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2022-06-14 Beigetreten Global

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Replied to MeisterParadox

While true it’s an au so it’s fine

Shino also got a few types of bugs that were unique to him after I found and commanded them to listen to him. He has no less than twelve different types of poisonous insects now and that meant he was a nightmare to deal with if he went for assassinations. I wasn't really paying attention to my other classmates other than perhaps Rock Lee who I was rooting for as he had truly come quite far since the academy under Might Guy. He couldn't use ninjutsu but let me tell you if he went all out Rock lee was a force to be reckoned with.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to Zer0reZ

I looked it up and for that clan whoever defeats the current clan head becomes to the next

"Well..." Kiba glanced at his sister. As the future Clan Head, he technically held authority, but was still quite young after all.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to TrueImmortalDevil

Spawn killed

If the Fourth Hokage hadn't appeared in time to move away the Tailed Beast Bomb, Colt feared he may have become the shortest-lived reincarnated soul in history.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to ScarletQC

Yea but in this one naruto already passed

"If what you have said is true then there truly is a high chance that he has indeed chosen to betray Konoha. But in order to be absolutely certain we will have Naruto go through with the theft though obviously with a fake scroll of course and if Mizuki truly is a traitor i trust that you are capable of detaining him?" the Hokage said seriously and I flared my chakra causing the room to shake.

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to Andria_Adel

Ik it’s a joke but we both know there is

"Say, Jinbe. We haven't fought each other since Pops abducted me after our first battle, right? And our last battle was a draw. What do you say? Should we settle the score now?" Ace proclaimed his challenge with a cocky smirk on his face.

One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

Anime & Comics · ChaosWriter


Love how the only confirmed descendants of the Sage are the Senju and Uchiha clans and maybe the uzumaki with the Hyuga also being related but not directly

The other four alongside that jar were previously in possession of Kumogakure but had been lost with the death of the gold and silver brothers after they defected from Kumo taking the treasures with them as their "birthright" since they were descendants of the sage himself apparently. I wasn't all that interested in any of the five tools myself as they were all about sealing with the exception of the banana leaf fan that summoned wide scale hurricane winds when used.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


Fact is everyone in that world has chakra it’s just shinobi have more chakra than regular people so they are able to do more

I shook my head "Not in a real scenario like this but the academy did capture some bandits for us to get past the initial bloodletting trauma. Those bandits back there didn't even have chakra so killing them was an easy affair." I explained honestly.

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


Which is probably why Shisui could use it so well cuz of the sharingan enhanced perception

Body flicker jutsu was very interesting however as it was actually a jutsu that could be used to make up for ones lack of speed in a taijutsu battle. Basically you molded your chakra before sending it to your feet and kicking off of something to move so fast you appear to teleport. It had one big flaw however that caused me to crash into a tree the first time I used it, you moved faster than your eyes could process if you were new to using it. I hadn't realized that until I was breaking my nose against the trunk of a tree.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


Although both the tranformation and basic clones are technically he jutsu just without invading everyone else I think

Substitution jutsu was the art of switching yourself out for something else nearby before you took damage. Clone jutsu was using chakra to create clones of yourself though the technique was highly flawed with the clones being unable to take hits or directly attack either. That jutsu in particular caught my attention as my snake could do something similar except the clones it created could both take hits and dish them out too. The final jutsu, transformation was a bit peculiar in that it used chakra to change ones appearance to anything roughly the same size as you were.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


The fact that itachi could’ve had ems had he taken his fathers eyes since it just need close blood ties and while it is preferred to be a sibling I feel a parent works too

Hiruzen was also especially unhappy about the massacre and stripped me of a vast amount of my power by disbanding the root officially and integrating them with the anbu. It was a massive set back that forced me to temporarily suspend most of my plans. It wasn't a total loss however as I also obtained a vast amount of Uchiha DNA and sharingan eyes of various stages. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain Fugaku's eyes which were suspected to be mangekyou due to Itachi destroying them.-

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


Not even wrong like when you can literally disable a jutsu mid launch or even after why are you going close to fight? With the accuracy they have use something like Senbon infused with you chakra to disable them

Speaking of their clan it frankly boggled my mind how stupid they were in using their innate dojutsu, the Byakugan. The strange pupiless eyes had the unique ability to see the chakra in someone's body and even the air itself. The eyes also granted near three sixty vision and long range reconnaissance abilities. Despite this massive advantage the clan chose one of the worst ways I could think of to utilize their gifts by focusing on paralyzing their opponents chakra flow via a specialized taijutsu style called {gentle fist}. -

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to SavageKirin

The seal was on his skin after Minato used rasengan on him when he invaded the village

Colt's face was speechless because he saw that the Flying Thunder God Seal on the kunai was slowly disappearing.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to Vastoking

That’s the point tho

"Ron." Before Ron could get too excited, Teach interjected, "First, copy the Phoenix Fruit, and then the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Your future potential would become truly limitless then.

One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

Anime & Comics · ChaosWriter

Replied to Tobi_One_Kenobi

We not killing luffy bro ain’t do nothing

His original plan to copy Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit and skyrocket to power seemed jeopardized, as the backlash could prove to be fatal for copying the abilities of such a powerful Devil Fruit.

One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

Anime & Comics · ChaosWriter

Replied to Shuten

10 years old then 12 after the time skip

Ace and Law arrived in front of Whitebeard and saw that he was talking to Bonney.

One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

One Piece: As Portgas D. Ace

Anime & Comics · ChaosWriter

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