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2022-03-30 Beigetreten Global
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19 days ago

Is there a raw for this? Or is this an original? If this is translated, please send the raw/mtl name. I can't find it for this one.

19 days ago

Is there a raw for this? Or is this an original? If this is translated, please send the raw/mtl name. I can't find it for this one.

19 days ago

Is there a raw for this? Or is this an original? If this is translated, please send the raw/mtl name. I can't find it for this one.

1 months ago

Awesome chapter as per usual. But I hope Vlad can still be saved. He almost sounded like he would die soon because of wielding Yoru. Also I hope all 3 hawks can be transferred somewhere else so that they can be safe as I don't think the WG will let Yozora Island go.

1 months ago
Replied to demigod0414

Totally true. People never seem to understand this. The only crime Sasuke may have committed is attacking the 5 Kage meeting and even then no one was killed, just the Raikage got his arm cut off, and that was because of his own stupidity to attack even when he knew about the Ametarasu flames. Even when Sasuke attacked Kumo, he did not succeed in capturing Bee. He never needed redemption as most of these Fanfics say. If this is replaced with Itachi, then I can understand.

1 months ago
Replied to Paradox_

I have 2 theories. It's either the man who ordered that Mafia gang to send those Blazing pirates to Damien's hometown to destroy it on the excuse of getting those rare fish from Chapter 9. OR it's the Admiral who gave Damien his first bounty after he killed the Mafia gang. I remember that the Marine in charge of bounties initially praised Damien for killing those Mafia guys but the Admiral said that D was always trouble or something like that.

1 months ago

Awesome chapter as usual. But I really hope Mihawk's family on Yozora Island are ok. Mihawk should be able to escape but I don't know about his family. Same for Damien's mom/tree in his home island. This chapter has a lot of info which throws me for a loop. Also, I saw that Damien broke the third wall in this chapter, with the Torsion Gravity comment. Be careful Author or he may come to get you if anyone he knows gets hurt. :P

1 months ago

Awesome chapter. But you know what, I bet Long Feng will try to make the Aang take action against Madara when the come to Ba Sing Se, and Aang being the gullible guy he is will believe everything he said and fight. Toph will take Madara's side, and Sokka the idiot will be against him as he thinks all fire benders are evil or something.

1 months ago
Replied to TehStorm

Most of the attacks he uses now resemble Rias and Sirzechs. So maybe the awakening will take it to the next level and become like Beerus. Maybe he will also make Observation Haki into Ultra Instinct :D

1 months ago

Thanks for the chapter. I love that Erza is the FL. Take your time with the romance. But you do know that Romeo and Juliet died in the end right? So don't make it like them. Lol :P

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