Selama tiga tahun terakhir, Ariana Ari Harlow telah memberikan segalanya untuk suaminya. Mereka menikah karena saudara perempuannya memilih untuk lari pada malam pernikahan, karena ia percaya rumor bahwa Nelson Corporation bangkrut. Ari mencintai Noah sejak usia 16 tahun, ia pikir ini adalah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan. Namun, dia tidak tahu bahwa saudara perempuannya telah menggali perangkap untuknya, dan ini bukan awal kehidupan baru, melainkan neraka baru baginya. Ia terpaksa menghentikan pendidikannya sebagai dokter karena Nyonya Nelson yang terhormat tidak bisa memiliki tangannya tertutupi darah. Ari menyetujuinya. Untuk Noah, ia menjadi istri yang sempurna yang merawat mertua dan suaminya. Namun, yang menanti dia tidak lain hanyalah penghinaan, suaminya malu padanya dan ibu mertuanya berpikir bahwa saudara perempuannya, Ariel, lebih cocok untuk anaknya. Namun, Ari bertahan. Dia berpikir suatu hari dia akan dapat menghangatkan hati suaminya. Namun dia memergokinya berciuman dengan saudara perempuannya! Patah hati, Ariana memutuskan untuk bercerai dengan suaminya, tapi entah bagaimana dia malah terlibat dengan Nicolai. Musuh dan saingan suaminya. Mereka tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama. Namun Nicolai tampaknya tidak peduli dengan rintangan yang menumpuk di hadapan mereka. Bahkan, dia bertekad untuk masuk ke dalam kehidupan Ari dan membakarnya. Dalam keadaan mabuk, suatu kali dia memegang lehernya mendekat ke dinding pub kumuh, “Kau boleh menyangkal sebanyak yang kau mau, putri, tapi kau menginginkanku.” Matanya melirik dada Ari yang naik turun dan matanya semakin gelap, merahnya tampak tak terkendali, posesif seolah dia ingin mencabik jiwa dari tubuhnya dan menyematkannya ke dalamnya sendiri. “Taruhan jika kupandang, kamu akan basah untukku.” Panas membara di pipi Ariana saat dia mendengus, “Diam.” “Buat aku,” kata Nicolai saat dia menumbukkan bibirnya di bibirnya. Ciumannya membakar jiwa Ariana, dan kehangatannya menyengat kulitnya setiap kali mereka bersentuhan. Ia berpikir bahwa kesalahan terbesarnya adalah terlibat dengan Nicolai. Namun, Ari segera menyadari dengan cara yang sulit, Secara harfiah, diinginkan oleh mimpi buruk seindah itu jauh lebih buruk daripada sebuah kesalahan. Dan situasi menjadi rumit ketika suaminya menemukan kebenaran tentang segalanya. “Temak hatiku, Ari,” kata Noah saat dia menempatkan moncong pistol di mana hatinya berada. “Karena hidup tanpa kamu adalah hidup yang tidak kuinginkan, jadi tembaklah aku atau kembalilah. Aku memohon padamu.” Sekarang Nicolai telah memberinya pilihan, akankah Ari jatuh cinta dengan dia dan melompat ke dalam kehidupan yang penuh dengan bahaya? Atau akankah dia kembali ke suaminya, Noah, yang telah ia cintai sejak ia berumur 16 tahun? Dan akankah Ariana menghindari bahaya yang mengintai dalam kegelapan, menunggu dia untuk melakukan kesalahan dan kehilangan segala sesuatu yang berharga baginya? Akankah dia menemukan kunci dari semua rahasia yang mengikat dirinya dengan Noah dan Nicolai serta takdirnya yang rumit? ******* Potongan: “Ini semua tentang uang, bukan? Ambil itu dan hilang,” Dia berteriak sambil melemparkan kartu hitam ke wajah Ariana. Ariana tidak percaya dengan telinganya ketika dia mendengar suaminya atau calon mantan suaminya menghina dia seperti ini. Tiga tahun. Ariana Harlow memberikan Noah Nelson, tiga tahun dan namun ketika dia memergokinya berciuman dengan saudara perempuannya yang lebih tua, Ariel—— ini yang dia katakan kepadanya. “Saya akan menceraikanmu,” Ari menyatakan dan pergi. Dia pergi tanpa sepeser pun tetapi Ari tersandung ke Nicolai. Musuh dan saingan suaminya, pangeran Mafia kota Lonest, bajingan terkenal karena kecenderungan kekerasannya. Pertemuan malang itu meletakkan dia di jalur Nicolai, dan begitu saja dia menatapnya. Pertama kali mereka bertemu, Nicolai memintanya untuk mengundangnya makan malam. Kedua kali mereka bertemu, dia memberinya sejuta dolar. Ketiga kali mereka bertemu, dia menyatakan, “Kamu akan terlihat bagus di pelukanku, bagaimana menurutmu putri?” ********
