Have you ever thought about how your life would turn out at the age of 18? Well before I could even say that I was an adult to even say I was going to conquer it. The world had seemed to already be determined of what mine and the rest of humanity would be when the first Leviathans was made public to our world.
Destiny Ganzon is the epitome of a perfect heiress. She is beautiful, intelligent, and doted by her father, Alejandro, the Real Estate Magnate of the country, until one day, her mother died, and everything changed when his father remarried. Excerpt: A loud smack! "How dare you ruin my reputation, Destiny?" Alejandro asked after he slapped his daughter. That was the first time he used force on his only hier. "Dad, you have to believe me, it wasn't true, you raised me well. Do you think I will do something like that?" She asked back, caressing her beautiful face. "No, this time I had enough of your lies; your stepmother was right; you are only a nuisance and only bring shame to our family!" He angrily responded. "I had warned you. I will disinherit you. You will not receive even a single cent from me, and you must leave this house right now, or else I will ask the guards to drag you out!" He added before he turned his heels and walked away from his study with the loud slamming of the door. One scandal led to another, and what she couldn't accept was her first love and childhood sweetheart, Red Galvez, was part of their betrayal. Destiny's world crumbled, and she couldn't believe her stepmother and stepsister finally succeeded in planning her downfall. With a broken heart and no choice, Destiny left their mansion and lived an ordinary life with her nanny, the only person who never left her side. She pretended to forget her old life and started living and embracing the mundane world. Still, she promised herself that she would do everything to make her enemies, including Red, pay the price of their betrayal. But it was more complicated than she thought since her father was brainwashed with his wife and stepdaughter, and they made her life a living hell. Years later, Destiny met Red again, and he was still the same hot and gorgeous. On top of that, her ex became one of the highest-paid attorneys in the country. All unwanted memories came rushing back to her. Destiny hated him with all her heart, but Red promised to help her win back what was rightfully hers. Can Destiny forgive Red and trust the hottest attorney to claim back her inheritance without breaking her heart?``` Walaupun hanya perkawinan semata-mata demi kenyamanan, Amelie Ashford adalah istri yang sempurna dalam segala aspek. Dia cerdas, patuh, dan dihormati. Dia baik terhadap semua orang dan berbakti kepada suaminya. Dan dia sangat puas untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupnya seperti itu, walaupun dia terus-menerus didesak untuk hamil. Sampai suatu saat suaminya masuk ke rumah mereka dengan membawa selir di sisinya dan akhirnya menuntut perceraian. "Baiklah," kata Amelie dengan tenang, "Saya akan menceraikan Anda." Mata Richard berbinar ketika ia mendengar istrinya mengucapkan kata-kata ini. Namun, kejutan baginya, dia belum selesai. "Tapi jangan heran ketika Anda mendapatkan undangan ke pernikahan saya berikutnya." Untuk kejutan semua orang, Amelie memang menikah lagi, dan dengan pria yang lebih muda dan, ternyata, lebih kaya! Dan dia memastikan bahwa mantan suaminya menyadari apa artinya kehilangan dukungan dari wanita seperti dirinya. _____ "Saya dibesarkan untuk menjadi istri kelas atas yang sempurna, terlatih untuk unggul dan tetap waspada. Yang saya tahu hanyalah bagaimana memalsukan senyum, membaca, dan bekerja keras untuk memastikan tak ada yang berani merendahkan keluarga saya. Tetapi pada akhirnya, itulah yang membuat saya menjemukan dan membosankan. Jadi ketika suami saya memutuskan untuk menceraikan saya, mengapa Liam malah jatuh cinta dengan saya? Penting: FL bukan Mary Sue. Perceraian terjadi di bagian kedua novel jadi hati-hati dengan tekanan darah Anda. ```
