"Hey, beautiful," she paused, "may I know your name?" Nox asked, not really believing the words that were leaving her lips at that moment. "I'm Dunamis, Aylin Dunamis. What's yours?" Aylin spoke, her sweet, soft voice sounding to Nox as beautiful as a symphony of angels. "Nox, Scarlett Nox, and I, dear Aylin, am your mate." Came the reply, Aylin's eyes widening with realization at the revelation by the Alpha before her. ------------------------------------------------------------- A random visit to a cafe` for a fresh coffee after a soulless morning in the office is the last place Alpha Scarlett Nox expected to find her mate, a sweet-looking omega called Aylin Dunamis. As they begin to explore their lives together as mates, the universe begins to stir. Unexpected encounters, unending hostilities and reunited loved ones appear, making the two wolves begin to realise that not all is as it seems. When the secrets they suffered to keep hidden finally surface, will they be buried under the skeletons they hid in their closets? One thing that is certain is that their meeting may have been fortune's favour, but the road ahead of them had no such sentiments. ----------------------------------------------------------- This is not a slow-burn romance in any way, shape or form. It contains some Futa aspects, if not comfortable, I suggest you don't read. Also, I do not take credit for any of these character images, the credit goes to pixart. This story is in the WSA Contest, so please vote and add it to your collection! Ruthless Alpha x Fiery Omega Girl x Girl
``` Everly Eloise, una huérfana licántropa de sangre pura de veinticinco años, es contratada por un hombre rico que de repente necesitaba un cuidador. Ella aceptó el trabajo, pero lo que no anticipó fue el lado monstruoso de él. El lado de él que los medios nunca mostraron, o al menos nunca supieron. Valerio Avalanzo, un hombre europeo adinerado que fue traicionado por su amante, por lo que quedó en una condición que ocultó muy bien de todo el mundo. El incidente le hizo cambiar drásticamente. Se volvió de corazón frío, temido por la mayoría, insociable, carente de emoción y, lo peor de todo, desarrolló un profundo odio por la palabra "amor". Para un hombre que era ciego y tenía un profundo odio por el amor, se creía que era emocionalmente incapaz de amar a alguien, dejando al mundo con esa percepción de él. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando conoce a Everly Eloise, su cuidadora? ¿Qué ganará, su corazón o su odio por el amor? ¿Y qué pasa cuando descubre que Everly no es solo su cuidadora, sino también una licántropa? ¿Las criaturas que han sido enemigas de su especie durante siglos? ```
``` *Romance Histórico de Queima Lenta* Lady Elise estava prestes a trocar pelo vestido que estava jogado no canto da sua cama quando ouviu uma batida suave vindo de sua porta. Curiosa, ela girou a maçaneta e viu um homem alto se impondo à sua frente. “Mestre Ian!” Ela chamou. Ian sorriu com o sorriso maroto de sempre que ele sempre usava. Seus olhos carmesins percorreram o quarto dela e avistaram o vestido preto sobre a sua cama e direcionaram o olhar para a mulher à sua frente. Ele deu um passo à frente e falou. “Onde você conseguiu esse vestido?” “O Sr. Harland me deu.” Lady Elise respondeu e esticou o pescoço para ver as sobrancelhas de Ian se unindo em sua elegância. “Você sabe por que um homem adoraria dar um vestido a uma mulher?” Ele fez um enigma que ela sempre tinha que pensar duas vezes antes de responder. Mas dessa vez, ela não encontrou resposta e, em vez disso, balançou a cabeça. “Não sei.” Seu sorriso se tornou encantador como se algo tivesse despertado no profundo dos olhos escarlates que ele tinha. Ele lentamente deslizou sua mão pela gola do vestido dela, enviando um arrepio frio que a assustou por um momento devido a sua temperatura congelante. Depois de desabotoar os dois primeiros botões na gola, ele inclinou sua cabeça para baixo, sussurrando em seu ouvido. “Porque eles querem ser os primeiros a despir o tecido.” Ele pausou e beijou seu pescoço, tornando a pele pálida em vermelho antes de retrair seu movimento para arrumar o olhar sobre ela e respondeu de forma despreocupada. “Infelizmente, você não pode vestir o vestido ali com isso.” Ele riu e passou uma caixa para as mãos dela. “E a notícia boa é que preparei um vestido para você.” Lady Elise era uma garota amaldiçoada que podia ver fantasmas. Sua família a odiava e a jogava de uma família adotiva para outra. No entanto, a desgraça não agia sozinha. Quando ela foi criada por sua tia, foi vendida como escrava. Quando pensou que se tornaria nada mais do que um sacrifício ao feiticeiro, foi salva por um homem cuja identidade era muito diferente de um ser mitológico normal. *** Este livro é ORIGINAL e não é uma Tradução Junte-se ao discord do Autor(a): https://discord.gg/YPKueb4 ```
Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
Astrid's world implodes when a tragic accident claims her brother's life while saving her. Consumed by guilt and rejected by her grieving mother, she descends into a desolate existence marked by bullying and self-doubt. Her only solace lies in the hope offered by Magnus, the powerful Alpha destined to be her mate. However, their bond is tested as Magnus struggles to accept his feelings, leaving Astrid to navigate a perilous path of self-discovery and redemption. As she grapples with the demons of her past, Astrid must find the strength to forgive herself and embrace the love she craves, all while navigating the complexities of their werewolf world.
"When you love someone, you do not give up on them! You fight until the end!” ~Selene "I refuse to lose you !! PLEASE !!" ~Prince Alcyd "Who needs love if I have the world under my palm?" ~King Viktor Under the Blood Moon, it is told in the prophecy that a she-wolf will be born with the mixed blood of a witch and a vampire. It is revealed that Selene will rule over the supernatural world and possessing the power to unite the werewolves. Selene lost her pack and family. She vows to search for her older brother, her only remaining relative who seems to be alive. Crown Prince Alcyd McSigurd, second son of King Viktor is the most arrogant, ruthless, and most powerful among all his siblings. He is an Alpha too, though not the king of Alphas, like his father. Despite being nineteen, Alcyd is known as his father’s youngest general in the werewolf kingdom. Thus, dark forces fear the prophecy that is to come into fruition. A battle for supremacy over the supernatural world is bound to happen. Would they find love in the middle of the darkest times? Can their love sustain and thrive with all the threat that surrounds them? [Volume 1] - War of the Werewolves [Volume 2] - Legion of Vampires As the war between werewolves ended, King Lionel gathered his own forces in his own claim for supremacy. Selene and her fated Alpha unite their forces together in their attempt of taking what was rightfully destined for the new chosen one against those who dared to claim the supreme throne. [Volume 3] - Return of The Dark Lord After the Second Greatest War, Selene and Alcyd welcome another chapter in their life as Selene reign as the Supreme Ruler while Alcyd protect his loved ones from the return of the Dark Lord. Will their love be enough to conquer the darkness? Can Selene and Alcyd keep their loved ones safe from the looming threat of darkness? [Volume 4] - New Generation (Coming Soon!) (New Generation!) --- What kind of twisted fate awaits the Alpha Prince and Selene? Will there be love conquers it all or will darkness take it all? The battle between good and evil; who will stand victorious in this battle for supremacy? ============== ** 1 or 2 Chapters Release on 18:00 +8 GMT on the first week of the month ** ~ Release of chapters will only increase based on demand and support of Readers. ** For Gift or Donation in any amount is highly appreciated! All gifts are immediately spent on medicines and food for my family. ** paypal.me/madskie00017 Discord: madskie00017#8773 Instagram: @alphaprincenovel -For behind the scenes and more personal look with the making of the story THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support !! ========= *** Disclaimer: *** This novel's story, characters, and setting are all fictitious. All involved concept and terms which were used for names, institution, agencies, positions/titles, abilities, living and non-living things are all just Author's imagination. There is no association or reflection towards anybody or any organization or any entity in real life.