Wenige Minuten vor ihrer Hochzeit fand Jeslyn heraus, dass ihr zukünftiger Ehemann nur auf den Nutzen aus war, den er aus der Heirat mit ihr ziehen würde. Mit gebrochenem Herzen und dem Gefühl, betrogen worden zu sein, entschied sie sich für die einzige Möglichkeit, die ihr in diesem Moment zur Verfügung stand: eine Vertragsehe mit einem Mann, den sie finden konnte, sonst würde das Vermögen ihrer Familie in den Händen ihrer Feinde landen. ... "Mister, bitte, wollen Sie mich heiraten?" Fragte sie ihn. Ein Mann, den sie auf der Toilette des Hochzeitshauses sah. Er muss einer der Gäste sein", dachte sie. Maverick war von diesem Vorschlag überrascht. Er sah, wie sie zusammenzuckte, als er sich umdrehte und sie ansah. Es war offensichtlich, dass sie sich vor ihm fürchtete, doch sie nahm sich zusammen und war bereit, in das Geheimnis einzutauchen, das vor ihr lag. "Es wird ein Ehevertrag sein. Wir werden uns nach einem Jahr scheiden lassen", hörte er sie sagen. Er brauchte auch eine Frau für seine Göre, also antwortete er: "Abgemacht." Ohne dass sie es wusste, schloss sie gerade einen Vertrag mit dem süßesten Teufel, den es je gab. ... Er ist der Albtraum von Land M, einem Land, in dem das Böse regiert. Sie ist das kleine Häschen, das mit Liebe und Zuneigung aufgezogen wird. Eine Fliege verletzen? Nein, das hatte sie noch nie getan. Doch als sie gezwungen wurde, die Frau des Dämons zu werden, hatte sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre falsche Rolle abzulegen. Welches kleine Häschen? Wer hat gesagt, dass sie nicht mit ihren Absätzen auf die Finger eines Pianisten treten und so tun konnte, als ob sie es nicht so gemeint hätte? Ha, diese Berühmtheiten wollen die Mitleidskarte ausspielen? Wollen sie die Sympathie der Öffentlichkeit erlangen? Nun, warum wird sie wieder als 'Häschen' bezeichnet? Ist es nicht, weil sie die Beste darin war, niedlich zu wirken? Hat denn niemand diesen weißen Lotusblumen, die sich in das Bett ihres Mannes stürzen wollen, gesagt, dass sie seine Seele gestohlen hat, als sie seinem unartigen Sohn den Hintern versohlte?
Quelques minutes avant son mariage, Jeslyn découvrit que son futur mari n'était intéressé que par les avantages qu'il obtiendrait en l'épousant. Le coeur brisé et se sentant trahie, elle opta pour la seule option disponible à ce moment-là, celle de conclure un contrat de mariage avec n'importe quel homme qu'elle pourrait trouver, sinon la fortune de sa famille tomberait aux mains de ses ennemis. … "Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, voulez-vous m'épouser ?" lui demanda-t-elle. Un homme qu'elle vit entrer dans les toilettes du lieu de mariage. 'Il doit être l'un des invités', pensa-t-elle. Maverick fut surpris par cette proposition. Il la vit tressaillir lorsqu'il se tourna pour la regarder. Il était évident qu'elle avait peur de lui, mais elle se ressaisit, prête à plonger dans le mystère qui se présentait devant elle. "Ce sera un contrat de mariage. Nous divorcerons après un an," l'entendit-il dire. Il avait également besoin d'une femme pour son fils, alors il répondit : "Marché conclu." À son insu, elle venait de conclure un accord avec le diable le plus doux qui puisse exister. ... Il est le cauchemar du pays M, un pays où le mal règne. Elle est la petite lapine élevée avec amour et affection. Blesser une mouche ? Non, elle n'avait jamais fait cela auparavant. Cependant, forcée de devenir la femme du démon, elle n'avait pas d'autre choix que de se défaire de sa fausse personnalité. Quelle petite lapine ? Qui a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas écraser les doigts d'un pianiste avec ses talons et faire semblant de ne pas le faire exprès ? Ha, ces célébrités veulent jouer la carte de la pitié ? Veulent-elles attirer la sympathie du public ? Eh bien, pourquoi est-elle encore appelée une "petite lapine" ? N'est-ce pas parce qu'elle était la meilleure pour jouer les mignonnes ? Personne n'a dit à ces lotus blancs qui voulaient plonger dans le lit de son mari qu'elle avait volé son âme lorsqu'elle avait donné une fessée à son fils turbulent ?
