Ashburn almost jumped for joy, but instead, he sank to the ground, exhaling in pure relief. "Forty-three mutants down… fifty-seven to go."
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
It’s a problem with his mindset I think. He looked so desperate to get the summon that it denied him
"Come on… Arise!" Ashburn's voice rang with frustration, but once again, darkness burst forth—only to fade into nothing. He clicked his tongue, scowling as disappointment settled in.
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
So… he’s sending hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the dragon mutant but not leaving any to fight with?
Ashburn stood alone, facing down 41 mutant zombies. It was just him—against them all. He gripped his knives tighter, mind sharp and focused. 'If any of these mutants are as strong as those two my shadows lured away… this could get messy.'
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Actually for his shadow soldiers wouldnt the confined space be ideal? Also hes stupid for luring them all out at once instead of killing them one at a time as the leave the room
Fighting in such a tight space wasn't ideal. They needed to draw the zombies out. The horde immediately followed instincts overriding thought.
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Idk pick him up and take him out of New York? He won’t be a zombie in New York anymore so it won’t count towards the quest
"Fuck…" Ashburn's mind raced. "How the hell am I supposed to kill someone like Deadpool?"
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Skills: [Stealth], [Flash Step], [Shadow Inventory]
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Shadow inv seems like it should be Jon specific
Skills: [Stealth], [Flash Step], [Shadow Inventory]
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Yeah it determines how many shadows you can store at a time I think. Thats how it was for Jinwoo iirc
Job-Specific Skills: [Shadow Extraction], [Shadow Preservation (Lvl 1)],
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Bro… this is a level 5 milestone message
Congratulations on reaching Level 5!
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
I suppose non-fatal = anything that doesn’t destroy the heart of brain?
Enhances regeneration, allowing the user to recover from any non-fatal damage, including the regrowth of lost limbs.
The Shadow Monarch In The Marvel World
Anime & Comics · itachi1010