sounds like a hassle more than anything else
Aguesid immediately smiled and shook his head slowly as he answered, "Impossible! It will never be possible! Building our ironclad warship required three big coal and steel amalgamators, a scale of more than twenty steel factories, 60 scientists and senior engineers from the Backlund Cannon Academy and Pritz Nautical Academy, two royal shipyards, almost hundred factories for spare parts, an Admiralty, a ship-building committee, a Cabinet, a determined king with excellent foresight, and a great country with an annual steel production of 12 million tonnes!
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
so far so good. definitely not the average story. protag ain't no puss either, he seems smart, better than most of them I've come across
It's definitely something that I recommend. The premise is interesting, and the writing quality is high with little to no grammatical errors. It has clarity and is easy to understand on most occasions. At the same time, the protagonist has certainly grown on me as I read more chapters
Myriad Devils
Fantasy · Six3