Ahegaooooo - Profile



LV 13
2023-10-19 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 8

Moments 92


What is she? The love interest or sum? And is he supposed to be like the replacement of captain?

Agent Carter's smirk deepened as she lightly bit her lip. "Is this your shy charm from a different culture?"

Marvel Disassembler

Marvel Disassembler

Movies · DarkShadow95




More time passed and I eventually told Salazar the truth. About my old world, about who I used to be, and about the future of this world should things follow the same path. 



Anime & Comics · Vargr_the_Skald


…He’s emotionally damaged, unstable, irrational & etc. I get he’s hurt but he’s highly unreasonable to simply believe that she would know those things when she’s literally saving millions of lives. Not victim blaming, but if he wanted her to know these things then talk to her. I doubt she’s a mind reader. AND if she just so happens to be then I doubt she’d invade his privacy. 🤷‍♀️

"Jey I can't leave you like that! I need to help you-" She felt her body being thrown away against the wall of the room as the black wing hit her body, Jey said once again: "You are not the hero, Thalya..." He looked at the window, his newly acquired wings were uncomfortable on his back... He needed to stretch them. "Heroes save people... You chose the world over your best friend. You abandoned me... Left me behind... And now that I am growing, now that I moved on with my life, you dare to come into my house and say I left you and your little boyfriend!?" With his angry shout, everything around in the room started to float, as if gravity was turned down. "You know nothing of me, you don't care about me, and you are not welcome inside my house EVER AGAIN!" With his last shout, Thalya was thrown against the wall with such force that the wall broke and she was thrown outside, where her boyfriend and sidekick was.

[Random Novel Ideas]

[Random Novel Ideas]

LGBT+ · DaoOfGay




With a mischievous grin, Alex nodded in acceptance. "Well Tiff, I did miss your birthday, didn't I? Consider him your birthday present from me," he quipped, motioning with open hands towards Drayvos.

My Olympus Exile (Bara BL)

My Olympus Exile (Bara BL)

LGBT+ · JDStone



[Every Day] by the most famous 2nd generation male idol group - Supernova.

Falling for the Omega Idol

Falling for the Omega Idol

LGBT+ · Tyramisu


She confusing me a bit…just all over the place. Didn’t she previously say something abt keeping her guard up or something like that…? I understand her being tired but..

Eira took a deep breath, she hadn't felt this calm in... years. Her sword finally slipped out of her grip and plopped on the ground as her head tilted backwards and touched the coarse bark of the cold tree. Eira whole body was put into a great comfort, it sort of felt like if vines were wrapping around her entire body and slowly tightening. Wait.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


Does Kade not know that when he controls someone their behavior is off or does he not care? Bc if he just doesn’t care than that’s weird given his background and his supposed intelligence.

Chairman Go sighed heavily, his fingers drumming on the desk. "This isn't good. Kade's done something, but we need to find out what it is before it gets out of control."

Exploring the Multiverse

Exploring the Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Ikkarus


Waiit.. pause.. how old is he? Ik it was stated that his body shrunk but.. ur age doesn’t shrink with the body…


 Under the faint moonlight, Ryuuji barely looked at Machi's body with his eye. Her skin is white and she flat. There was nothing to expect. Her thin body showed rows of bones.

Gourmet Hunter [HxH Fanfic]

Gourmet Hunter [HxH Fanfic]

Anime & Comics · Crash_0537


I immediately thought of aespa🙂‍↕️.


"Weirdly restful? I thought getting possessed made you tired after!" As he passed by the main table, he kissed his mother's forehead and picked up a piece of bread before he went to sit beside the Emperor, right by his left: "So, what's with the awkward tension?" He went directly for the question- no beating around the bush with him! Taking a bite of his sweet pale pink bread, Adam could feel the looks from the others. They looked... afraid? Not really, intimidated! That's the word. "Oh, you made them piss their pants, right? Did you show them the heat death of the universe? That one's weirdly beautiful!" There's a few intimidation tactics that the Empress likes to use. One of them is to mess up with your mind showing the endless power he wields with his soul- and how does he do that? Well, he literally takes you to see the heat death of the universe! Not physically, but your mind is taken to see as the stars go supernova, watch black holes wither away, and witness the universe come to a sparkly end. "I kinda like that one."

Sewer King - An SI in Gotham

Sewer King - An SI in Gotham

Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay


Yeah, because I was gonna say this isn’t much of a curse tbh. Simply bc idols are attractive af! So to stand out amongst that you’d need something abt u that’ll catch attention.

Besides, wasn't there a saying that 'a great artisan doesn't blame their tools'? He just had to make sure that this 'blessing' would be a gift and not a curse.

Falling for the Omega Idol

Falling for the Omega Idol

LGBT+ · Tyramisu


Punctuation and spacing pls! 😕

Currently, there were some things about the Gates of Babylon that I should note such as the speed and while I expected it to be slow. Still, I was proven wrong when the weapon I fired broke the sound barrier…yeah let's say that slower it broke the goddamn sound barrier why do I have a distinct feeling that this is going to get out of hand really quickly. Then again it makes sense naturally the Gates of Babylon are light speed ain't that glorious while I'm on the topic of the Gates of Babylon let's talk about the weapons so first thing first the lowest ranked weapons in the Gates of Babylon are B-ranked and the highest had question marks instead of a lettered rank and also I have started to recreate weapons from fate to put into the Gates of Babylon currently I have recreated five things Gae Bolg, Durandal, Caliburn, Enkidu, and something really cool. Normally I wouldn't be able to recreate these weapons in three days time because of the amount of mana I have onto the fact these weapons are ???-ranked thankfully I grew a damn brain and created two skills called Mana reactor and Mana cultivator the first one should be self-explanatory it generates mana continuous for my body around 100 mana per second and the other increases the amount of mana I have.

Solo Leveling: The Absolute

Solo Leveling: The Absolute

Anime & Comics · TheKeneticLord5


And how old is Alice? …

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She just randomly remembered it out of nowhere or did something remind her?

As 13 talked about how Quirks can easily kill, Nemo remembered something. Something she wanted to forget. She slowly moved away from the others and started shaking a bit. Then she heard someone's voice.

MHA: Shadow manipulation

MHA: Shadow manipulation

Anime & Comics · Apandora

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