It's not grooming… Just "re-direction" so that he can become a proper adult. Her proper adult…
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Daniel blinked. "Permit?"
Anime & Comics · Mr_Graythorn
Well, the greedy gal is finally here. Now, the question is, would become a father again?
Anime & Comics · Charlottes
Chapter 44: Gambler Ball Run
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
Damn, i love writing about aura farmers, the coat, the smoke, the hands in the pocket, ahhh clean mf.
Anime & Comics · Mr_Graythorn
Is you at least alive man?
Quick note: One guy really got pissed, saying that "Devas was becoming BI or even gay, since he let a guy enter his soul and now he'll be able to see everything he does and even controlled his body once."
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
Time to be the deadbeat you were born to be
Just like that my greatest fear came true.
Anime & Comics · Charlottes
Epitaph was a substand to King Crimson because of Diavolo’s alter ego Doppio, since Josuke doesn’t have different personalities, no Epitaph, no 10 second foresight.
Now that I did that, it was finally time to check out one last thing. "King Crimson," I called out as a red humanoid being began to form from myself before standing in front of me. It was tall, had broad shoulders and looked powerful. It was red all over with a silver diagonal pattern covering it all over, lime-green eyes, and did not have a face on his forehead, confirming my suspicion that I did not have Epitaph, just King Crimson. So, no foresight, but I'm sure I could get foresight through either the gacha or this world, surely there's something that would give me foresight here.
Anime & Comics · OGVipex
Loyd approves
"One that is very good for performing manual labour and menial tasks without complaining."
Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck