Webnovel Author: An_lf_line - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4
2023-04-18 Beigetreten Kenya

Abzeichen 5

Moments 21

Replied to SkillsMasterAkurai

I hadn't realised before, but after reading it in my library I'll make the paragraphs shorter

"Not to be rude by interrupting you, but basically what you are trying to say is that I am dead." "Yes that's what I am saying," the being replied. "This might make me lose some brain cells, if I even have them but I might as well ask." Was what I was thinking but of course my musings were interrupted. "Ahem,I can hear your thoughts and by the way you are incredibly rude towards someone who is able to decide your future ." Staring at him with what I believe to be a deadpan expression, I compiled all my thoughts to a simple argument and replied. " Of course I am, I mean who would not be, you took over ten minutes to inform me of my death, saying I quote' It is with my sincerest apologies to inform you of your travelling from your dimension through multiple to mine by the events of the tiniest mistake in the universal functioning of the universe that led to you coming here...' I do not even remember the rest of what you said and you still expect me to remain calm."

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to aMz


"Ok then so how is this whole thing going to proceed am I making some wishes or something along the lines," "Sadly for you no you won't be getting any wishes, it was a compensation not a bargaining and what you are going to be compensated with had already been decided prior to our meeting and it is my job to pass on this information to you before you move on."Zentra said in a serious voice that promised no chance for any negotiation to be made. How do I know that, because that was the face I would make when dealing with my students about serious topics while I was still alive and a teacher for about three years of my entire career before I presumably fell victim to the sun."So what are the compensations that were offered beforehand?" I asked with some slight anticipation and apprehension. Zentra beamed and losing all the seriousness he had amassed before, he started, "First is allowing you to keep all the memories you have while living on earth, note to you no extra memories will be imparted to you about things that you didn't know nor bothered to study. Second, as fate would have it you will be granted the power over Sunshine and yes before you ask ,yes that sunshine that Escanor had.Third goodluck will always shine upon you and fourth and the most exciting of all you will be reincarnated into the pirate world."

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to aMz

I was just starting to write and I dished out my first thoughts at that time.

"Not to be rude by interrupting you, but basically what you are trying to say is that I am dead." "Yes that's what I am saying," the being replied. "This might make me lose some brain cells, if I even have them but I might as well ask." Was what I was thinking but of course my musings were interrupted. "Ahem,I can hear your thoughts and by the way you are incredibly rude towards someone who is able to decide your future ." Staring at him with what I believe to be a deadpan expression, I compiled all my thoughts to a simple argument and replied. " Of course I am, I mean who would not be, you took over ten minutes to inform me of my death, saying I quote' It is with my sincerest apologies to inform you of your travelling from your dimension through multiple to mine by the events of the tiniest mistake in the universal functioning of the universe that led to you coming here...' I do not even remember the rest of what you said and you still expect me to remain calm."

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to aMz

Me too

He continued,"An error in the universal law occurred and mind you was fixed immediately it happened but it led to the slight increase in radiation in one of the sun's rays in a certain world that happened to hit a certain person that was just walking and may have caused his death in an unlucky and I mean incredibly unlucky series of events." I had heard enough of his lengthy explanations so I just went ahead and asked." So what you are saying is that I died due to bad luck and you are here to compensate me somehow before sending me to my reincarnation." "Yes that's what I am saying, I am surprised that you were able to understand me before I even completed my explanations, you must be somehow smart." He said flashing a smile that brightened the whole place.

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to Void_Overlords

Just some advice about life

It has been another two weeks since then and I have recovered enough to walk around. At the moment I am riding on goat san's back heading towards the Roger pirates' position who dad said had camped at the shore. I don't know what they have been doing here for over a month but I'd certainly not miss the chance to talk with the future pirate king especially now that I am conflicted about myself and the unknown future. I arrived at my destination got down from goat san's back and made my way to the cave the crew had gathered outside of. Rayleigh was the first to notice me and smiled as though the fight we had was not of much significance to him. As I got closer, the rest of the pirates just looked at me but didn't say anything minding their own business. Shanks seemed conflicted for a moment but just turned back to the fish he was smoking. I stood outside the cave for sometime and after steeling my resolve I made my way inside to where their captain Gold Roger, was. I had prepared myself for anything he would say but what he told me that day caught me offguard but being familiar and straightforward it very much so settled down my nerves.

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to Void_Overlords

Not chopping off his arm but making a small cut on his palm. Guess I should have been more specific

Cutting his own hand he held his son with his back facing him and began. He honoured the lord of flames, praying for the protection of his son while blood dripped into a jar containing a blue liquid. Finally he revealed his son's back and poured the mixture and let it flow, as always it was a painful process shown by the way the boy's eyes shot open and started bowling them out. It pained the man to see but he steeled his heart as he would not allow his child to fail in gaining the family legacy. While withstanding the cries, he watched as the liquid coalesced into the shape of a lion's head and as indicated by the child's dying down whimpers he knew that it was done. Finishing he set down his son in an open basket and waited.

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to Alesand

Good to know👍

As Ra ran towards the origin of the ongoing battle he felt, steam was constantly being emitted from his body indicating that he was in a ready state of battle. He jumped from above the hills and the giant trees that grew in the region reaching the volcano infested part of the island and made one final leap to his destination. While in the air he applied his observation haki and noticed a large ship with red sails on it's mast and a pair of sculptured mermaids holding a canon at the front of the ship. The jolly roger looked like a skull with a blonde moustache shaped like clouds at its ends. He saw a group of what he assumed to be pirates seated on the ground and at the front was his father facing off against a tall man with black hair and a black moustache on his face. He had a fierce look on his face which was a bit scary to look at. His attire consisted mostly of red and he carried a cutclass sword with a yellow hilt on his hand. Ra was busy scrutinizing the island guests when a man with blond hair and a pair of glasses turned his gaze towards him. The boy felt his body tense but he braved through it and landed a bit further from where his father was. Some of the pirates seemed with his appearance in the battlefield particulary a boy close to his age with red hair and a straw hat on his head.

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

Replied to Alesand

He watched the live action which only covered up to orange town and read some fanfictions which contained some information about one piece but clearly not all of it.

That was just...wow! To think there is that much I wasn't aware about one piece and there should probably be much more that dad didn't say, he doesn't know or hasn't been discovered till now. I am starting to realise that the path I want to follow in this new life is slowly begining to unveil itself.

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Sun Sun fruit in one piece

Anime & Comics · An_lf_line

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