Shi Hao, un jeune homme, a réussi à renverser la situation face à une figure puissante cherchant à le posséder. Il a acquis d'innombrables techniques de cultivation, compétences martiales, formations, connaissances en alchimie et arts du talisman, le mettant sur un chemin légendaire. Désormais, chaque génie et tyran doit s'incliner devant lui. Ceux qui refusent? Ils seront éliminés !
When her fiance ran away with her best friend on her wedding day, Anna Lee vowed never to love again. Her father also disowned her and told the world that she was not his daughter anymore. She struggled to find her footing as an actress and she lands the lead role in a very popular movie. Later, she meets Mo Xing, the president of the prestigious Mo Group and something begins to stir inside her heart. Mo Xing loves and protects her from everything and anything that threatens her well-being. He is heard saying one day: "You are the reporters who follow my wife every day? I will make sure you have no jobs ever again! My wife is having a hard time because of you!" or "Honey, you are very beautiful, why is my wife so beautiful?" or "Do you want an island or a huge yacht? tell me and husband will buy it for you!" the reporters start complaining, "Big boss, spare us the dog food, we want a glimpse of our best actress too!" The cover art is not mine (Pinterest) All credit to the owner
No one had thought that a daughter from such a low wealthy family could attract the youngest businessmen in the city and get the support from the wealthiest family in the capital. They all thought that the young master had gone crazy choosing her but they were shocked when her multiple identities were unmasked step by step.
[Manis, Memuaskan, dan Penuh Gairah; Manja Berkelompok; Siksa Para Playboy] Si Fuqing membuka matanya untuk menemukan bahwa keberuntungannya telah dicuri. Semua orang juga ingin dia keluar dari industri hiburan. Setelah mendapatkan kesempatan kedua dalam hidup, kali ini dia hanya ingin berdiam diri. Namun, beberapa orang yang tidak tahu diri terus mencoba memanfaatkan ketenarannya tanpa memiliki bakat yang sebenarnya. Ini tidak bisa dibiarkan. Dia harus melakukan sesuatu tentang mereka. Si Fuqing mencubit pergelangan tangannya dan mengambil tindakan. Setelah itu, internet mengecamnya karena cukup tak tahu malu untuk mendekati Yu Yao, dan bahwa kehidupan pribadinya tidak pantas, tapi… Seorang penyanyi internasional: Saya bisa berdiri di sini hari ini semua karena Qingqing. Seorang selebriti pria papan atas: Jauhi adik saya #YuYao Sebuah saluran olahraga internasional resmi: Selamat kepada Si Fuqing karena mengamankan medali emas pribadi ke-13. Semula, Yu Yao tidak memperhatikan Si Fuqing. Tapi ketika dia kemudian mengetahui kebenaran dan menyesal, bahkan berlutut agar Si Fuqing meliriknya lagi, dia hanya bisa memposting status di media sosial dengan mengatakan, [#SiFuqing, Halo, Bibi Kesembilan]. Hari itu, internet lumpuh. Dalam catatan sejarah, Kaisar Yin terkenal di usia muda. Dia sempurna, kuat, dan penyayang. Namun, dia meninggal pada usia 27 tahun karena penyakit, hanya menjalani kehidupan singkat tanpa istri atau anak. Bagi banyak orang, dia adalah Adonis yang tak terjangkau. Tidak ada yang tahu bahwa ketika dia membuka matanya sekali lagi, dia terbangun di masa depan di mana 1500 tahun telah berlalu. Kali ini, dia melihat gedung-gedung tinggi yang pernah dia bayangkan sebelumnya. Segera setelah itu, identitas Kaisar Yin terungkap. Ketika Si Fuqing mengetahui bahwa idolanya berada dalam jangkauan, dia sangat terkesan sehingga dia ingin... Si Fuqing: Saya akan bekerja keras! Kaisar Yin: Balas aku dengan tubuhmu. Si Fuqing: ??? 'Di sini saya mencoba bekerja keras, tapi Anda malah menginginkan saya?' Seorang dewi serba bisa dan cantik x Seorang kaisar yang tegas dan mulia Dari dicibir di internet, menjadi nomor satu saat dia melawan Adonisnya satu lawan satu.
