
LV 12
2024-01-09 Beigetreten Global
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Moments 3
2 months ago

this story truly impressed my. it even gave me strong emotions like truly strong it was hard not to cry or being happy. when the Mary wish was full I'd I was happy and sad form her sory same dor the spider and the Clow. but the end gave me too much emotions don't take me wrong that nice but. the ending did not feel right to me like it's not a happy ending well it is but not at the same time. like a fake happy ending . it made me sad but also angry like why can't Alice being whit the children why do they need to be separated why do the children need to forget why why why!!! why can't they be happy together they where close friends really close so close that they are ready to put their live at sake! so why can't they be together! I feel power less it gave me the feeling that I need to change the ending I'm sad just sad I know it's a story but I hope that one day the children remember and one day Alice and the children chall reunite that one day thier will be a true happy ending at least in my opinion. I'm sorry If you feel offended by what I say about your ending author it just that I needed to let it out. but I truly hope that one day they remember and they reunite I hope it whit all my micht

3 months ago


[Now press F for all the fallen whales.]

Jormungandr in One Piece

Jormungandr in One Piece

Anime & Comics · kingkongdf

3 months ago