« Je te laisserai être sur le dessus dès ce soir, s'il te plaît ne me divorce pas, chéri ! » ----- La vie de conte de fées d'Evelyn a volé en éclats lorsqu'un inconnu a fait irruption, prétendant être la véritable fille de la famille Wright avec des preuves. Ses privilèges enviés ? Envoyés aux oubliettes. Sa réputation immaculée ? Salie. Ses quatre ans de fiançailles ? Brutalement annulées. Mais la plus grande trahison venait de son père autrefois aimant, prêt à la marier pour régler une affaire commerciale – avec un homme deux fois son âge ! Tout le monde dans le cercle a assisté à ce mariage scandaleux, impatients d'assister à la chute de la prétendue fausse héritière. Pourtant, le point culminant n'était pas ce même Evelyn avait anticipé! Zevian Reign, le magnat le plus riche de la nation, connu pour être le fantasme de chaque femme et le cauchemar de tous ses rivaux, a fait une entrée spectaculaire. Son arrivée a stupéfié les invités, mais son souhait effronté fut encore plus surprenant ! Il a demandé avec désinvolture à remplacer le marié et à épouser la magnifique mariée. Personne n'a osé contester, ni n'a eu le courage de lui désobéir. Ils n'avaient d'autre choix que d'assister au mariage. Et c'était l'heure pour Evelyn de sourire en coin, car elle était désormais la femme du diable. Et tous ceux qui l'avaient ruinée, ils paieraient au centuple ! ++++ [Extrait] « Pourquoi larguerais-je mon mari pour un perdant ? » Evelyn rigola en croisant les bras avec défi. « Il est meilleur que lui dans tous les aspects. » Son regard se porta sur son ex-fiancé, non loin de là, et elle continua avec un sourire en coin, « En fait, beaucoup mieux au lit. » Alors que le visage d'Annabelle rougissait de dégoût, Evelyn lui tapota le dos et se pencha pour asséner une autre gifle. « Alors, bonne chance avec lécher mes restes, chère demi-sœur. Il est parfait pour toi. »
“Aku akan membiarkanmu berada di atas mulai malam ini, tolong jangan ceraikan aku, sayang!” ----- Kehidupan dongeng Evelyn hancur ketika seorang orang asing masuk, mengklaim menjadi putri sejati Keluarga Wright dengan bukti. Privilegenya yang dicemburui? Direnggut. Reputasinya yang tanpa cela? Tercemar. Pertunangannya yang telah berlangsung empat tahun? Secara mendadak dibatalkan. Namun, pengkhianatan terburuk datang dari ayahnya yang dulu mencintainya, yang siap menjodohkannya demi menyelesaikan masalah bisnis—dengan seorang pria berusia dua kali lipat darinya! Semua orang di lingkaran itu menghadiri pernikahan skandal ini, ingin menyaksikan kejatuhan sang pewaris palsu. Namun, klimaksnya tidak seperti yang bahkan Evelyn perkirakan! Zevian Reign, taipan terkaya di negara itu, dikenal sebagai fantasi setiap wanita dan mimpi buruk semua rivalnya, membuat kedatangan yang dramatis. Kedatangannya membuat tamu-tamu tercengang, namun keinginannya yang terang-terangan lebih mengejutkan lagi! Dia dengan santai menuntut untuk menggantikan pengantin pria dan menikahi pengantin wanita yang cantik. Tidak ada yang berani menantang, juga tidak ada yang memiliki keberanian untuk menentangnya. Mereka tidak punya pilihan selain menyaksikan pernikahan itu terungkap. Dan saatnya Evelyn tersenyum sinis, karena kini dia adalah istri iblis. Dan semua orang yang telah merusaknya, mereka akan membayar sepuluh kali lipat! ++++ [Potongan] “Mengapa aku harus meninggalkan suamiku demi seorang pecundang?” Evelyn tertawa, melipat tangan dengan tegas. “Dia lebih baik darinya dalam segala aspek.” Pandangannya beralih ke mantan tunangannya yang berada di dekat sana, dan dia melanjutkan dengan senyuman sinis, “Sebenarnya, jauh lebih baik di ranjang.” Saat wajah Annabelle memerah karena merasa terhina, Evelyn menepuk punggungnya dan mendekat untuk memberikan tamparan lain. “Jadi, semoga berhasil dengan menjilat sisa-sisaku, sayang adik tiriku. Dia adalah pasangan yang sempurna untukmu.”