""" A festa de noivado tão esperada se transforma em um anúncio de noivado desfeito e uma notificação de expulsão da casa. Em um dia, Anna perdeu tudo. Por acidente, ativou um espaço e levou os suprimentos do negócio por vingança. Mas quem poderia imaginar que desastres naturais viriam? O mundo está mudando e os recursos se tornam escassos. Então, o estilo de pintura mudou. Enquanto outras pessoas lutam para encontrar algo para comer, Anna ainda cozinhava em casa. Enquanto outras pessoas brigam por comida, Anna estava deitada em sua cama, beliscando seus salgadinhos favoritos. Enquanto outras pessoas se esforçam para conseguir um pouco de água, Anna estava deitada confortavelmente em sua banheira. Os parentes vieram à porta pedir ajuda. Anna apenas os olhou friamente e cuspiu, "Caiam fora!" Seu ex-noivo também veio, pedindo reconciliação e amor. Seu novo homem o expulsou pela porta e a fechou com força. Ele então olhou para Anna com um olhar de piedade. "Esposa, você não me quer mais? Sou fácil de manter." Anna olhou para o homem parecido com um filhote e o puxou para mais perto com um sorriso no rosto. . . . Só mais tarde ela percebeu que o filhotinho é na verdade um grande lobo mau... Mas os bens não podiam ser devolvidos! … Notas: a capa é uma imagem de IA. Eu só editei um pouco. """
Shi Hao, ein junger Mann, schaffte es, den Spieß umzudrehen, als eine mächtige Gestalt versuchte, von ihm Besitz zu ergreifen. Er erlangte zahllose Kultivierungstechniken, Kampffertigkeiten, Formationen, Alchemiewissen und Talismankünste, die ihn auf einen legendären Weg führten. Jetzt muss sich jedes Genie und jeder Tyrann vor ihm verbeugen. Diejenigen, die sich weigern? Sie werden eliminiert!