***Together, they were like fire and ice.*** Damon pursued, ready to conquer while Alexander ran, trying so hard to remain cold and guarded. Alexander had thought guarding the sick crown prince was something so easy until he found himself cruelly yet so innocently tempted. ***excerpt*** "You will stay the hell away from me." Alexander threatened, his voice hard and tortured as he tried to recover from his emotional rollercoaster. "Oh really?" Damon drawled as he held up a wine glass to his lips, taking a sip as his eyes looked at the man that was standing quite a distance from him, ready to bolt. "Yes and I mean it your highness." Alexander replied and he watched the mischievous gleam that entered the prince's clear blue eyes that were quite a welcome compliment to his thick silver hair. "Alright." he relented and Alexander blinked, surprised but his relief lasted for seconds. "We will see how far you can run my honorable knight. Oh and just so you know, I love a good chase." Damon assured and it didn't take Alexander ages to know that he had close to no winning chance when it came to this one man. Oh yes, he was doomed...so sweetly doomed.... ... Hey guys, I have decided to try writing something new, a genre I haven't tried before but one that I find interesting enough to explore. This book is a romance BL novel and if you are one that likes the genre or loves to try new things, please don't hesitate to try out my new book. Also, feel free to check out my other novel... The heiress's revenge: A rise from the ashes. Thank you!* At night He was rugged and untamed. That one steamy night left Grace utterly captivated. She coyly stretched out her dainty, snow-white feet, hooking them around his waist as she softly laid down her terms: For the first time, no staying overnight. The second time, the moment he got himself a significant other, she'd vanish from his side. Later on, their liaison would remain strictly on a physical level. No strings of money attached, no emotional fetters, just the most primal and unadulterated desires that flared up when night fell, entwining them like a web spun by countless spiders. And once the moment had passed, she'd straighten her skirt and turn her back on him, cold as ice. *During daytime He was the heir to a vast business empire, now impeccably dressed in a sharp suit, exuding an air of aristocratic reserve. He extended his hand to her with a polite smile, “Hello, Grace.” Grace gritted her teeth in secret dismay. She hastened to call off whatever was brewing between them, only to find herself cornered against the dressing room by the man, with no way out. In that cramped space, he was a relentless predator, and she, his irresistible quarry. His firmness pressed against her soft curves, setting every inch ablaze. Outside the door, her female colleagues were swooning over his chiseled abs. Just a thin partition away, he locked his arm around her willowy waist, seized her delicate hand, and guided it to rest on his taut abdomen, his voice dripping with a sultry allure, “Thought you could slip away? It's far too late for that.”
After finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, Qiao Sisi slept with a handsome stranger she picked up at the bar, only to wake up and realize that he was Zheng Zeyi, the cousin of her deadly rival, Yang Yueyue. She fled the room in a fluster, and put the embarrassing drunken fumble behind her. Unexpectedly, the cold, roguish Zheng Zeyi came to her with a proposal—enter into a contractual engagement with him! It was a tempting offer Sisi could not resist, and it came with other perks. He could help her get a foot in the door of the prestigious Jinyu Company. It was a dream come true for an aspiring jewelry designer like her! Sisi threw herself into the career opportunity of a lifetime, and as she exchanged barbs with Zeyi, she felt the first stirrings of attraction to him. Meanwhile, the resentful Yueyue was determined to thwart both her ambition and her blossoming relationship with her cousin.4.57
A one-night stand was all she wanted, but that was never his style. Still, they ended up together in a night of passion. No names, no feelings, and no complications. Heiress and advocate lawyer Daniella Hamilton had never wanted her inheritance, only wishing to live a simple life. Still, she ended up in the center of an intense war for power. Now, she had to find the balance between the life she dreamt of and the life that she was meant to have. Enigmatic and brilliant CEO Prince Alexander Princeton renounced his title to his birthright, believing that true power should come from building his own legacy. However, the kingdom faced a new dilemma where he was asked to serve his people and sit on the throne. Separated after their one night of wild adventure. They thought that their unexpected encounter was an isolated incident. However, fate had something else in mind, as they find their way back in each other’s arms, not in a passionate embrace but with a contract that would bind them for a long time. Would