I am newbie writer from Ukraine, currently living in Spain. I started writing my book just to get rid of depressing thoughts and I am really pleased to see that there is people who like my spontaneous method of self-expression. Thank you all for your support 🙏🏼http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibraryhttps://discord.com/invite/FADrr4zX
2023-11-24 Beigetreten Global
go check the patreon
that's because both in russian and chinese they made the world squib sound like fireworks
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Movies · The_last_airbender
ahahahah, thats the boat
Tyrion watched as Lyudka approached the shore and finally came close enough to run aground.
Movies · The_last_airbender
sory, changed it
no, definitely not
The problem arose when he arrived in the Earth Kingdom, where he had a conflict with a merchant, and in a fit of anger, he unleashed a couple of streams of fire... Because of this, he was mistaken for a spy and attacked by Earth Kingdom soldiers, many of them. In his attempts to disarm rather than harm his assailants, he got injured. As he fled, he stumbled into a peculiar rift in the mountains, transporting him into the world of Harry Potter.
Movies · The_last_airbender
wait till chapter 200
yes, yes, and yes, I have finally finished all of my work stuff and the renovation in my house. from now on, Saturday, Sunday and Friday are my writing days, at least once a week i will update, If I will be able to do more I will
one more week
no, but i am currently renovating my house so i literally have no time
that's the book accurate sansa actually ....
Hogwarts : leveling up the world
Movies · The_last_airbender