Emanuela_Monaco - Profile


LV 13
2022-07-04 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 7

Moments 592


Well, you could kill him secretly or poison him. Just saying

Tobias wasn't humoured like Grant was. What Grant was doing was bold and was going to get him killed just for suggesting it. Though he would like to kill Grant now for thinking of betraying him and going to men who had no good plans for the kingdom, he couldn't harm Grant now without speaking to Kenneth first.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167

Replied to Kembastronology



"I am not drunk. I am tired of you not wanting to believe it. I want my granddaughter in the palace," Grant said confidently. What part of him showed that he was drunk? "She will make an excellent choice seeing as you will get an army. Think carefully about it and come up with an answer soon. I have waited long enough for this and I will not be patient anymore."

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


If Grant doesn't give an excuse NOW (like, we'll make believe so we can buy you and Hazel more time) and Tobias doesn't suspect him at all, I am going to be very disappointed

He had waited too long for the moment to come and now, his plans would be revealed. The time was right with how Hazel had failed to bear an heir and the court was making their complaints heard. It was easy for those not on his side to give into Tobias having Linda by his side.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167



"My son's loyalty and mine are different. I am not yet convinced that you are a man I wish to be loyal to. To get me on your side, you must do something for me. Take Linda as your woman," Grant suggested, revealing his plans.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167



"So I am told. My son doesn't share why he comes here to see you so I came on my own to speak. Do you want to keep the Hensons loyal to you, Tobias?" Grant asked.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


Grant, do you need to compensate for something?

"It has become like my second home. It has been so long since I stepped foot inside this room. You have made it so different from your father,"' Grant said, looking around the large study. It didn't compare to the study he had at home but it was still grand.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


She needs to die

Julia glanced at Daisy who was more of a headache than Lynn. Daisy was in luck that Julia was more focused on figuring out how to spread around that Hazel lost a baby. She had poured plenty of what Grant gave her in Hazel's tea each morning and with Hazel not leaving the palace anytime soon, there should be a good show to watch. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


Says the one who stopped smoking as soon as Alessandra said -will say-, he shouldn't do it🤣

"Because you're a love-sick fool doing everything to please her. How is the queen fairing with the palace? Have you killed anyone?" Edgar asked as it was bound to happen. Tobias needed to protect Hazel from all the evil that was there and it could only be done by killing someone. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


the first part should have been Tessa's words.

"You may go. The sight of you bores me. I shall always think that you are the cause of ruining my son. Go," Grant shooed her away. To get Kenneth to wake up from the person he was now, it might be a good idea to dispose of Tessa. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167

Replied to Noktocielo

that would be lovely


Tessa didn't suit being a Henson. She didn't have much tough skin to be one. His wife could listen to his harsh words which were to make her better and smile throughout it. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167



"He shall as he is a man. You are old and day by day losing your beauty. You hardly act as a woman should. As a wife should. I warned him not to get involved with you. You were mostly good for one time in bed. Not to be his wife. Will you cry?" Grant said, ticked off by her expression. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


do it, Tessa!


"I don't appreciate the look of question you have toward me. I see now why Kenneth turns to other women for comfort," Grant said, moving to try the treats Tessa brought.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


Edgar's way to not let bothersome people in his home seems to be the sanest option


Grant was too hard to please. He didn't like it when she spoke or when she was silent. Grant liked to request that she be the one to serve the guests instead of the butler or maids. Tessa preferred the days Kenneth would go to his father instead of Grant coming here.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167



"Why does that matter?" Grant yelled, tempted to throw something but it would defeat his purpose of coming here. 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167



"You are telling me what to do in a home that belongs to my son? What I have always disliked about you is how you speak too much but it is nothing important. Other than your children, you have not shown yourself useful. You were to prepare Linda to enter the palace," said Grant.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


For the moment, I like Lynn. she's wise and doesn't rush things.

It was good to have someone finally acknowledging the cruel treatment some maids received, but if those doing the harming used their power to get the queen to stop meddling, what would happen to those who spoke up? 

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167


Nonetheless, she didn't even try... poor Hazel, she really needs to question people more.

Though it would help for Julia to explain what had happened yesterday, how many people would believe her? People were going to think what they wanted even with someone speaking the truth. What needed to be done was to let the maids see first-hand that she was not out to hurt them.

The King's Unbreakable Wife

The King's Unbreakable Wife

History · Violet_167

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