their agreement fulfill their dreams, or would it end in a disastrous union? [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] *** Nominated in the WSA - Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 Thanks to all my readers for all your support. You have been a great inspiration during my journey in writing this story. I would have never made it if not for your encouragement through your votes, comments, reviews, golden tickets, gifts, and continued support. Thank you so much. COVER PHOTO - Commissioned by Vatarison Instagram: bishop_1275[Dieses Baby gehört mir, und du auch", erklärte er und zeigte auf Kates Bauch, während seine tiefgrünen Augen Kate wie eine Viper anstarrten, die zum Angriff bereit war. Kate konnte nicht glauben, dass er - Henry Grant, ihr neuer Chef, acht Jahre jünger als sie - der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war. "Wir sollten von vornherein zusammen sein. Aber ich werde dich vor die Wahl stellen. Geh und leide mit deinem Versager-Ehemann, oder komm mit mir und ich zeige dir den Spaß, den du verpasst hast." ===== In den letzten fünf Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32, immer geglaubt, sie sei unfruchtbar. Sie war nicht in der Lage, ein Kind zu zeugen, und ihr unzuverlässiger Ehemann Matt beschimpfte sie immer wieder deswegen. Er nannte sie eine nutzlose Frau, obwohl er selbst nie einen Job gefunden hatte, und zwang Kate dazu, die alleinige Ernährerin der Familie zu sein. Und dann hatte er auch noch die Frechheit, sie mit ihrer eigenen Schwester zu betrügen! Mit gebrochenem Herzen flüchtete Kate spät in der Nacht mit vier Flaschen starken Rotweins in ihr Büro. Zu ihrer Überraschung war sie nicht allein. Ein gut aussehender junger Mann stand in ihrem Büro und beobachtete sie. Er weigerte sich, ihr seinen Namen zu nennen, bot ihr aber an, ihr die Nacht über Gesellschaft zu leisten. Da Lust und Alkohol durch ihre Adern flossen, gab sich Kate bereitwillig ihren niedersten, am meisten unterdrückten Instinkten hin und verführte den namenlosen, aber willigen Besucher. In ihrem Vollrausch erklärte sie kühn: "Wenn mein Mann mit jeder Frau auf der Welt schlafen will, dann können zwei dieses Spiel spielen." Es war ihr egal, ob sie es roh taten, da sie immer dachte, sie sei unfruchtbar. Nur um einen Monat später auf einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest zu starren. Kate Woods, die vermeintlich "unfruchtbare Frau", war schwanger. Der Fremde hatte in einer Nacht geschafft, was Matt in fünf Jahren nicht geschafft hatte. - Nun, da Henry sie vor die Wahl gestellt hat, würde Kate ihren Versager-Ehemann verlassen und sich mit diesem jungen Mann in das Meer der Ungewissheit stürzen? Oder würde sie bei Matt bleiben, ihrem Mann, der sie um ihrer Familien willen betrogen hat?
October is a woman who was cold and devoid of emotions. This was true, until she met Lexus who let her experience a whirlwind of emotions she never thought she had with a gift she never thought she'll receive. Lanna October Park is the calm and charismatic Assistant Director of the Halo Company. She talks only when needed and was not yet seen smiling by her colleagues which made her known as the Halo Company's Ice Director. But unknown to them, she was in fact the eldest daughter of the Park Real Estate Empire of the whole City D. Indifferent with her family's wealth, she decided to be independent and climb the ranks in the business world using her own capability but her stepmother is more threatened by her and so baked a lot of schemes to bring her down and make her unfit to inherit the business. Because October let her guard down for just once, she fell for one of her stepmother's schemes and was then became the talk of the city the very next day. Unbeknownst to her stepmother, the man she was with was in fact the notorious CEO, Lexus Song. Getting her innocence was one but getting pregnant was another making her career and work credibility being questioned. "I'll take responsibility." He said. "No need. I'm already responsible enough to take care of my child." She rejected and turned to leave but was then yanked back and bumped into his hard chest. "Then take responsibility to me." He said shamelessly as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You took my innocence so you have to take responsibility, dear wife."[MATURE CONTENT] Betrayed by her sister, Nidia South ended up having a one-night stand with a random man. Eight months later, her premature pregnancy made it to the news. Jackson Cunningham, Baile City's business tycoon, immediately recognized her on the news and forcefully took custody of their child. However, the child only wanted his mother's breast milk, hence Nidia was brought to the mansion as well. She had thought that this was a cold and cruel man, a cold-blooded capitalist, but in reality... she was the girl of his dreams, he had been longing for her for ten years. Jackson did everything in his power to be able to keep her in his life, all he wanted to do was take care of her and spoil her.
