Lar'Kan, the Dominion Battleship
Emerging from the sphere and en route to rendezvous with the USS Nexus were four formidable vessels. First was the T'Ret, a Romulan Warbird whose emerald hull shimmered with latent menace. The Federation Geneva-class battlecruiser USS Henderson flew in formation alongside the IKS L'Kang, a Klingon Vor'cha cruiser that exuded raw power. Completing the group was the Lar'Kan, a Dominion battleship whose imposing silhouette hinted at unmatched firepower. Each vessel, the pinnacle of its respective faction's might, flew toward the Nexus, a symbol of unity and hope for the Khitomer Alliance.
TV · Xairou
L'Kang, Klingon Vor'Cha Class
Emerging from the sphere and en route to rendezvous with the USS Nexus were four formidable vessels. First was the T'Ret, a Romulan Warbird whose emerald hull shimmered with latent menace. The Federation Geneva-class battlecruiser USS Henderson flew in formation alongside the IKS L'Kang, a Klingon Vor'cha cruiser that exuded raw power. Completing the group was the Lar'Kan, a Dominion battleship whose imposing silhouette hinted at unmatched firepower. Each vessel, the pinnacle of its respective faction's might, flew toward the Nexus, a symbol of unity and hope for the Khitomer Alliance.
TV · Xairou
USS Henderson, Geneva-class
Emerging from the sphere and en route to rendezvous with the USS Nexus were four formidable vessels. First was the T'Ret, a Romulan Warbird whose emerald hull shimmered with latent menace. The Federation Geneva-class battlecruiser USS Henderson flew in formation alongside the IKS L'Kang, a Klingon Vor'cha cruiser that exuded raw power. Completing the group was the Lar'Kan, a Dominion battleship whose imposing silhouette hinted at unmatched firepower. Each vessel, the pinnacle of its respective faction's might, flew toward the Nexus, a symbol of unity and hope for the Khitomer Alliance.
TV · Xairou
T'Ret, the Romulan Warbird
Emerging from the sphere and en route to rendezvous with the USS Nexus were four formidable vessels. First was the T'Ret, a Romulan Warbird whose emerald hull shimmered with latent menace. The Federation Geneva-class battlecruiser USS Henderson flew in formation alongside the IKS L'Kang, a Klingon Vor'cha cruiser that exuded raw power. Completing the group was the Lar'Kan, a Dominion battleship whose imposing silhouette hinted at unmatched firepower. Each vessel, the pinnacle of its respective faction's might, flew toward the Nexus, a symbol of unity and hope for the Khitomer Alliance.
TV · Xairou
Voth Fortress Ship
In the sleek, high-tech boardroom of the Nexus, the commanding officers of the Alliance ships gathered around the table. Shravuk, the Reman captain, stood at its head. With a command, he brought up a detailed schematic of the Voth Fortress Ship. The sheer size of the vessel dominated the room, its endless weapon arrays and shields a stark reminder of the challenge ahead.
TV · Xairou
"Tune in for Next week's episode of Star Trek Nexus!"
Shravuk slammed his fist on the table, his voice fierce. "And the Alliance has been running away every time that Fortress shows up, but no more!" His eyes burned with determination. "It's time to enact Operation Breach!"
TV · Xairou
Do not worry, I reference ALLL of the Star Treks and many many more.
"Neil!" Anzyl spoke in surprise. "You finished your week on the Cerritos already? I hope Commander Ransom showed you a thing or two on being a First officer." He walked over to shake his hand, but Neil's face was blank and emotionless. "Oh come on, he's not THAT bad!"
TV · Xairou
Well... It would be like a Jet Ski pushing along a Cruise Ship, so... more work and harm than it would be helpful.
Lusaalli nodded and grinned, "The USS Alliant. Remember the whole Kilometer long thing? Well, sometimes bulk of that size is more of a hindrance than a help, so the massive shuttle bay, that is located in the middle of the top and bottom nacelles, holds the Alliant. Used for short-range missions, where the size of the Nexus is just too big for the job."
TV · Xairou
You will quickly learn, Not everyone’s on par with Starfleet protocols and regulations aboard the Nexus. And a Lukarri thing too.
"Again, ask your tactical officer, I have no clue," she replied.
TV · Xairou
Voth Citadel-class Dreadnaught
The Voth Citadel-class Dreadnaught was a behemoth, dwarfing the combined task force. Its twelve-kilometer-long arrowhead frame glowed with silver, green, and aqua accents, housing hundreds of thousands aboard—a warship described as a "city at war."
Star Trek: Nexus
TV · Xairou