They lost everything, their money, their fame, their influence, but this will not be the end. Ian Lim was born the heir to one of the nation’s richest and most powerful families, but that title was now long gone. After betrayal, illness, and sheer bad luck plagued his family, Ian lost everything. When one misfortune after another hit the Lim family the golden prince became the fallen prince, from servants attending to his every need he was now a servant himself. As the true colors of the people around him came to the surface, Ian swore revenge. One day, like a phoenix, he would have the Lim family rise back up again. And everyone that ever looked down at him, would get their just deserts. ____________________________________________________________________________ “Why are you doing this?” The imposing man in front of him asked. Ian could feel the power and authority radiating from him, he was clearly someone important. “You didn’t have to save her, and you are clearly drinking for a reason, so why help?” “Does it matter?” Ian hissed, he wasn’t in the mood to bow down to some rich man. He had enough on his plate today to care. He was surprised when the man suddenly laughed. Ian was expecting this man to have him thrown out, not to be amused by what he had just said. “I like you.” The intimidating figure finally spoke. Ian couldn’t help but look up at him in curiosity, most powerful men didn’t like being talked back to. “Marco, get his details. I see a future for this one.” For some reason Ian knew at that moment that his life would change, that he would no longer need to settle for rich kid’s scraps. Something about this man’s words seemed like a promise to help. ____________________________________________________________________________ In a world where the poor just get poorer, and the rich get richer, can Ian go against the tide and rise again? Can he fight the disgrace and shame his family faced when they were thrown out and shunned? Can the disgraced heir rise again and take back what was taken from him?An ancient saying goes, "First is fate, second is luck, third is Feng Shui." Ye Qing, the strongest Special Forces soldier born with the Life Grid of the coiling dragon and carrying the Crouching Tiger Feng Shui, resolutely left the army to head south in order to save his only kidnapped younger brother. However, in this glittering and indulgent city, forbearance proved futile, and only the fist served as the real truth. Short of breath from heroic struggles and entangled in affairs of the heart, he ultimately could not overcome the brutal Law of Survival. And he, vowed to become the maker of that Law of Survival!
"Do you Mrs Chantel McCarty take Mr Dominic Winfrey as your lawfully wedded husband till death do you apart?" The priest ask the average woman glaring at the man on a retro suit. If look could kill, then Dominic would be unconscious right now. The priest made to ask again but the woman replied. "No, I don't" her replied shocked everyone especially her parents. "As the matter fact, I know nothing about this motherfucker" she paused and look back at the priest whose eyes was widened like that of a watermelon. "But who cares, I don't have damn right to make ma own decision. I'm sure Mr Demonic... oh sorry.. I meant to say Dominic, would say Yes, so I guess you should proceed Mr Priest, there's no need for you to ask since you know you can't do a damn thing to stop this wedding.. Gawd! my foot is killing me" She reach down and took off her heels. When she was done she took a deep breath and smiled to everyone in the hall not noticing the Dominic cold glare on her. His blood was boiling. "Mr Dominic Winf..." "Yes I do" Came a cold voice from Dominic as he glare at the Priest who shuddered in fear. Poor him. "I now you both a..and wife" The priest stammer as his hand shaking. The wife was crazy and the husband was damn scary. ___ Being the most feared and ruthless Billionaire, Dominic Winfrey have a lot of rivals. Due to the pressure from his family to settle down and in order to protect his company from hostile take over, he have no choice but to proposed a marriage to the McCarthy family first daughter. The two families decided to merge for business collaboration. Unfortunately for him, Chantel McCarthy wasn't that type of a submissive woman. In fact she is the opposite of a perfect wife. Soon, series of comic events escalates in between them. ____ Wanna find out the drama between these two? What happened when an unexpected feeling came between them?
Choquant ! La célèbre famille Lin à Jinchuan a fait faillite. Le public : Qui en est responsable ? Initié : Le descendant indigne, Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! Le souverain de Jinchuan, Huo Guixiao, se marie ! Le public : Qui est la mariée ? Initié : La dominatrice et arrogante Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! L'identité de la personne en charge de la Biologie Taixi a été révélée. Le public : Qui est le PDG ? Initié : Est-ce toujours... Lin Wanli ? Ce perdant ?! *** Dans sa vie antérieure, Lin Wanli avait été trompée par sa meilleure amie, manipulée par son père vaurien et rejetée par sa grand-mère. Elle ne pouvait même pas protéger sa fille de huit mois, qui avait été jetée à la poubelle par sa nounou. Après s'être réincarnée, Lin Wanli a désespérément saisi l'opportunité de prendre sa revanche. Elle a également conquis l'homme qui l'a aidée à se venger. C'est juste... Elle a toujours pensé que cet homme s'était aussi réincarné. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle réalise qu'il pouvait facilement lire dans ses pensées. "Monsieur Huo, n'est-ce pas un peu impoli de votre part de vous être réincarné avec des compétences spéciales ?" demanda Lin Wanli. "Quand ai-je jamais dit que je m'étais réincarné ?" demanda-t-il. "Ai-je mal compris ?" "Pas exactement. J'ai bien une compétence spéciale. Par exemple, j'ai pu vous entendre vous plaindre que le lit était trop petit hier soir," répondit-il.
