Fair enough, thanks for the translation.
Welcome back 🎉👍. This is great, thanks for the chapter.
This please
8. Harry Potter--
Anime & Comics · legendaryweeb
Thanks for the chapter, it's been fun to read. :)
This is looking good :). Excited to see where this goes.
Nen from hunter x hunter, having Adams template, gaining the abilities of the visionary pathway or medici's template, gaining the abilities of the hunter pathway from LOTΜ.
I don't want him to get fire template in starting and makeup for the weakness of not creating fire early.
Anime & Comics · gacha927
Nen from hunter x hunter, having Adams template, gaining the abilities of the visionary pathway or medici's template, gaining the abilities of the hunter pathway from LOTM.
Gacha cards ideas
Anime & Comics · gacha927
A domain where any attack from gojo is basically permanent, as the sure hit effect is dividing the recovery time infinitely. If he goes under enlightenment, he could make his attacks do infinite damage by infinitely multiplying the damage he caused to his opponents.
- Other Suggestions...
Anime & Comics · Honoured_Writer
Time manipulation, he could use infinity to create a singularity, causing time dilation, or he could apply Infinity to a second, splitting it into a infinite series of moments, making time stand still to others. He can target an individual, which would immobilize them like when he uses his domain expansion or do it in a range, freezing everything so he has enough time to move away from attacks and the like.
- Other suggestions...
Anime & Comics · Honoured_Writer
something like what the ancient one did to doctor strange, then shattering their vision like a kaleidoscope and making it in a fractal pattern. It would stun and overload their senses and mind, becoming debilitating at a certain level. It would work better on people with enhanced senses, such as the uchiha and the hyuga.
I already have the genjutsu created and the next chapter(s) written. But I want you to theory-craft with me. Comment some cool jutsu ideas (of any kind) in the chat. Have fun, collaborate, and let loose. There are no stupid ideas, so let your mind run wild.
Reborn as a Yamanaka Genius
Anime & Comics · TheDreamofSomeday