Love these chapters, but I get little jealous of how Emir loves Emma it should've been me....
Omg,Author it's your birthday today and I'm so happy so say this,happy birthday with so much love Author happy birthday Rayne,I tried chatting with you in private but it seems you don't reply to messages 🤧So here I am wishing you a Happy birthday [img=gift][img=golden ticket][img=nervous]
Loved the chapter
I loved this chapter,but I'm angry with the Author ,I need more chapters,I need more before I start a strike,please, please, please Author!!!
it's because you love him....
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Urban · Rayne_Rue
oh error here 🚔
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Urban · Rayne_Rue
You have the right to be mad,but I love the reunion haha
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Urban · Rayne_Rue
I can't turn my neck to see if anyone is in the room, I pray that Emir won't be here, I try to open my mouth feeling scratchy to speak "U-um" I stutter.
Urban · Rayne_Rue
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Urban · Rayne_Rue
Author,author I love you😘😘😘😘😘😘Your work made it to the trends I'm proud of you keep going, I love you so much.
Will Fate Bring Us Together?
Urban · Rayne_Rue