[NOTICE: SILVER WINNER OF WRITING PROMPT CONTEST 235 - FEMALE LEAD - FAMILY] Ashma never knew her father. Her mother and maternal granddad are the only family she knows. She hates her father as he left her mother after she became pregnant out of wedlock. But her mother made sure that she grows up into an independent woman. She is a world-renowned fashion designer. Suddenly she gets news of another family of her fathers as her half-sister seeks her out. Everyone in the new family loves her except her paternal grandfather. He hates her as she is an illegitimate child and would cause a scandal if the word of her existence comes out. She hates him as he destroyed her mother’s life, and he ordered his son to leave her mother forever. They go toe to toe at every turn. Who will win the familial war? Will they ever learn to love each other? Will Ashma accept her new family or reject their love?Victoria Garcia signed a slave contract, but accidentally fainted in bed! "Arnold Johnson, you are a monster! You said you could wait three years!" She complained! "I would be less than one if I didn't take an opportunity after it presents itself!" Then, on a certain night... "You're a scoundrel and a scumbag!" Xiu Xiangwan yelled on the verge of falling apart. "I could be worse if you dare to test me!" "..." Arnold Johnson is the second child of the Johnson family, one of the six top families of business magnates and owners of Johnson Holdings. Everyone says that he was affably evil and elegantly ruthless, and he was said to have seized an opening to engineer his own brother's death, hence inheriting Johnson Holdings! Victoria Garcia was the daughter of a family who now fell to dire straits, pawning herself off to Arnold Johnson to keep her mother out of prison...
L'Ancien Tyran, l'Empereur Dragon, Su Han, avait autrefois gouverné le royaume sacré et dominé pendant tout un siècle en tant qu'homme le plus puissant de la galaxie entière ! Cependant, après sa mort due à une déviation berserk de Qi causée par la fusion de différents niveaux de cultivation, ses hommes se sont mutinés, son amante est tombée dans un profond sommeil, et son meilleur ami est devenu un fugitif ! À présent, après sa réincarnation, Su Han va sûrement faire son grand retour et renverser la situation, en tuant tous ceux qui l'avaient autrefois trahi !!!
The meeting she had been waiting for five years vanished and turned into a catastrophe in her life. A beautiful plan designed by Cheery to spend a romantic evening with her childhood sweetheart and best friend- Devano, she had to let go of tears due to an unexpected technical error. Her virginity was snatched away by a man she did not know who caused her separation from Devano due to her pregnancy. Cheery then goes away from Devano's life. Years later, Cheery returns to her hometown in search of a better job to support her mother and son. During an interview, Cheery has to look old-fashioned to trick his boss, who is known to be a playboy, even though he already has a fiancé. And time proved that the boss herself was the father of her son. Can Cheery live her days in peace after becoming the secretary to the CEO at her place of work? And can Cherry accept the fact that her true identity is a mafia daughter? *** You can also read works by other Author Knisa : 1. BLOCKED LOVE 2. Rich Widower And Beautiful Boss 3. BRIDE OF MASTER HYBRID 4. MY ROOMMATE IS A GHOST 5. THE YOUNG WIDOW AND THE MAN FROM THE PAST 6. STEPMOM FOR YOUR SON So, don't be bored waiting for my updates because there are still many works for you to read. Big Love to you guys, and happy reading!!!The ascension pill tribulation descended, and when Zhu Fei woke up, he found himself reborn into the body of a wasteful illegitimate son from a prominent family. Facing the bullying and provocation of others, will he still remain timid and weak like before? Faced with his frailty, what changes will he make? See how a useless person counters all odds, and step by step, with an arrogant and domineering posture, ultimately reaches the pinnacle!