``` —Si te vuelvo a ver, me saciaré con tu cuerpo mientras sangras, ¡príncipe! —Rosina, una mujer atormentada por un oscuro pasado, desarrolló una peligrosa obsesión que llevó a una estela de sangre y cadáveres. Una depredadora que disfrutaba de su presa antes de quitarles la vida. Siempre había despreciado la idea de tener una pareja hasta que se vio obligada a asistir a la temporada anual de apareamiento. Albergando un profundo deseo de libertad, detestaba cualquier asociación con la realeza. Durante el evento de apareamiento, se encontró con un hombre misterioso que llevaba una máscara roja sangre. Draco fue retratado como un despreocupado Tercer Príncipe que buscaba solo diversión y evitaba las responsabilidades que conllevaba la corona. Sin embargo, su encuentro con Rosina provocó un cambio en él. Se da cuenta de que para ganarse su mano en matrimonio, debe convertirse en rey. Esa transformación puso a Draco en un camino de auto-descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras se esforzaba por demostrar que era digno del amor de Rosina. ¿Su encuentro cambiaría su destino o los llevaría a la ruina? _____ Volumen 2: —Mi deber es encontrar a un noble para liderar mi manada, pero conquistaste mi corazón, plebeyo —Felissa era responsable de buscar una pareja digna de estatus y cumplir con su deber como la única hija de un Alfa, lo que la llevó a girar su vida para convertirse en una perfecta futura Luna de la manada Medianoche. Era conocida por ser tan delicada como una flor frágil, o eso creían. Detrás de su alegre sonrisa se ocultaba la oscuridad que quería ascender y apoderarse de su cuerpo. Una personalidad nacida debido al uso de la magia. Mientras Felissa buscaba a un compañero noble para satisfacer a sus padres, conoció a un plebeyo con dos identidades. Vicenzo era un hombre que vivía diferentes vidas para mantener a su madre a salvo de la manada abusiva. Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar el vínculo con su pareja para destruir al Nuevo Monarca como su tarea, pero su corazón se rompía lentamente y ansiaba el toque de su pareja. ¿Priorizarían su deber o cederían a lo que sus cuerpos deseaban? _____ Volumen 3: —Te aceptaré a pesar de todo lo que has hecho, mi querida —Gastone vivía en el mundo humano como castigo pero fue llamado de vuelta al reino de los hombres lobo por Rosina para encontrar a su pareja. No quería una debido a su situación de vida y orgullo como Príncipe caído. En el camino, salvó a una mujer problemática llamada Lucía y la llevó al reino después de que ella le suplicara que la salvara. Eso causó problemas ya que los hombres lobo eran mitos para los humanos. Con la ayuda de Draco, Gastone y Lucía se instalaron temporalmente en un lugar aislado por seguridad. Lucía había escapado de un Orfanato que trabajaba en el mercado negro. Su objetivo era detener su negocio para salvar la vida de muchas chicas pero falló después de años de planificación. Después de conocer a Gastone, tenía la intención de usarlo a su favor ya que necesitaba su esencia para sobrevivir a la maldición. ¿Florecería su amor después de descubrir grandes diferencias entre sus razas? __ [ ¡WPC #301 - Ganador del Lugar de Oro! ] . . Portada Oficial Encargada. __ Contáctame: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __ ```
"Wulfric?. Who's your mate?" I hesitated a little, still hazy from the coronation vision, "Mel Howard. The new girl." ***" Secrets at Prime academy?. Werewolves?. Werewolf with distinct colors and fur hiding amongst humans. After humans took over Prime Valley dominantly leaving the wolves to retreat back. Mel Howard thought she was going to Prime academy for a fresh start. A very very very fresh start, so fresh she's hiding her red hair to attract less attention, maybe no attention at all. A fresh start to ignore her wolf and live a normal life she had thought. But as always, where ever Mel goes, trouble follows. She completely 'unintentionally' hits the young, popular, 'to be' Lycan king on her first day of school. Now she's enemies with him and his short best friend Andrea. Mel is eventually caught in a triangle with her ex boyfriend, they Lycan king and an heir. With that unstable love life, she finds out blood moon pack wants her dead for the crime her father committed. Just great. The young Lycan Alpha receives a vision on his coronation that his Luna was Mel. He found his mate and he's not ready to lose her to the other two. Mel is caught between accepting her wolf, becoming a Luna, saving her life and accepting her true self or keep believing she's normal.