Five years ago, she was schemed to have one-night stand with a stranger, resulting in a mysterious pregnancy. Meanwhile, at her engagement party, she was humiliated by her fiancé, abandoned by her family, becoming the most notorious woman in the city. He is the powerful and enigmatic heir to a conglomerate who unexpectedly enters her life. From then on, her stepmother is utterly defeated, her ex-fiancé begs for forgiveness, and her stepsister pleads for mercy repeatedly. He, ruthless as ever, declares domineeringly, "She's mine. Who dares to impose on her?" Everyone is stunned and shocked. Her life undergoes a drastic change.
``` Le mariage n'est pas une solution miracle quand on tombe enceinte subitement. Loreen l'a appris par expérience. D'une femme de carrière, elle a accepté de devenir femme au foyer quand elle est tombée enceinte subitement lors d'une aventure d'un soir avec un inconnu. Mais après quelques mois, elle a fait une fausse couche. Ils ont essayé à nouveau pendant des années sans succès. Jusqu'à ce que cela les mène ici... « Signe ces papiers de divorce et fiche le camp d'ici, » exigea son mari. Doit-elle être divorcée et couverte de honte parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas avoir d'enfants ? Un mariage et une relation amoureuse ne peuvent-ils pas exister sans que le couple ait ses propres enfants ? . . . C'est lui qui l'a abandonnée. Mais attendez, 200 appels et 100 messages. 'C'est quoi le problème avec ce type, bon sang ?!' . . _________________________ Cadeaux et Bonus Magic Castle = 5 chapitres bonus Spacecraft = 10 chapitres bonus Golden Gachapon = 15 chapitres bonus *Note : Les chapitres bonus seront publiés au début du mois suivant ou après réception des cadeaux/s. Cela dépend des stocks de chapitres disponibles. Hihi. ```
After witnessing her fiancé sleeping with another woman, Su Yu got herself drunk at a bar out of sadness and rage. At the end of the night, she accidentally slept with a ‘poor scoundrel’. This poor scoundrel was stubborn, always hounding after her to take responsibility after their night together. Pei Tianlin said, “You took my first time, so you should take responsibility.” Su Yu flew into a rage. “That was my first time too!” Pei Tianlin retorted, “Then I’ll take responsibility. Let’s get married.” Su Yu was flabbergasted. “Dream on!” She had a feeling she was being tricked by the poor scoundrel, but he didn’t want money or assets. He just wanted a marriage certificate. Su Yu gritted her teeth in anger. “It’s just a marriage certificate! Sure, let’s go get it!” When her fiancé heard that she was marrying a poor scoundrel, he kept trying to persuade her. “Yu Yu, I know that I hurt you, but you can’t ruin yourself by marrying a poor scoundrel out of spite. If you’re willing, I can marry you.” Su Yu scoffed. “Go marry your mother!” Who knew that on the second day of Su Yu’s marriage to Pei Tianlin, countless jewelry pieces, diamonds, high-quality custom-made clothes, luxury cars, and deeds to extravagant manors were delivered to Su Yu. The ‘poor scoundrel’ suddenly became a domineering CEO who spoiled Su Yu to no end. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO, Pei Tianlin, was a germaphobe. But when Su Yu was eating grapes, he obediently extended his hand to catch the grape seeds she spat out. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO was aloof and difficult to get close to. However, he was nothing but gentle in front of Su Yu. Rumor had it that Pei Tianlin was a fair and unbiased man. But he would break the rules just to protect his wife, Su Yu. Justice and law were nothing compare to his wife!On the engagement night, after being betrayed by her fiancé, Ye Shu decisively turns around to marry Shen Shaochen, the number one abstinent male god of Jin City, in a flash marriage. After marriage, she thought that just by quietly giving birth to an heir to the wealthy family, all would be well. Little did she know that serving the great demon king would be so frustrating. Quit smoking, quit drinking, quit gaming! Ye Shu silently grits her teeth and endures, and on the day the baby is born, she brings the divorce agreement, "Mr. Shen, the task of bearing a child is completed, please sign the divorce." Shen Shaochen: "Mrs. Shen, the agreement didn't say that only one child would be enough..." Ye Shu begs for mercy, "Husband, I was wrong! I won't divorce anymore." (1V1, both male and female leads are clean and committed.)
