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I'm the type of guy who spends an hour just to think what to write on this sht

2023-06-22 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 4

Moments 659


Ugh... it's hard to swallow his submissive personality. If it's gonna be like this why make it that he's transmigrated as Abel? He already wished for immortality so he doesn't really need to be Abel. His breedable attitude throws me out of my curiosity with this fic.

I took a deep breath, knowing this was my moment to address their concerns directly. "I understand your hesitation," I said, my voice steady. "My past actions have earned your mistrust, but I assure you, I'm here to contribute positively. The Foundation has given me this opportunity, and I intend to prove that I can be an asset to the team."

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

Others · Tahmina_Begum_9138


Aint no way bruh. He really said he's following like a kidnapper 😂

The story took a leap of several months, showing Malcolm recovering from the bullet wound and taking on a new patient: a 9-year-old boy named Cole Sear (Troy Armitage). Cole, a cute little kid, rushed off to a church where Malcolm followed him like a kidnapper.

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Movies · FableWeaver


Then Lucas leaves quitting the production of a stupid director.

"Thank you, Mr. Chbosky," Lucas said, a hint of relief in his voice. "I'm glad I could do the character justice in your eyes."

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714


Bulacan is nit in Manila but i guess that's fair since you're not from here.

A black ship cut through the night sky over the province of Bulacan in Manila, Philippines, ascending until it disappeared into a cluster of dense clouds. Onboard, it`s young pilot spotted an elliptical station suspended, anchored to a gigantic cable that rose from the ground like an immense, slender metal tree.

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll


One of my fear having a child is having it on accident and losing it few days after. Not because I instantly love the child but because I would be disgusted with myself since deep down there's a sense of joy that I won't be a father yet.

Showing the fragility of an embryo, which stopped its division and became almost inactive. Causing Sora to whisper in his mind a apologies full of guilt and remorse for having been unable to protect it.

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll


Eve-Smasher though?


Protected by none other than Morgan Blackhand himself and his companion, whom the mercenaries nicknamed "She-Smasher" for obvious reasons.

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Anime & Comics · Jhunior_ll

Replied to IDislikeYuri

Or Allen.


If she were to return to her world, it would cause quite a stir, but why return? There was nothing left for her there, except perhaps a faint desire to visit her friends' graves and perhaps kill Adam Smasher if he was still alive, and to visit Falco if he hadn't died yet.

I Stream DC on Marvel

I Stream DC on Marvel

Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen

Replied to Godking2000

That's too much, make them disabled instead. He can't be a gangster while strolling around in a wheelchair.

Geoffrey shook his head. "No, just roughing them up. But I want the guns and equipment inside the second van, just in case. Make sure everything is ready and the fake license plates are on."

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere


Maybe it's a chinese humor we don't get since we don't cultivate.

"It's a pity Stussy lacks strong talent," Lakeman sighed ruefully. "But soon, Pluton Rayleigh will be within reach."

One Piece : Start As Celestial Dragon And Take Down Hancock

One Piece : Start As Celestial Dragon And Take Down Hancock

Anime & Comics · Uchicha_Remant



Lakeman's heart warmed when he saw this flower growing in her asshole.

One Piece : Start As Celestial Dragon And Take Down Hancock

One Piece : Start As Celestial Dragon And Take Down Hancock

Anime & Comics · Uchicha_Remant

Replied to Flick_Gamer


Yae had neck-length hair, and it fit her perfectly.

Souls in Teyvat

Souls in Teyvat

Video Games · ARandomMob



"Ken" replied with a serious face Morax, looking directly at Kenshin's surprised face. "In honour of the man who gave us this chance, and made this miracle possible."

Souls in Teyvat

Souls in Teyvat

Video Games · ARandomMob

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