[Contenu Mature ! PAS DE VIOL !] « C'était un marché avec le chef de la mafia, un alpha suprême dans l'ombre. » Un marché avec la Mafia, la famille Petrov, c'était à ce moment-là que sa vie prit un tournant tortueux. Après avoir perdu ses parents et sa liberté, Adeline cherchait à se venger. Son premier pas était de s'impliquer avec le prochain Don d'un groupe mafieux rival, et quoi de plus irritant pour la famille Petrov que de découvrir qu'elle avait conclu un accord avec l'héritier Kuznetsov ? César Romanovich Kuznetsov, la mafia russe souvent appelée 'Tsar' par les humains, était le seul homme capable de faire tomber ses ennemis. Cependant, Adeline ignorait l'étrange lien entre eux. César ne désirait rien de plus que le pouvoir—d'instiller la peur et de dominer ses ennemis. Mais cela était jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre l’épouse forcée de son ennemi. Fascination, frisson, et le besoin de la défaire… Imaginez sa surprise. Il ne reculerait devant rien pour brûler le monde entier si c'était le souhait d'Adeline. Mais en échange de la conclusion du marché, César ne voulait rien de plus qu'un simple baiser de son âme soeur ! ——— Comment me contacter : >>>Instagram : peachbunbun999 >>>Discord : peachbunbun999 suivez sur Instagram ^^
[Book’s First Volume is Complete] “There are chosen ones in this world, ones that are born with extremely-high luck and ridiculous talent, unlike us lowly ones who can only wait to grow old and die.” Just like those popular stories he had read online, in this brand-new world where people pursue immortality, Shenshah thought that he too was someone destined to be great. Sadly, years have passed since he transmigrated yet he is still an average person struggling to find his place. Just when Shenshah was about to completely give up on his goals, a strange voice interrupted his thoughts… [Create Family and Earn Rewards System Activated…] “What?” -Never in his wildest dreams did he expected that bringing a wife home would change his fate! ……… Don’t worry as there’s [NO NTR] [NO Yuri] as author strongly disdains such genre. …….. Additional tags- (Lesbian/yuri girl turned straight by mc) (No dense mc) (no hidden pretending to be a big shot) (No Filler chapters) (crisp to the point plot) (No useless mysterious backgrounds) (no beta mc) (Tsundere) (yandere) (Human-non human relationship) (harem) (comedy) (smart and observant mc) (netori) (blackmail) (bloodshed) (Obsessive lovers) (marriage) (pregnancies) (Wholesome love) (elves/werewolves/vampires/dwarves/demons) (regret?) **Cover as well as character Ai images are made and edited by me using Fotor Pro Ai app. To join the author invite only discord server please add me on discord -c2#8780. ——-x——-x—— **English used is mostly Uk/British version.Un hybride demi-humain sans loup. C'était tout ce que représentait Harper Gray. Pour échapper aux abus incessants de sa famille, Harper saisit la première occasion de fuir au moment où sa meute fut attaquée. Mais dans les décombres du chaos et de la ruine, elle trouva son compagnon. Malheureusement, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que la Déesse de la Lune l'associe avec le tueur le plus notoire du pays ― Damon Valentine, l'Alpha de la meute qui avait décimé la sienne. Les récits de ses cruels méfaits s'étaient répandus à grande échelle. Chaque loup-garou connaissait le nom ; même certains humains le craignaient, et Harper n'était pas une exception. Elle n'avait aucun projet d'être liée