Volume I Isabella lost her job because of her fervour to help her family. Her sister was battling a deadly sickness and no possible job could help Isabella raise the money for the medical bills, thus, she chose the fastest way for a woman. That was to lose her innocence. 'Just one night' was what she told herself, and things went according to her plans. But fate didn't break off there. Luke Powers met a desperate woman at the right time or was it wrong? He was arrogant, cruel and proud. He paid her well for the night but fate didn't cease their interaction. Through his mother's schemes, Luke found Isabella at his gate with her luggage, moving in with him as she was the caregiver his mother hired for him. Was he a child who needed a caregiver? Of course not, but his mother had hopes for him. Hopes that his life will be filled with love and joy. Hopes that Isabella would change him despite possessing a mundane role in his life. However, the job wasn't an easy task for Isabella as she had to face a cold arrogant man. Isabella had to face another agony, staying with and faring with his attitude, all while worrying for her sister. Was there really hope, not only for Luke but for Isabella? Volume one is completed, watch out for volume two!! Volume II Gloria woke up alone after spending the night with the love of her life, Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, their passionate night resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Years later, Gloria returned to State AD, successful in her career and a proud mother to her son, Michael. Meanwhile, Lucian was now a wealthy man, having fulfilled his duties as an heir and ending his contract marriage. However, his ultimate plan to win back Gloria's heart was still incomplete. Lucian wanted to reunite with Gloria and build a relationship with his son, but Gloria denied him any chance of that happening. She refused to accept him as Michael's father. As they struggled to navigate their complicated past and present, they faced an uncertain future. Will Gloria eventually forgive Lucian and fall in love with him again, or will she continue to deny him his rightful place in their lives? Their fate remains unclear, but only time will tell if they can overcome their past mistakes and build a future together. Check out my new book; One Night With A Billionaire Alpha! Welcome and happy reading!Winter’s impulsive one-night stand in a nightclub would set off a chain of events that would change her life forever. After discovering she was pregnant, she fled to another country, determined to start over and raise her child in peace. But when her grandfather suffers a life-threatening accident, Winter returns to a world she swore to leave behind—only to discover that her grandfather had arranged a marriage for her, one she never consented to. The shocking revelation? The man chosen for her was none other than Kalix Andreas, the ruthless mafia don with whom she had shared that fateful night of passion. Cold, calculating, and powerful, Kalix is not the man Winter remembers. Underneath his unyielding exterior lies a dangerous man with a past that binds them both. Faced with a forced union, Winter must confront her deepest fears. Kalix is determined to claim her heart and her soul, declaring, "I’ve waited years for you, Angel. No matter how strong the walls are, I will break them with my love. You have to be mine." But can she accept the love of the man who embodies everything she’s fought against? Or will the weight of his dark secrets tear them apart? A tale of passion, betrayal, and redemption, the story will keep you on the edge of your seat as Winter struggles to choose between love and the walls she’s built around her heart. PS: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER. CREDIT TO THE RESPECTED OWNER. *** Do vote for the book. The more powerstones and golden ticket the more chapters. Motivate the author as it helps her to write beautiful stories
“Helena if I could be with you every moment of every day, fuck, I’d take that,” Romeo growled as he kissed her neck, sucking and licking along the way as well. “We’ve already lost nine years, Helena, I’m not wasting a moment more," Romeo hissed as his lips crashed against Helena’s. She let out a moan as Romeo lifted her leg, wrapping it around his waist. “Feel that, love?” Romeo asked as he pushed his cock against her. “Feel what you do to me?” Nine years ago Helena Willow ran and on her first day back she meets an Alpha whom she connected with on a different level. An Alpha that could be her Mate. When she left her pack she left her family and the love of her life, her stepbrother Romeo Blackmoon. What happens when she discovers that the Alpha she's slept with was her stepbrother and that he could be her mate?
