
LV 3
2024-02-22 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 3

Moments 99
8 hours ago

Who is shen hai?

Shen Long walked out and instructed Shen Hai, "You keep on cultivating!"

Immortal Venerable of the Beast Race

Immortal Venerable of the Beast Race

Eastern · Divine Sovereign of Great Expansion

1 days ago

The dao companion stuff in this novel was light hearted and wasn’t made a big deal of, like sect alliances, noble arranged marriages, importance of next generations talent, primordial yin, and dual cultivation. But considering the MC helped Chu Buyu like three times out of coincidence, it seems there’ll be a completely unnecessary Dao companion. The MC at this point should already be thinking he can reach soul transformation and then ascend, so he shouldn’t be considering any Dao companions.

He had not had much interaction with Ye Hongyao, and her sudden confession caught Shen Long completely off guard. He had only ever regarded Ye Hongyao as a common friend and never considered taking her as a bride.

Immortal Venerable of the Beast Race

Immortal Venerable of the Beast Race

Eastern · Divine Sovereign of Great Expansion

7 days ago

This doesn’t make much sense, innate divine beings as war generals could solve all battles in the mortal realm quite easily. They could practice for 300-400 years and become invincible below older innate beings.

"Heavenly Lord, do not overthink it. Your talent far surpasses many Yinglong. I have never seen a dragon serve as Heavenly Lord. Back when the Dragon Tribe was at its peak, many Yinglong, including myself, were merely war generals under the Heavenly Emperor, wielding no great authority, unlike you today, with great powers at your command,"

I Am A Demon In Both Two Realms

I Am A Demon In Both Two Realms

Eastern · Do You Eat Cabbage?

7 days ago

Quite dumb

"Master the Five Elements? Nurture essence, breath, and spirit with the Five Elements? Utilize the Acquired to return to the Innate?" Yibai pondered quietly. It felt as if he had latched onto a crucial insight, yet he could not fully grasp it, leaving him somewhat bewildered.

I Am A Demon In Both Two Realms

I Am A Demon In Both Two Realms

Eastern · Do You Eat Cabbage?

7 days ago

In other words, he gave all his resources to his descendants or kept them for his clan. Either that or he was killed early.

"Didn't the history books record that Emperor Yun never took a disciple in his entire life?"

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream

8 days ago

And there goes his chance to enhance the flame spirit, now he’ll have to do with beast trainer techniques he cant use anytime soon.

"But that would only limit your potential to the Flame Spirit, which won't be a good choice. It wouldn't achieve your dream of opening paths for the Human Tribe for generations to come."

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream

8 days ago

Yan Ran- hahaha

However, before he could dwell on it much longer, the news that the Emperor had summoned him reached him, leaving Lu Ran both shocked and elated.

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream

8 days ago

Not really lol, even a little princess can walk and shit all over your family estate, such a weak family should give up competing and be obedient slaves to the royal clan.

Ancestor Yan Xiao grunted and smacked the table. Sitting around him were several people; Master Yan Feng said helplessly, "It was a matter of time, unavoidable eventually."

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream

8 days ago

It seems the imperial clans are quite weak compared to the royal clan, even though the royal clan can’t make the imperial clan submissive. He can just throw the princess out, since when can someone just walk straight into someone else’s house?

"It's okay, Uncle Yan, I won't use my trump card. It's just a friendly exchange, not meant to determine a winner or loser," stated the Seventh Princess with a light smile.

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream

8 days ago

Yes, break the curse and all humans can live for thousands of years and flatten mountains with a palm.

"Only by defeating Legendary Creatures can we help Humanity lift the curse and change the fate of our race."

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream