I remember being asked whether you preferred a male protagonist or a female protagonist when I first made my account but I’ve never been able to find where to change it.
Let me know your honest opinion whether it matters or not or if I'm being sensitive. I'm a cancer, we tend to do that.
Anime & Comics · Ignavia_Ursa
When I say account preferences, I mean like which genres you can put that you want to see more of and I remember being asked when I first made my account whether I preferred male or female protagonists.
Does the mc's gender matter when picking gender section to where the book is categorized in?
Anime & Comics · Ignavia_Ursa
Books in the male section typically get more views than those in the female section on WebNovel. I think this is either because people don’t see the books in the female section because of their account preferences or they don’t like female protagonists.
Does the mc's gender matter when picking gender section to where the book is categorized in?
Anime & Comics · Ignavia_Ursa
I came here for a Tensura fanfic not a multiverse one, I think that’s something you should go with from the beginning not part way through the book.
If no then vote with 🔥
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
How long till the author realizes he reposted another chapter 😂
Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
Don’t listen to feedback from Wattpadd they obviously have no taste.
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I like this portrayal of Freya, other fanfics always make her out as some evil succubus who will do anything for her interests. it’s a nice touch that makes this story more unique then it already is!
The Goddess' voice grew quiet as she shrank in on herself, fingering the rim of her glass, "Oh… I hadn't noticed…"
Anime & Comics · White_Dog
In the explore section, you do see more books with a female lead if you filter for more romance, and vice versa for more fantasy you get more male leads.
Let me know your honest opinion whether it matters or not or if I'm being sensitive. I'm a cancer, we tend to do that.
SAO: Strawberry Bunny
Anime & Comics · Ignavia_Ursa