kkkkkkk, quando eu li isso na hora eu pensei no globo repórter
The first book was large and had a thick yellow leather cover with the faces of several animals drawn on it, this was the 'Bestiary of the Southern Border - Vol. I' - This book describes where these animals live, what they eat and how they reproduce, their strengths and weaknesses, it didn't have information on all the beasts of the southern border, but it did have the most famous and well-known by the community.
Book&Literature · PilgrimofWisdom
Hoenn is inspired by an island in Japan. You're finding the names strange because you probably watched pokemon dubbed.
Chapter 14: Yuli Terada
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
All hail our great and enlightened never wrong supreme leader Alexendre of morals affectionately called Xandão Cabeça de Piroca
Book&Literature · CreedFollower
cuidado com o q vc posta. O pessoal do supremo não gosta quando vão contra eles , lembro do caso do cara q falou mal do lewandowski no avião e ele prendeu o cara.
All hail our great and enlightened never wrong supreme leader Alexendre of morals affectionately called Xandão Cabeça de Piroca
Book&Literature · CreedFollower
It's a story about MC being either the first vampire or the second generation vampire, where the rules of the vampires are like the Vampire: the Masquerade franchise. he'll travel through human history much like the Eternals did, and it'll be a focused story and we could explore how he would take care of his childe(or abandon them). if you want a similar read, try "Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal". tbh it's too ambitious, it's hard to finish a long story like this one, even the author of that eternal fanfic reached two hundred fifty-ish chapters and still didn't finish it.
TV · Its_def_mark
So on a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate this arc? With 5 being very very good. And 1 the worst. Comment below.
Anime & Comics · MonkWithAPen
the elders are based on real people/politicians, you could use their name
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Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker
I graduated from engineering school yesterday, so I was celebrating. You'll have three chapters. Oh join my discord, 8 are already there!
I am Overhaul in Jujutsu Kaisen World
Anime & Comics · Luel