WHEN BILLIONAIRE ENIGMA LEON KING collides with elusive heiress ISABELLA HARRINGTON, it's an explosive meeting accompanied by less than love at first sight. With his takeover of the business empire around the corner, a runaway bride wasn't on Leon’s agenda - until now… Upon their battle in boardrooms and behind closed doors, neither is ready for the fire that sparks between them. Isabella means to preserve the legacy of her family while Leon is determined to show her exactly what their passion can mean outside the world of business. But as they slowly uncover the haunting secrets of their past, Tessa and Ryker realize it's not just bitter memories that linger in our hearts and minds. Isabella and Leon fall — hard but immovably in love, rewiring their shock-mangled hearts as everything they've known is ordained safe and not a little thrilling to be thrown into chaos.Setelah dikeluarkan oleh keluarganya, ternyata dia adalah pewaris sejati yang bernilai miliaran, dan orang-orang di sekitarnya menyadari hal itu. Keluarganya sangat menyesal dan menuntut setengah dari kekayaannya sebagai balasan atas membesarkan dia. Dia mencemooh dan menggunakan jimat kebenaran untuk mengungkap rencana mereka. Seorang bajingan selalu mengganggunya dan ingin kembali bersamanya. Dia dengan mudah membuatnya "bertemu dengan leluhurnya" setiap malam. Selain itu, sepupu-sepupunya selalu meremehkannya, menganggapnya sebagai aib. Yang mengejutkan, ketua dari keluarga kaya datang padanya dan berkata, "Asalkan kamu bisa menyelamatkan putriku, aku akan memenuhi semua permintaanmu!" Keluarga kaya lainnya, yang telah bermusuhan dengan keluarga barunya untuk waktu yang lama, juga tidak tahu malu datang dan berkata, "Asalkan kamu bisa membantu kami, keluarga kami akan sangat berterima kasih atas kebaikan keluargamu!" Kemudian, bahkan sepupu yang memberontak menjadi pengikutnya, mengklaim, "Dia adalah satu-satunya saudariku! Siapa pun yang berani menghina dia, aku akan mengutuk seluruh keluarganya!" Keluarga barunya akhirnya menyadari bahwa gadis kecil miskin mereka ternyata adalah orang besar! "Aku perlu menggambar mantra, mengusir kejahatan, menyelamatkan orang, dan mengejar pria itu! Betapa sibuknya aku!" katanya dalam kesusahan. Pria itu berkata, "Sebenarnya, kamu tidak perlu mengejarku. Aku sudah menjadi milikmu."
