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2023-08-08 Beigetreten Global

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Replied to FictiveFodder

To be fair, as they explained, even professional chefs would be inconsistent. MC is practically making medicine, so the system taking control for a fully consistent product is very good. Could MC do it without the system, sure, but no two Pokeblock would be the exact same by hand.

Making pokeblocks required precise measurements and timing. A normal person may only master it through experience, and the quality of those pokeblocks would often vary. But for Cain, as long as he handed control over to the system, the pokeblocks would be identical every time, almost as if copied.

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Jeezu

Replied to genelvo

I'm a notorious double checker. If I'm 80% sure I heard the directions correctly, I'll repeat back what I was told (but abridged.) That way, if I'm wrong, I'm corrected on the spot. Bakers do it too, follow this exact recipe 100 times? You're still going to glance at it from time to time.

Ah, pokeblocks. One of the skills possessed by Pokemon breeders. As the owner of the system, how could he not make use of it? In his previous life, Cain was an excellent Pokemon breeder, though he had not been formally tested by the Association. The creation of pokeblocks was a specialty of his.

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Jeezu

Replied to Skeptical_Bookworm

I probably would've risked it, trying to eat the Rattata, even if IRL I'd never risk eating a rat (even if starving) due to disease concerns. If that was the train of thought MC had, would've been nice to include it?

Picking up the hare, Murkrow flapped his wings twice and flew back to perch on Cain's shoulder. And as they continued deeper into the forest, a silent understanding formed between the man and his companion.

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Jeezu


Nah man, suburbs are really bad. They're sprawling, car-dependent, waste of space, messes with horrible urban planning.

<div id="i4c-draggable-container" style="position: fixed; z-index: 1499; width: 0px; height: 0px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="resolved" style="all: initial;"></div></div>Seaside City, a metropolis located westward of Floral Forest Village, is among the largest cities in Mobius, with a population surpassing sixty thousand. It's made up of both normal, two or three-storey houses and skyscrapers several hundred feet tall, with apartment blocks in the middle, office buildings, a downtown near the city square, and outskirts that were too pleasing to the eye to be simple suburbs (not that suburbs are bad by themselves, or that there are bad suburbs, or-I'll be shutting now).

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

Anime & Comics · Terrier

Replied to LostM

To be fair, it was kind of a slow fall, and its debatable if Sonic 3 is even canon to this timeline. (I mean, "Classic Sonic" is a different Sonic after all.)

"The equivalent of a bit more than twenty five tons of explosives going off at the same time." I replied, earning bewildered and scared looks from the group. "Say, do you know much damage could your island, which HAS to weight at least several thousand tons, do if it fell to the ground at sufficient speed, maybe because some echidna eventually became so obsessed with some random magic rock, or decided just like a black hedgehog that someone who was a villain will remain a villain, no matter how sincere they are at the attempts at becoming good people, and decided to take matters into his own hands by dropping an entire island on his head?"

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

Anime & Comics · Terrier


Bloody hovercars... Tech bros always neglect actual public transit solutions like trains, subways, or trolley cars. Instead their minds jump straight to "we need a pod." Inefficient object or person moving devices like cars, helicopters, drones, or the infamous flying car.

Most important of all, however, was that because of their more efficient design, they could be made in more numbers and smaller. After that, I could continue with more ambitious and advanced stuff that nonetheless would be clean: hovercars, smart homes, trash-removal devices, superior methods of warm-generation for winter, maybe even a small ship for space tourism... The possibilities were limitless!

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

Anime & Comics · Terrier


What have you been smokin? Geothermal is VERY reliable, average system availability is 95% or higher! (For reference Coal and Nuclear tend to be around 60-70%.) It's only real problem is that it's working with a "limited" resource, the heat of the planet's core. A Geothermal plant would *slightly* speed up the eventual heat-death of the planet, but Volcanoes already do that naturally. (Scientists IRL estimate the Earth's iron core solidifying after another 91 billion years... For reference, our Sun will burn out in 5 billion years...)

Solar panels, while quite efficient, were also a bit fragile for my tastes, and they only absorbed direct sunlight. Nuclear energy, while the most powerful, was completely out of the question; not only would I need space to build a reactor, the villagers might not react well to having a nuclear factory in their home. Geothermal needed space, and wasn't that much reliable. And finally, there was no river or lake large enough for me to build a dam in, not if I wanted to remain hidden. So, I decided to use the simplest, oldest and overall most effective source of renewable energy I knew of.

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

Anime & Comics · Terrier

Replied to Nathaniel_Clayton

Only real problems they had (especially during this arc in canon) was the absurd amount of handsigns needed, and needing to turn a ninja fight into a Pokemon battle... (Let's be real, only reason Zabuza managed to use it in a fight, is because he knew Kakashi would take the bait and copy him. Anyone without a Sharingan would've tried closing the gap instead.)

Kakashi nodded and pondered on her issue. It made sense that she could not use those two right now. Those were B and A ranked jutsu with high chakra requirement. If she had managed to execute them too then he would have to wonder if she had been replaced by a Kiri Jonin instead.

Born as Sakura With a System

Born as Sakura With a System

Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago

Replied to Vastoking

Wood Release is a genetic anomaly, like Haku's Ice Release, or Kimimaro's... Bones... Wood Release is more than simply Water + Earth, you need that genetic anomaly (like White Zetsu(s), Obito, and Madara got from Hashirama Cells...) So I'm gonna say no, unless the system keeps getting stronger and weirder.

Kakashi nodded and pondered on her issue. It made sense that she could not use those two right now. Those were B and A ranked jutsu with high chakra requirement. If she had managed to execute them too then he would have to wonder if she had been replaced by a Kiri Jonin instead.

Born as Sakura With a System

Born as Sakura With a System

Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago

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