à quelqu'un d'aussi terrifiant que Damon Valentine, et elle ferait tout pour briser le lien. Cependant, Damon Valentine n'avait pas l'intention de laisser sa petite compagne s'échapper. Capturée, Harper fut ramenée à la meute de Damon ― non pas en tant que future Luna, mais en tant que nouvelle esclave de la meute. Pour compliquer encore les choses, Damon n'était pas le seul homme à qui la Déesse de la Lune avait destiné Harper. Blaise Valentine — le frère jumeau de Damon — s'intéressait également à leur nouvelle esclave. Les frères Valentine avaient leur part de conflits mais étaient d'accord sur une chose : ils ne laisseraient jamais partir Harper. ― Avertissement : - Dubcon - Thèmes R18 ― Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU
—Era un trato con el jefe de la mafia, un alfa supremo en las sombras. Un trato con la Mafia, la familia Petrov, fue cuando su vida tomó un giro retorcido. Tras perder a sus padres y su libertad, Adeline buscó venganza. Su primer paso fue involucrarse con el próximo Don de un grupo mafioso rival, y ¿qué podría ser más infuriante para la familia Petrov que descubrir que había hecho un trato con el heredero Kuznetsov? César Romanovich Kuznetsov, la mafia rusa a menudo llamada 'Zar' por los humanos, era el único hombre que podía derribar a sus enemigos. Sin embargo, Adeline desconocía la extraña conexión entre ellos. César no deseaba nada más que el poder: infundir miedo y dominar a sus enemigos. Pero eso fue hasta... que conoció a la esposa impuesta de su enemigo. Fascinación, emoción, y la necesidad de desmoronarla... Imagina su sorpresa. Él no vacilaría en quemar el mundo entero si eso es lo que Adeline deseara. Pero a cambio de sellar el trato, ¡César no quería más que un simple beso de su pareja! —— Cómo contactarme: >>>Instagram: peachbunbun999 >>>Discord: peachbunbun999 sigue en Instagram ^^
``` CONCLUÍDO | AVISO - Este NÃO é um livro de Romance com Lobisomens! É um erótico e inclui diversas cenas de sexo. Alfa Vishous e sua namorada Ava são lobisomens vivendo em uma matilha. Após completarem os rituais, Ava tornou-se a Luna da matilha, Entretanto não é o fim de todos os rituais. Leia a jornada de mais Rituais desconhecidos pelos quais Ava talvez tenha que passar. Sozinha. --- Agora você pode comprar diretamente toda a série deste livro comigo acessando: reamstories.com/krystalwatt Lá também estão disponíveis outros livros e mais eróticos para você ler e desfrutar. Grupo no FB: fb.com/groups/krystalwatt / Pack da Krystal Watt: Um Clube para Leitores Página: fb.com/ktish7 Instagram: @authorkrystalwatt ```
Isabella Martini, all she ever wanted was to find her mate and live a peaceful life with him. But all of that comes spirally down when she is accused of killing her sister. Despite being the daughter of the Beta of the Blood Moon Pack, no one believed her, not even her Alpha, Alpha Gael Romano. To make amends for the crime she did not commit, she agrees to marry Alpha Romano. But that does not go as planned, and when she realizes that he plans to kill her, that is her final straw. Now a broken soul, she wanders into the rogue territory, trying to build her life again. Arlo Bianchi, Alpha of the Black Knight Pack. He has been whispered as Death for the numerous deaths that stain his hands. Everyone is afraid of the monster he has become, but what would happen when Isabella stumbles upon his land? Will he kill her on sight, or will she be the key to his cold heart? Find out more in this book.
