I like this story. If you decide harem please include Daphne Greengrass. Give Draco Malfoy a redemption arc. Also include Slytherins like Blaise Zabini, Tracy Davis, etc as Harry's friends.
Master of Death
"Who are you… really? What kind of Lord have I offended?" Voldemort asked.
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
What if Padfoot (Sirius Black) falls the same way from that universe here now?
"To H.J.P., with love from your favorite Godfather, Padfoot."
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
Why fear when the Master of Death (Harry Potter) is here
"This means that…this is what I was afraid of... Fate has abandoned us."
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
No Ginny pairing. Anyone but not her.
Harry potter has peverell blood it will nullify it.
Daphne Greengrass and other OC's are the reason Harry Potter is still famous. most of the fans hate Weasley family mainly Ron and Ginny Weasley. Kids would have loved the twins. but no one will like a family who betrayed their country by disrespecting the country's traditions and history. Death Eaters used the word 'blood traitors' for all purebloods who oppose them. but it 100% suits the Weasley family who are trying to destroy their country. I support equality among people but not destroying my countries traditions, Culture and history.
'Daphne?...not, it can't be that one...'
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
Without Daphne authors will use the the blood traitor Weasley family as Harry's family irritating us.
'Daphne?...not, it can't be that one...'
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
Even if Lily Evans tried to change some extreme traditions. she respected other traditions. Do you believe James's parents accepted her just because their son loved her. Even if they are against muggle killing they follow wizarding traditions like other purebloods. She is accepted by them for her intelligence, kindness and her respect for their world. Lily studied when Hermione complained it. Hermione became minister of magic only because she married a pureblood. with her disrespect to wizarding to pureblood traditions even with her heroine title for winning against Voldemort, her marriage to Ronald Weasley and association with the boy who lied only paved way for her achievements. If she left any of them she will be definitely nothing just a regular witch.
Harry's Bellatrix
Of course none of these were huge shocks after the blonde. Crabbe and Goyle were followers, not leaders, and Parkinson was practically in love with the Malfoy Heir, although her 'secret' glances seemed to stray in the raven-haired boy's direction more and more with each passing day.
The Dark Lord Harry Potter
Book&Literature · Kitty_Loves_Milk