``` A ex-grande senhora, Ying Zijin, acordou um dia como a filha perdida da família Ying, que estava desaparecida por quinze anos. A família Ying prontamente adotou outra criança para substituí-la. Ao retornar à família abastada, todos a ridicularizaram por não ser tão inteligente, capaz, sensata e elegante quanto uma falsa herdeira. Seus pais a consideraram uma mancha na família e a advertiram para não alimentar ilusões de ser uma dama da família. Eles disseram que ela deveria ser grata por ser uma filha adotiva, ou senão a mandariam embora. Ying Zijin: "Então eu vou embora. Não precisam me acompanhar." Enquanto a família Ying celebrava com alegria e outros esperavam para ver a verdadeira herdeira fazer papel de boba, figuras influentes de várias áreas entraram em ação. O ídolo mais bem cotado com os fãs mais influentes disse, "Senhorita Ying, é só me avisar se precisar de algo." O herdeiro de um monopólio econômico global disse, "Família Ying? O que é isso? Chefe, devemos simplesmente acabar com eles?" O número um artista marcial no país perguntou, "Quem ousa intimidar minha mestra?" O gênio garoto adolescente com um QI de 228 disse, "Essa é minha irmã." Um homem com uma aparência incrivelmente sedutora sorriu preguiçosamente e casualmente, dizendo, "Certo, então me chame de cunhado." As figuras influentes ficaram confusas. Quando a verdadeira identidade da herdeira foi restaurada, isso causou uma sensação na internet. A família Ying enlouqueceu e se ajoelhou, chorando e implorando para que ela voltasse. A família poderosa internacional disse, "Desculpem, deixem-me apresentá-la. Esta é a nossa verdadeira herdeira." Renascido como um rei, fazendo um forte retorno e lançando um contra-ataque! ```
"Ich lasse dich von heute Abend an oben sein, bitte lass dich nicht scheiden, Liebling!" ----- Evelyns märchenhaftes Leben gerät ins Wanken, als ein Fremder hereinkommt und behauptet, die echte Tochter der Familie Wright zu sein. Ihre beneidenswerten Privilegien? Weggefegt. Ihr makelloser Ruf? Beschmutzt. Ihre vierjährige Verlobung? Abrupt annulliert. Aber der schlimmste Verrat kam von ihrem einst so geliebten Vater, der sie verheiraten wollte, um eine geschäftliche Rechnung zu begleichen - mit einem Mann, der doppelt so alt war wie sie! Alle im Kreis waren bei dieser skandalösen Hochzeit dabei und wollten den Untergang der vermeintlichen Scheinerbin miterleben. Doch der Höhepunkt war nicht das, was selbst Evelyn erwartet hatte! Zevian Reign, der reichste Tycoon der Nation, bekannt dafür, der Traum jeder Frau und der Albtraum aller seiner Rivalen zu sein, hatte einen dramatischen Auftritt. Seine Ankunft verblüffte die Gäste, aber sein unverschämter Wunsch war noch verblüffender! Er forderte lässig, den Bräutigam zu ersetzen und die schöne Braut zu heiraten. Niemand wagte es, ihn herauszufordern, und niemand hatte den Mut, ihm nicht zu gehorchen. Es blieb ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als die Hochzeit zu beobachten. Und es war Evelyns Zeit, zu lächeln, denn sie war jetzt die Frau des Teufels. Und alle, die sie ruiniert hatten, würden es ihr zehnfach heimzahlen! ++++ [Auszug] "Warum sollte ich meinen Mann für einen Versager sitzen lassen?" Evelyn gluckste und verschränkte trotzig die Arme. "Er ist in allen Belangen besser als er." Ihr Blick wanderte zu ihrem Ex-Verlobten in der Nähe, und sie fuhr schmunzelnd fort: "Im Bett sogar viel besser." Als Annabelles Gesicht vor Verachtung errötete, klopfte Evelyn ihr auf den Rücken und beugte sich vor, um ihr eine weitere Ohrfeige zu geben. "Also, viel Glück beim Lecken meiner Reste, liebe Stiefschwester. Er ist eine perfekte Partie für dich."
As the illegitimate daughter in a household that scorns her, Emilia has learned to endure a life of cruel whispers and cold glares. But her fate takes an unexpected turn when her spoiled half-sister disappears on the eve of her arranged marriage. The family forces Emilia to wed the rumored crippled and disfigured groom in her sister's place—an ominous task they hope will rid them of her for good. Yet, when Emilia meets her new husband, Damien Blackwood, she is stunned. This mysterious man is neither crippled nor disfigured. Instead, he’s handsome, powerful, and hiding secrets as dark as her own. With the Blackwood family’s treacherous history looming over them, Emilia realizes she has entered a world far more dangerous than her own home—a world where alliances are built on lies and love can turn into a weapon. As she delves deeper, Emilia uncovers shocking secrets that link her family’s downfall to Damien’s ruthless kin. Now, torn between the man she’s come to trust and the whispers of betrayal around every corner, Emilia must decide: will she seek revenge on those who’ve wronged her or fight alongside Damien to claim her rightful legacy? In a game where love, power, and loyalty are tested, Emilia must face her past to shape her future… even if it means risking her life.