#volume1:completed “Call me Gabriel Moonfire, a young alpha of the Silver Wolf Pack, sworn protectors of the human realm," he introduced himself with a voice that held a mixture of authority and weariness. "You have trespassed into Wolfdale during the full moon, disregarding the sacred laws that govern our kind. By doing so, you have placed yourself in grave danger." "I... I didn't know," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and remorse. Liz stared in astonishment at the young man before her, standing tall and unashamed, completely devoid of clothing. At first glance, he was undeniably handsome, exuding an aura of reliability. The only thing that sent shivers down Liz's spine was the fact that he stood before her completely naked. "Um... excuse me?" Liz managed to stammer, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and disbelief. "Aren't you... aren't you aware that you're... uh, naked?" The young man's lips curled into a smug smile, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, dear," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You're on the brink of death, and yet you're concerned about my nudity?" !!!The book cover is my personal property!!! ~~~ #war #slowburn #conspiracy #legends #prophecy In the mystical forests of Silverwood, a prophecy foretold the coming of a child who would become the Alpha of all werewolf packs in the world. This child, known as the Moonchild, was said to be the descendant of the sacred Moonlit werewolf clan. While the Moonlit werewolves lived peacefully secluded in the forest, many other packs resided in the city, operating as powerful mafia organizations that controlled the underground world and influenced political decisions through alliances with corrupt leaders. One fateful day, the ShadowNight pack launched a brutal attack on the Moonlit clan. They slaughtered all the males and captured the young females to be used for their twisted desires. The cover is commission!!! #war #conspiracy #legends #smut —— disclaimer: - 18+ above, please be wise - Previous story: Undressed by the Half-beast Prince - slow burn love story - explicit content will be cautioned at the begginingbof chapter - the cover is commissionedLily ist die Tochter eines Betas. Und ihr Gefährte? Er ist der erstgeborene Sohn des Alphas. Als sie entdecken, was sie füreinander sind, ist es schon ein bisschen zu spät. Denn ihr geliebter Gefährte ist mit seiner Schande im Schlepptau nach Hause gekommen. Eine Wölfin, die er geschwängert hat, als er den Sommer über im Norden trainierte. Er hat ihren Mond zerschmettert. Aber die Wölfin hat ein Geheimnis. Und Lily wird nicht zulassen, dass sie ihr so einfach das stiehlt, was ihr gehört. ** Diese Geschichte ist voller Wendungen, die dich zum Weinen, Lachen, Wütendwerden, Telefonieren usw. bringen werden. Es ist eine Reise, die du lieben wirst und nicht von Lily, Eve und Zain loslassen kannst. Ich hoffe, auch Sie werden die Geschichte lieben und die Einladung annehmen, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, die Sie erfüllt und mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht zurücklässt.
La vie d'Anne prend un tournant inattendu lorsqu'elle rencontre son âme sœur, le prince loup Alpha Damien. Son monde vole en éclats lorsqu'il la rejette, la bannissant de la meute et la condamnant à l'exil. Pour échapper à une mort certaine, Anne s'enfuit vers le monde des humains, cachant sa véritable nature et le secret qu'elle porte. Cinq ans plus tard, Anne a construit une nouvelle vie parmi les humains, élevant son fils en paix. Lorsque Damien tombe inopinément sur Anne et découvre leur enfant, l'héritier de sa meute, d'anciennes blessures se rouvrent, et des liens oubliés sont ravivés. Damien est déterminé à reconquérir ce qu'il a perdu, mais Anne n'est plus la louve brisée qui l'aimait autrefois. Elle est plus forte, farouchement protectrice, et refuse de souffrir à nouveau. Alors que Damien lutte pour regagner sa confiance et intégrer leur fils dans son héritage, ils doivent naviguer sur un chemin de trahison, de rédemption et d'ennemis inconnus. Anne peut-elle pardonner le passé et accepter un avenir avec l'homme qui a autrefois brisé son cœur ? Et Damien peut-il prouver qu'il est digne de l'âme sœur et de l'enfant qu'il a abandonnés ?
