DaoistP37ZgE - Profile


LV 4
2022-11-11 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 6

Moments 14



"It's the one from Rambo. The old movie with Sly Stallone, remember? Dad is a big fan."

Rise of The Undead Legion

Rise of The Undead Legion

Games · Biako

Replied to Amy_Haughey


This monster that was approaching Can't Touch This looked like a Draugr from Norse mythology. He even had a god damned beard!

Rise of The Undead Legion

Rise of The Undead Legion

Games · Biako


I think the enemy forces are thinking we're f#$ked

with that said a multicoloured Light appeared next to Ryjin as what seem'd to be a HUGE dragons head appeared beside Ryjin Ryjins eyes almost Bugged out his sockets the Dragon was Huge and he means HUGE we are talking from nose to tail tip 10k feet long and wingspan from tip of 1 win to the other was over 100k feet-wide this scared the absolute fucking shit out of Ryjin in his mind his Thought was -WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST CALLED OUT- all the troops on the ground saw this immense Dragon appear and was flying in the sky every flap of its wings sent the army on its ass The Cyclopes and Giants stared bogeyed at the dragon.

Total War System

Total War System

War · Nathan_Hinds

Replied to Pervert_demon_king

It's an old but reliable rifle. Good for medium to long-range shooting.

The gun was a bit questionable as it was an old M1903 Springfield bolt action rifle that Dumbledore had somehow managed to acquire. The old goat swore that he got it through standard methods but Nick had a hard time believing that. He couldn't be blamed since the rifle was practically an antique despite the condition it was in that made it seem like it had just came off the factory line. Still Nick took the gun anyways to take it apart to enchant for his purpose.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to wheelmann2003

Same here

Replied to xSanctity


Replied to Efilono

This is real. It takes a lot of training and a special type of license to drive one. It is also only legal to do in certain places.

My thoughts were interrupted by 40 tons of steel hitting me at 120mph. Sending brief but excruciating pain through me before everything went black. Presumably, because my body got turned into fine red mist by the truck

A Soulsborne's Traveler System

A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck


continue. It's a great book

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