Dilelang dan dijual oleh ibu tirinya, dia menjadi sebuah barang. Dia datang dan secara brutal menyita dirinya, memaksanya menandatangani kontrak. 'Wanita, aku telah memberikan semua yang kamu butuhkan. Kenapa kamu masih tidak puas?' dia mencubit dagunya dan bertanya. Dia berjuang untuk melepaskan diri, menolak untuk bertemu mata dengannya. Ketika identitasnya terungkap dan dia menjadi pewaris dari sebuah keluarga ternama, dia menyadari dia masih merupakan burung dalam sangkarnya. Jatuh semakin dalam... hanya di akhir dia mengerti, dia telah menjadi ratu dari kekaisarannya sejak lama...
[Bad Body X Downfall Heiress] When Shen Chaoxi first met Shang Jianghan: She had been thrown out of her house by her biological father, while he was trapped inside his car after being overtaken at a sharp bend. A pair of slender and fair hands parted the crowd, and at a glance, saw Shang Jianghan's handsome face crushed beneath the weight. The crowd was panic-stricken, trying every possible means to rescue him, but none were as effective as Shen Chaoxi's cunningly angled kick that broke through the door. —— When Shang Jianghan saw Shen Chaoxi again: In Shangjing's top-notch club, Shen Chaoxi, dressed in an overly loose Didalun janitor's uniform, was squeezed into a corner of a corridor by several young scions of the Beijing Circle, with only a metal fence separating her from the twenty-meter drop behind her. Shang Jianghan, hands in pockets and a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, watched coolly, waiting for her to open her mouth and ask for help. With a clap of her hands, Shen Chaoxi swiftly knocked the group of scions to the ground, wailing in pain! —— The next time Shang Jianghan and Shen Chaoxi met: In the corridors of the Beijing University Affiliated Hospital, all was white. Her grandmother's condition had worsened beyond help, and in front of her lay the cold, black-on-white consent form to give up treatment. Her pale, delicate fingers held the black pen, signing her name with firm strokes. Shang Jianghan approached and, with a swipe, tore the document to shreds. I'll save the person, I'll pay the bills, you're mine! —— Years later, As the setting sun cast long shadows, Shang Jianghan leaned against the car door, watching his wife's aggrieved face as she complained, shaking her slender arms: "Your son must lose weight, my arms are sore from holding him!" Shang Jianghan's lips curved into a faint smile as he gathered her into his arms to soothe her, his emotions swirling with gratitude that such a Shen Chaoxi belonged solely to him! Sweet pampering/dual purity, join the story with ease!
Vendue et mise aux enchères par sa belle-mère, elle devint un objet en vente. Il descendit brutalement pour la saisir, la forçant à signer le contrat. « Femme, je t'ai donné tout ce dont tu as besoin. Pourquoi n'es-tu toujours pas satisfaite ? » il lui pinça le menton et demanda. Elle luttait pour se libérer, refusant de croiser son regard. Quand son identité fut révélée et qu'elle devint l'héritière d'une famille prestigieuse, elle réalisa qu'elle était toujours un oiseau dans sa cage. Tombant de plus en plus profondément… ce fut seulement à la fin qu'elle comprit, qu'elle était devenue la reine de son empire depuis longtemps…
Yang diinginkan Ewan Giacometti dari istrinya hanyalah seorang anak laki-laki. Namun setelah tiga tahun ketidakbahagiaan dan kekecewaan, Athena Moore siap meninggalkan suaminya yang dingin bagai es. Ketika dia akhirnya meminta cerai, 'sahabat' licik Ewan menjebaknya, membuatnya keluar dari kota. Sekarang, Ewan harus menghadapi perasaannya yang sebenarnya tentang istrinya, yang dinikahinya dalam keadaan misterius, terutama ketika dia kembali dari pengasingan sebagai wanita yang telah berubah.
