Reed an ordinary human with royal background, one day found himself intertwined within a fantasy world of Heaven and Hell...
"I will be playing as hero to save this world from the king of the Hell Amon...But.......why?How I ended up in his bridal chambers?!"
"I'm searching for my lost love...the love I killed myself...the love whose death I witnessed for many lives...the love that is so Cursed, can't be that... right?"
It's the story of a beautiful messed journey of two lovers who has been cursed for separation. Who cursed them and why??? Will they be able to overcome this curse or the destiny will repeat itself??? It's the story of cursed love... Curse is the destiny of their love....
Don't worry dear I'm working on it 🙂 Hopefully it will be soon 🔜 Thanks for always supporting and encouraging 😊
The Reasons (BL) - Volume 1
Fantasy · Shivani_2106