Webnovel Author: SuperDuperSage - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

Human Being who writes novels, wow i know...

2023-04-22 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 5

Moments 120

Replied to Isekailogy

didn't Indra reincarnate through Chakra not his soul, it should still be there no 😶?

However, for the first time in the history of this world, a solution was found. A soul without a body with a sleeping consciousness. The soul of Aizen Sosuke. The soul was attracted to the new body like a magnet. The balance was restored.

Naruto: Veil of Deception (Aizen reincarnates as Sasuke Uchiha)

Naruto: Veil of Deception (Aizen reincarnates as Sasuke Uchiha)

Anime & Comics · Spalk



Because you don't normally see a 12-year-old kid flying in the air in the shinobi world. In fact, you don't even see people flying at all.

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Anime & Comics · Caesar_4858


man i first read banana and was confused.

"Die, you Marine bastards!" A sinister-looking pirate with a bandana swung a cleaver at a Marine who had lost his footing in the middle of the battle. Just as the cleaver was about to descend on the defenseless Marine, a figure appeared in front of the pirate.



Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele

Replied to lewy07

it was relatively big, mainly due to sasuke sarutobi. Also the Shimura clan was also somehow renowned to the point that madara was suprised they bothered to join konoha.

The big clans like Uchiha, Senju, and Sarutobi naturally master more ninjutsu, but Uchiha actually only has S-level ninjutsu in his best fire style.

Naruto: Uchiha Izuna with system

Naruto: Uchiha Izuna with system

Anime & Comics · Ye_qingtian

Replied to Bodhisattva_Panda

I don't quite remember, but did rocks actually kill them, he wanted to but didn't garp Roger and stuff stop him ?

"Looking across the sea and throughout history, only our Blackbeard Pirates have ever done something so monumental as slaughtering a Celestial Dragon!"

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Anime & Comics · SuperDuperSage


Perfectly undercover, who would ever suspect you to be a demon when your magic has the words demon art in it...

"Demoness Art: EXPLOSION!!" They said together and the large magic circle in the air summoned a large lightning bolt that combined with Verona's Infernaris. The lightning turned the crimson flames into a lance of red plasma.

Witch of Calamity

Witch of Calamity

Fantasy · 6etbands

Replied to Bodhisattva_Panda

his flagship is named after rocks in the story, so I'm 100% sure he does

"Looking across the sea and throughout history, only our Blackbeard Pirates have ever done something so monumental as slaughtering a Celestial Dragon!"

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Anime & Comics · SuperDuperSage

Replied to Dr3am_wa1ker


You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Anime & Comics · lookar


Isn't Hancock a young underaged girl at the moment and shiki is a monster who is like at least 3-4 meters tall. He is not old, but not in his prime anymore due to his head injury. Id still put him on low emperor level. Hancock at the moment is id say at best yonko commander level.

AN: Another exciting arc is going to start. I have decided to make Shiki little less strong as big mom. I mean he will be able to use advance conqueror's haki or coat his attacks with advanced conqueror's haki. But his physical strength will be same as Hancock.

One piece: Snake Empress

One piece: Snake Empress

Anime & Comics · AnimefanfictionInd



"Flesh is weak... even if I don't ascend mechanically, I still need to ascend genetically and strengthen my body."

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations


wait aspect of war ? when did that happen

She had intended to ask about the details of their journey, such as Azir's resurrection, the Sun Disc rising from beneath the Golden Sands, and the presence of the Aspect of War, Nasus, among others.

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations


as an Indian, he should have at least a little affinity for spirit magic no ?

Besides, Li Lin still had 4628 blue essences left, and since he wasn't a mage, most of the equipment in the shop was of no use to him.

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations


time to become a serial killer


You've killed the Plague Rat Twitch (Champion), leveled up 4 levels, obtained 1000 blue essences, 100 orange essences, and 5 skill points.

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations



Intriguingly, it seemed that Ziggs was indeed a pyrotechnic genius who had a penchant for the "art of explosions," bringing his bombs with him wherever he went.

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations


should be spirit magic not celestial magic right?

Therefore, most mages use the most common elemental magic on this planet, or mental magic that combines elements with a bit of celestial magic.

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

Video Games · TurdTranslations

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