Auctioned and sold by her stepmother,she became an item on sale. He descended brutally seize her, forced her to sign the contract. “Woman, I gave everything you need. Why are you still not satisfied?” he pinched her chin and asked. She struggled to break free, refusing to meet his eyes. When her identity was exposed and she became the heiress of a prestigious family, she realized she was still a bird in his cage. Falling deeper and deeper… it was only in the end that she understood, she had become the queen of his empire long ago…
When she married the CEO, who is also the man she loved, she thought the marriage would be the beginning of happiness. Little did she know, it was the start of a nightmare. The mistress told her, "I'm pregnant, please sign the divorce paper here. Let's not make it too ugly." She retorted indignantly: "You can't set foot in this house until I divorce him. He will change his mind sooner or later." But with countless calculated plots thrown at her and she finally numbed her nerves, her child in the womb was put to death. She finally agreed to sign the divorce papers with a broken heart, "This is the last time I'd say I love you. I let you go." She thought they would part and live in peace from then on, Who knew that he would turn around and cling to her again, "Do you really want to take back your love for me?" When she was no longer the poor girl and became a mysterious heiress, he proposed to her again and again. "Darling, let's get remarried." "Darling, You have too many admirers. I need reassurance." She raised an eyebrow, "NO! It feels better to have all the fishes in the sea." "Miss, may I ask what your relationship with CEO Li is?" When the media asked her, she replied with a coquettish smile, "We are just friends." He wasn't annoyed, and instead pulled her into his arms, a mischievous smirk appeared on his lips, "Yes, we are the kind of friends who had twin babies together. And we're already planning for more."
°MATURE AUDIENCES• He carried me, my legs wrapped around his waist, while my back rested against the wall. I loved this position when he gave it to me. I thought he was an ordinary man. I thought that since I had already tasted his touch, the dreams of our intimacy always haunting me, I could own him. Finally, as a goddess, I believed I could enjoy myself freely this time, get lost in pleasure, which I could finally savor. I wanted him for myself alone, my personal treasure. But then I began to fall for him. A treasure I thought I could use and discard at will became something I couldn't go a day without. His presence became my weak point, my doom and yet, I couldn't help but embrace him. __________ "They all deserve to die a terrible death." These were the words of the goddess of revenge when the anguished cries of a woman, a victim of relentless domestic violence reached her divine ears. Bound by her sacred duties and forced to wait for the souls of the guilty men to return for judgment, the goddess was patient. For thousands of years, she waited. And when the time came, she descended into the mortal world, inhabiting the body of a young billionaire to exact her divine punishment. Victory was a certainty for her. She had always prevailed, delivering justice to those who deserved it. But this time, her task proved unexpectedly complex. Living under the same roof with her husbands after signing a marriage deal, one of them proved to be no ordinary man. Tristan D'Leon, a vampire, a creature born from the depths of hell, carrying his own mysterious burdens and duties. Their fates intertwined, both driven by obligations they could not ignore. Yet, as time passed, something unthinkable began to take root: love. For Jade, whose purpose was to mete out divine punishment, falling for a millennia-old vampire was unthinkable. Why him? Why now? This was not her first time walking the earth, so why had the will of heaven suddenly shifted? As Jade navigated the complexities of her mission and her growing feelings for Tristan, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The goddess of revenge, known for her unwavering dedication to justice, was now faced with a daunting question: could she truly fulfill her duty when her heart was no longer aligned with her purpose? ________ This novel is a dark romance and the more you read, the more darker it gets. Don't say I didn't warn ya. Hehehe