[COMPLETED || WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // this is the only warning for the book] "I'll see you in the next life, mother," the young boy said, his eyes swollen from crying for several days. ---- Exiled from Udrad after the public stoning of his parents, Alanor Wynter swore on his parents' graves, to bring the lycan kingdom to its knees. So he became the rogue they despised and the devil they all feared. He was a monster, but they had created him, and he was bad. Alanor was the kind of evil that no dictionary even had a description for yet. He had vowed against Udrad's peace until he got his revenge, and no one would stop him, not even the mate the fates had forced on him. After all, he didn't believe in the fated mates. Alanor believed in REVENGE.4.81
Theodore was not satisfied with just looking at her, he wanted to touch her. He slowly raised his hand and approached Princess Adeline. But Adeline subconsciously pulled back and shouted again, “I have already warned you, not to do anything like before. Or else I will…” Instantly, Theodore’s cheerful face turned grim. His golden eyes were now blood red and were staring very deeply at Adeline’s eyes. He was starting to emit a dark aura around him. Before Adeline could react, in the very next moment, Theodore pushed Adeline flat on the bed and was on top of her. He pinned both of her hands down with his hands and whispered near her ear, “Or else you will what? You will shout for your maids again?” Theodore sniffed in the sweet aroma that Adeline was giving off and gave a wicked smile, “Oh! I want you to try. I want you to try calling for your maids again. But don’t be shocked when I seal your juicy lips with my own lips.” Adeline had never in her life expected to see this side of Theodore. Yes, she knew he was the Devil but... [Book 1 Synopsis] Princess Adeline is the youngest child of King Dragomir of Wyverndale. She is detested by her stepmothers because she is born to a concubine – the only woman whom the King loved. And she is envied by her stepbrothers and stepsisters for being adored and loved by the King. Blinded by jealousy, the first Queen orders Princess Adeline to be kidnapped and thrown into the faraway Devil’s Cave as an offering. Her fate was to die that evening. However, her fate got rewritten by the very creature who was supposed to take her to her deathbed. The Devil took pity on the Princess and even went as far as sharing his demonic power with her. Ever since that day, her fate was bound to the Devil Prince of Hell – Prince Theodore. With time, love blooms between the son of God and the daughter of humans. They are madly in love and they want nothing more than to be together forever. However, with the rise of several enemies, from other fallen angels, supernatural creatures, and even God himself, will they get their forever after? [Book 2 Synopsis] **Spoiler alert for Book 1** Adeline and Theodore have a beautiful daughter – Ariel. She is the definition of perfection because God himself created her to be without any flaws. God wants to hand over the whole universe to his granddaughter and retire from his duty as the Supreme Being. However, nobody else wants that future for Ariel. Ariel, on the other hand, is oblivious to her grandfather’s plan for her. She is a free spirit who always has a wide smile on her face. And the only thing she wants to do is go on adventures with her childhood friend – Damien and her cousins. But will she be able to maintain the smile on her face upon being faced by God? Will she be able to maintain her friendship with Damien when he discovers a gut-wrenching truth – that Theodore was the one to kill his father? Follow me on Instagram for more. https://www.instagram.com/sani_mimosa/ This art was commissioned from Shu G Sin. Find him on Insta gram @shu_g_sinLily é filha de um Beta. E o seu companheiro? Ele é o filho mais velho do Alpha. Quando eles descobrem o que são um para o outro, é um pouco tarde demais. Porque seu amado companheiro voltou para casa com a sua vergonha a reboque. Uma loba que ele engravidou enquanto treinava no norte durante o verão. Ele destruiu a lua deles. Mas a loba tem um segredo. E Lily não vai deixar que ela leve o que é dela tão facilmente. ** Essa história está cheia de reviravoltas que vão fazer você chorar, rir, ficar com raiva, jogar o celular, etc. É uma jornada que você vai amar, incapaz de se desvencilhar de Lily, Eve e Zain. Espero que você também ame a história e aceite o convite para embarcar em uma jornada que o deixará realizado e com um sorriso no rosto.