously with no bite just wanting to know.-

"Yeah. Satsuki fed him." She said and I laidback on the couch and closed my eyes, I was exhausted..-

I soon fell asleep and beru put a blanket ob me and let me sleep…-

I was woke up to eat dinner but I went straight back to sleep after I ate.-



Another 3k words chapter!? Am I nuts? only a tiny bit..

Guys give me some song ideas that Kori could sing and make a song. He is going to be a popular singer and will get bank for it so. Just make sure the songs aren't troll songs or I will hunt you down and take your pinky fingers.

I would also like to say something I am also on the Spectrum, it isn't really obvious because I am writing behind words but it effects my daily life and that of the people around me, so don't take the Autism thing as making fun of autism, because I'm autistic myself so it would be weird to insult myself like that wouldn't it?

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I made this one extra longer because I felt bad for making you guys wait so long I was really tired and couldn't really get the motivation to write. But I am here now!

Au revoir!

next chapter
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