—¡Desde esta noche te dejaré estar arriba, por favor no me divorcies, querido! ----- La vida de cuento de hadas de Evelyn se hizo añicos cuando un extraño irrumpió, afirmando ser la verdadera hija de la familia Wright con pruebas. ¿Sus envidiables privilegios? Arrancados. ¿Su impecable reputación? Empeñada. ¿Su compromiso de cuatro años? Anulado abruptamente. Pero la peor traición vino de su antes amoroso padre, dispuesto a casarla para saldar una cuenta empresarial... ¡con un hombre de el doble de su edad! Todos en el círculo asistieron a esta escandalosa boda, ansiosos por presenciar la caída de la supuesta falsa heredera. Sin embargo, ¡el clímax no fue lo que ni siquiera Evelyn había anticipado! Zevian Reign, el magnate más rico de la nación, conocido por ser la fantasía de toda mujer y la pesadilla de todos sus rivales, hizo una entrada dramática. Su llegada dejó atónitos a los invitados, pero su osado deseo fue aún más sorprendente. Exigió casualmente reemplazar al novio y casarse con la hermosa novia. Nadie se atrevió a desafiarlo, ni nadie tuvo el valor de desobedecerlo. No les quedó más remedio que ver cómo se desarrollaba la boda. Y era el momento de Evelyn para sonreír con suficiencia, pues ahora era la esposa del diablo. ¡Y todos aquellos que la habían arruinado, pagarían el precio por diez! ++++ [Extracto] —¿Por qué iba a dejar a mi marido por un perdedor? —se rió Evelyn, cruzando sus brazos desafiantemente—. Él es mejor que él en todos los aspectos. —Su mirada se desvió hacia su ex prometido cercano, y continuó con una sonrisa burlona—. De hecho, mucho mejor en la cama. Con el rostro de Annabelle enrojecido de desdén, Evelyn le dio palmaditas en la espalda y se inclinó para darle otra bofetada. —Así que, buena suerte lamiendo mis sobras, querida hermanastra. Él es un partido perfecto para ti."
Leiloada e vendida pela madrasta, ela se tornou um item à venda. Ele desceu brutalmente, apoderou-se dela e a forçou a assinar o contrato. "Mulher, eu te dei tudo o que você precisa. Por que ainda não está satisfeita?", ele beliscou o queixo dela e perguntou. Ela lutou para se libertar, recusando-se a encontrar os olhos dele. Quando sua identidade foi revelada e ela se tornou a herdeira de uma família prestigiosa, ela percebeu que ainda era um pássaro na gaiola dele. Caindo cada vez mais fundo... foi só no final que ela entendeu, ela já havia se tornado a rainha do império dele há muito tempo...
Celeste Everhart (18) never expected a second chance—to reclaim her voice, and her fate, and uncover the truths that remained buried in her first life. Once an unwanted heiress sacrificed to the secretive and ruthless Brightwell family, Celeste forced herself to become something she could never imagined herself to be. A shark. Celeste saw a glimpse of what was hidden in the shadows at night and had failed to take her place in the Brightwell family. Or rather they had failed her. With the weight of her past life’s memories, Celeste knows what she would do differently… or so she believes. Yet, the more she navigates through these familiar yet treacherous waters, the more she discovers just how little she truly understands. And in this life, three men from her past emerge in ways she could never have foreseen: Avond Brightwell (28) the man she once loved so deeply that he became her voice and her world. But as hidden layers reveal themselves, Celeste begins to wonder—was Avond the man she thought he was? Or is he something far more dangerous? Tiel Brightwell (22) the one who once despised her, mocked her silence, and later fathered her only child. Now, he seems capable of kindness and perhaps even love, but Celeste can’t forget the pain he caused. Will she forgive him, or will she let go of who she was to destroy him? Even when he had not committed the crimes he committed in the past? Gen Callisto (23) the shadow from her sister’s stories, is a self-made millionaire with a tragedy looming in his future. Drawn to him in unexpected ways, Celeste must decide if she can save him from the darkness, or let him perish with the rest. As Celeste battles between love, loyalty, and the desire for vengeance, she faces a final question: will she remain the person she was before and let her new life take its course? Or will she let the hurt of her past turn her heart cold? After all, what better vengeance than to come back with the heart of a shark? -------- Disclaimer: The story begins with Celeste's first life— so please stay tuned because it will be worth it!