Webnovel Author: Sycore_w - Fanfic Collection



LV 1

Writer of novels. My contact email is - sycore.w@gmail.com

2024-04-16 Beigetreten Ukraine

Abzeichen 3

Moments 250

Replied to Clown_Of_God

Thanks, I don't remember where I get one hand seal, I thought it was from anime or manga, but it seems that it's coming from some other fanfics. I'll keep the 'one hand seal' in the story though for the consistency reasons.

'Well, that was hard. I can't even imagine the Tobirama Senju skills, he used to perform the Water Dragon Bullet jutsu that normally requires 44 damn hand seals with just one hand seal. The level of mastery that is required for that is unimaginable!'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Hastyar_Hyper

Even if he is orphan, it's not like his family tree can't be investigated, his mother lived in the village, so village naturally has information about him, pretending to be an Uzumaki will be hard in this case.

'Picking Uchiha clan is tempting but there are too much problems with that, like Uchiha massacre and Danzo with Orochimaru are after them if I somehow survive the massacre, so no thanks! Senju is good but they are also hunted, Uzumaki is looking good, but who knows what plot-twists it may trigger if I'm to be the only other Uzumaki besides Naruto himself, maybe I will return to that choice after checking all that on the table.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to KILLER_Pineapple


'I don't exactly know how it would work for the time being, I need to increase my spiritual energy first and then I should start to understand the mechanics of the physical time travel. But as I haven't encountered my future self yet, I can assume that I can't interfere with my past self when I do physical time travel, or maybe there is some other complications. Or future me decided to not interfere with his past self for some reason.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to KILLER_Pineapple

And what is the problem with that?

[AN: It's not that MC is too restricted by his morals, he is just afraid that he would lose his humanity and starts treating everyone else as NPC's. It's too easy for someone with that ability to slip and become evil, killing people left and right with excuse that he would time travel and make everything like it's never happened.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Bharath_M984

It's hard to tell. At some point when Yuta was reach a soft celling of his power, he would look for other means to advance, like Kakuzu jutsu or Hiruko jutsu, or Hashirama cells, or something else, I don't know what it would be so I can't tell when it happens.

For now just know that MC progresses with time, his physical and spiritual energy and chakra is growing, his sensory technique is improving, and he also learning some good stuff in the library.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Travis_Cat

Ahem. Even if he does that, I believe that he wouldn't see through that byakugan, as it needs to be connected to the brain by the visual nerve cord or something like that. I don't think Danzo was able to actually see with his sharingans in his arm.

'The problem is that I'm not an Uchiha, so I will not be able to deactivate the Sharingan, it will always be in the activated state and will continuously drain my chakra… Who knows, maybe there is other complications as well.'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Kacper_Furude

Yuta's mother aren't shinobi, sorry if that part was not clear enough.

'Now that I can feel and control my chakra it's time for me to try the leaf concentration exercise. According to it I need to stick the leaf to my forehead and concentrate my chakra on it in a way that it will not fall. But I probably have to do that without anyone's noticing me. Civilian orphans shouldn't know about this exercise after all.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Kacper_Furude

I thought about Earth Grudge Fear jutsu, but it not looks like it grants immortality, it allows to replace aged inner organs but the brain ages to, and it's not like you can replace that, so I believe this jutsu only can prolong life significantly, like up to 150 years or so, but this is not the immortality.

'Third goal will be immortality of course! There are definitely ways to do that. Like who wouldn't want to become immortal and live as long as they want without having to worry about time and age? I will able to achieve some kind of immortality with traveling back in time, but that is not enough.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Bharath_M984

Well, average didn't mean bad, it's just in the middle, and that year batch of kids are not the brightest ones

'I wish I had bigger area of my sensory abilities, now I can sense others chakra only in a 20m radius, and from the place I'm standing I can only sense some civilians chakra, and it's a very small amounts compared to my current reserves. There's not even a single genin around me to compare myself to in terms of chakra reserve capacity.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Bharath_M984

yes but not much, as physical strength and speed wouldn't be his strong points for a long time

For now just know that MC progresses with time, his physical and spiritual energy and chakra is growing, his sensory technique is improving, and he also learning some good stuff in the library.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to rawthentic

what do you mean?

[AN: MC is about to start some risky business there, is he will be alright or is it going to backfire? Who knows...

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to rawthentic

I think that should be possible, but why then Kakashi not done it? There is Hiruzen and Jiraya around to help him with fuinjutsu, and he is also good at it too but he never did something like that.

'The problem is that I'm not an Uchiha, so I will not be able to deactivate the Sharingan, it will always be in the activated state and will continuously drain my chakra… Who knows, maybe there is other complications as well.'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Desire96

Well, I guess the time is similar in both fanfics, as well as both MC's are orphans, but I think that's about it. I didn't think much about the time frame though when I started. And it wouldn't be a copy of wind calamity, that's for sure.

'When I look at him, I feel some kind of pressure, as if he emanates some kind of pressure around him. It's hard to explain, as if I'm standing not in the open air but deep underwater, it's almost suffocating!'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Desire96

yea, but didn't work well for long, as webnovel interface cuts down names at some point and mentioning people becomes impossible after 15 or so power stone votes a day

Thanks to Yionfhj, Carlllos, TrueMonarch00, Herbivore, IDB, poonie_jr, YourShadowsenpai, Lanewy_Jaren, inane, Fajar_Coker, Wvttz and none3698 for the power stones!

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

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