Despite his mental age he's still a child, so it's natural for him to play with other children, and it would be strange if he didn't behave like a normal child.
After swinging on the swings and playing tag with the others, I went to the other end of the playground.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
For 10 years he pumped more weapon haks, I just didn't describe it since there was timeskip.
Without giving the enemy time to realize what's happening, I coated my fists with haki armament and struck at her with all my might.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
he's not using all his powers, and how do you think he'd pass the exam?
While most took a split second to digest the information, I was already running. Every second and every enemy counts, we can't delay. That's why I created two dark knights in the beginning.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
I don't know, I'm more comfortable highlighting direct speech like this.
- Five colored threads!
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
His performance should not be much higher than the others in physical terms, but this does not apply to combat skills
We were given a dynamometer to measure grip strength. When I grabbed it, I used a bit of khaki so that I wouldn't break it, and so that I wouldn't stand out.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
I didn't notice when watching the anime
It was a push-button folding cell phone. Touch screen ones hadn't been invented in this world yet, at least not at this time.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
I'd love it if you could point them out.
warhammer 40k
Fuck, I don't want to end up in Wahoo. It's got a life expectancy of two seconds. I respect the emperor, but I'd rather go anywhere but there.
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy
I understand, and that's why the further development of the romance will be slower.
yeah this theory is good, at least for the moment his understanding of power is limited to the devil fruit, but later on dozens of chapters later his quirkiness will manifest itself quite interestingly
Threads flew out of my hand, so thin that even I did not immediately notice them and attached to my toys. Moving my fingers like a puppeteer, the toys stood up and began to move I do not know how to explain, but I again instinctively knew what to do and how to do, I think so all users of quirks.
Doflamingo Hero Academia
Anime & Comics · mudrecgeniy