Hello I'm RALI a novelists who created heavenly winds of hell flames, path to Ascension and a few more! I'm a male who truly tries his best in creating content worth reading although at many times it's several lacking in ideas and motivation! but doesn't everyone have the same thing, lack of ideas such as characteristics of characters, like the way a characters described or mentioned, in breath taking scenarios, scenes I can't be the only one right?
2023-05-13 Beigetreten Australia
I’ll do my best to add more details on the next chapter.
Oh… this god of destruction work is easier then I thought.
Action · RALI
hello author speaking. i just wanted to ask if you would like me to post once per week or twice per week tell me in the comments bellow. and hoped you like the chapter see yay
ill update the chapter every two weeks
legend of dragon warrior
Action · RALI