

male LV 12
2023-05-16 Beigetreten United States
Abzeichen 8

Moments 390
1 years ago

azriel is likely right about Damiens help not being a wolf

1 years ago

ah. I like the reference

1 years ago

for their sake, I hope so

1 years ago

explains why no one else tried to do the same. if Lillith or Eve tried their darkness would have been taken by their father

"Because Luc can't take the Prime from Adam, as much as his darkness craves it, but neither can his darkness be taken from him. He can't pull the Creator from Trorith, but neither can Trorith's body steal his darkness." I explained, feeling the first cracks in Azger's shield. I didn't have much time left to explain my plan. "His darkness longs for something it never had, and he'll naturally be pulled to the power in the Seal.

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro

1 years ago


"There is no guarantee it will go smoothly, but as long as Luc can control his power and chose what he takes, it's the best option we have." I breathed, turning to look at Azger as they gave me a dark expression. I could tell they did not like this idea, but it was the only one we had. "I will discover where Trorith is sealed tomorrow, and if I take Luc there, have him remove Adam's tie to the Seal. then we can kill him without anyone needing to take his place."

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro

1 years ago

right because he had no additional magic to add

"Once the darkness in Trorith had the power of a deity, it craved it, to the point that even Cerviel couldn't get near them. It allowed Trorith to absorb the essence of the Creator, trapping them within their body. It was then that Cerviel purified their body of darkness, allowing Anfalen and Ambrose to create the Seal, tying it to the Prime of the Original deities." I pressed my hands together tighter, taking another deep breath. "Adam was not necessary, but added as additional security and because Eve talked him into helping. The Seal would have been just as good without him."

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro

1 years ago

makes sense

"The Prime. It not only gives deities to create life but limits the kind of life they can create." They offered and I nodded quickly. 

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro

1 years ago

interesting. so it left a physically mark on her

Encircling my wrists and trailing up my arms like a living tattoo, were gold markings that seemed to resemble fire and they flashed as I ran my hand along them. A warm heat spread across my skin as I touched them and, forgetting about Azger, I opened my shirt more to see more of the golden tattoo covering my chest. From what I could tell, they mimicked the way the fire had flowed over my body in my angel form and I glance up as Luc looked away from me. 

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro

1 years ago

I would like to know as well but I have a feeling we'll find out in the next chapter

1 years ago

a good question

"I… don't know and we don't have time to try to find out. We can't risk either of us dying." Trorith shook their head and I frowned with their conversation. So Cerviel and Trorith suffered in the same way Luc and me toward the end, and Trorith blamed it on the darkness in them "craving the light." What was darkness? "The Creator intends to devour everything with this next feeding, and I can't let it take all of you. We have to seal them away; we have no hope of killing such a creature."

The Fallen Rise

The Fallen Rise

Fantasy · Yasmina_Iro