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1 years ago
Replied to Sloth_000

It's the same concept, characters and abilities but I'm fixing the errors and developing it more, read and find out. (Just saw your follow.😅)

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1 years ago
Replied to Sloth_000

The Angel System, a guy with golden wings and black hair is on the cover.

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1 years ago

One of the best books I've read, I really want this author to keep updating.

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1 years ago
Replied to Daoist_Culture

Yuri is there but she'd be wiped out, FASST, and if you're talking about a mommy-daughter combo, maybe I'm still thinking, Enjoy and make sure to read my synopsis, and check out my other book, The Angel System

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1 years ago

Thanks, bro, you have no idea how much this meant, I was about to delete my book when I saw this comment, I'll keep on writing even if it's just foryou

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1 years ago
Replied to Okwuma


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1 years ago
Replied to Tee_wave

Thanks deb

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1 years ago
Replied to LegalWolf


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1 years ago
Replied to Anaesthetic_Dawn

if you're looking for a peaceful book then I'm afraid this isn't it, the Earth here is a battlefield but yeah the story flows nicely and thanks for the comments

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1 years ago

Damn the idea behind this book is littttt, It's hooked and I'm definitely gonna keep reading

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