Beberapa menit sebelum pernikahannya, Jeslyn mengetahui bahwa calon suaminya hanya mengincar keuntungan yang akan didapat dengan menikahinya. Patah hati dan merasa dikhianati, dia memilih satu-satunya pilihan yang ada pada saat itu, yaitu untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan pria yang bisa ia temukan, atau jika tidak, kekayaan keluarganya akan jatuh ke tangan musuh. … "Tuan, tolong, maukah Anda menikahi saya?" Dia bertanya padanya. Seorang pria yang dia lihat masuk ke kamar kecil tempat pernikahan. 'Dia pasti salah satu tamu,' pikirnya. Maverick terkejut dengan proposal itu. Dia melihat Jeslyn mengerutkan dahi ketika dia menoleh untuk menatapnya. Jelas dia ketakutan padanya, namun dia menenangkan diri, siap untuk melompat ke misteri di hadapannya. "Ini akan menjadi kontrak pernikahan. Kita akan bercerai setelah satu tahun," katanya. Dia juga memerlukan seorang wanita untuk anak nakalnya, jadi dia menjawab, "Deal." Tanpa sepengetahuannya, dia baru saja membuat kesepakatan dengan setan termanis yang pernah ada. ... Dia adalah mimpi buruk negara M, negara di mana kejahatan memerintah. Dia adalah kelinci kecil yang dibesarkan dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Membunuh lalat? Tidak, dia belum pernah melakukan itu sebelumnya. Namun, terpaksa menjadi istri iblis, dia tidak punya pilihan selain melepaskan kepribadiannya yang palsu. Kelinci kecil apa? Siapa bilang dia tidak bisa menginjak jari-jari tangan seorang pianis dengan tumitnya dan pura-pura seperti tidak bermaksud melakukannya? Ha, selebriti ini ingin memainkan kartu kasihan? Apakah mereka ingin mendapatkan simpati masyarakat? Nah, mengapa lagi dia disebut 'kelinci kecil'? Bukankah itu karena dia terbaik dalam berakting imut? Apakah tidak ada yang memberi tahu teratai putih ini yang ingin menyelam ke tempat tidur suaminya bahwa dia mencuri jiwanya ketika dia menampar anak nakal itu?
A chance encounter led him to search for her, and in his quest, he scandalized the city with her semi-nude advertisement. A contract bound her to him, and as she greedily fell for him, she realized she was just his stand-in. When his true love returned, she proudly walked away. Years later, she reappeared before him, pregnant and arm-in-arm with another man. As he made his move again, she smiled indifferently, "Mr. Ye, your game is over!"
There is a reason everyone calls her the "Iron Lady." Call her a fashion designer, interior designer, a genius hacker, or even a talented healer. She is all that in a day and a ruthless assassin at night. Did I say she's a triplet? Oh yes! She has two other sisters who are geniuses in their own right. Can you imagine Gerald Flynch abandoned them all onto Emily Fynn the day they were born, just because they are girls? Follow Adriana Hastings on a mission to acquire the same hard drive that could bring the Rockerfeller family to its knees. With Aiden Rockerfeller on her tails, how will she shake him off from discovering her or even from getting too close to her heart? The most tormenting factor about the whole situation is that the Rockerfeller family may be responsible for her mother's murder. *** Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freda.lotsu Tik tok: call_me_mirror Instagram: call_me_mirror Discord: call_me_mirrorWhen she divorced her former husband, she thought the divorce certificate was the only thing she got from her years of efforts. One drunken night, she hooked her arm around a handsome man neck and forcefully kissed him, and had a flash marriage with him. "Uncle, help me with my revenge." When everything ended, she asked him again. "Uncle, let's end this strange relationship. It's just a play, after all." The proud and self-contained man's eyes reddened as he asked her, "Have you ever considered a possibility, that I do love you?"