I was a thirty-three years old man who had just got a promotion. I still remember returning from work and going to the nearby bar to celebrate my promotion with my friend and co-worker. Sadly, before I could get to the bar, a truck appeared out of nowhere and hit me.
Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
Valerie nodded, her expression hardening. "Then we take the fight to them. No more running. We find the leak, and we end this."
TV · Mr_Flash_XO
I'll tell you what he is, he's a
Valerie nodded, her expression hardening. "Then we take the fight to them. No more running. We find the leak, and we end this."
TV · Mr_Flash_XO
yeah, either give him thors powers or give him just a lightning power, don't nerf him and at least tell us if he's nerfed, goddamn
After catching our breath, we made our way back through the darkened streets, heading toward the safe house Valerie had arranged. The city was alive with the distant hum of traffic, but the world felt different now—darker, more dangerous. Vought had proven tonight just how far they were willing to go to protect their secrets, and that meant we had to be smarter.
TV · Mr_Flash_XO
and he used mjolnir as support for most of those years and only after 1,000 years he was able to channel lightning without the help of mjolnir, mc, I'm pretty sure is able to do that now, so I don't think age really matters in this fic
But if we failed... we'd be signing our own death warrants.
TV · Mr_Flash_XO
The crosswalk light flashed, and I stepped off the curb without a second thought. A car screeched around the corner, but I didn't look up in time. The headlights were the last thing I saw. There wasn't even enough time to feel pain.
TV · Mr_Flash_XO
"The location of William Fist. The leader of the Bayers," Robin answered, smug satisfaction in her tone because she knew she had my complete attention. Cinder didn't hear what was said, but she did clearly note my reaction to the words.
Anime & Comics · ChainFreak
Kurokai who was bleeding heavily from every hole in his face.
Anime & Comics · nkcthereaper
you sure they're not COPY power fics?
X-Force: Beyond Omega
Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster