Djimon is a young adult, he still lives at his family farm, helping out his parents, until one day, a tragedy strikes...
In this dark fantasy type world, malicious beings roam the earth, harming innocent people, but don't trust the people either.
Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…
A young high school student called Hanzo departs from Tokyo and moves in a very small town in Japan, in his new high school, everyone seems nice and calm unlike his other school, it's like paradise but he discovers the mysteries that hide below this high school which turns what he thought was paradise into hell.
Dream Strike follows Kenjiro Kito, a shrine guardian in the ancient town of Himura. Upon discovering his artistic talents can shape the dream world, Kenjiro embarks on a quest guided by ancestral spirits. Facing yokai and uncovering family secrets, he unravels a hidden legacy tied to forgotten rituals and ancient prophecies. As Kenjiro navigates this dual existence, he must prevent a disaster that jeopardizes the delicate balance between reality and dreams. Filled with mysteries, challenges, and the echoes of destiny, "Dream Strike" explores the profound connection between the tangible and dream worlds.
Aswong Man se déroule dans une réalité alternative où les aswongs, des créatures qui ressemblent à des gens normaux mais ne peuvent survivre qu'en mangeant de la chair humaine, vivent en secret parmi la population humaine, cachant leur vraie nature afin d'échapper aux poursuites des autorités.
Franchement, c cool
[Fr] The most powerful demon
Eastern · Chris_Terrom