So now I am in one of the corridors of the school with a hot milf teacher with red hair showing me around.
Anime & Comics · King_Corvus
Yuka's not like the female pervy glasses character, Kiryuu Aika (who I will only reluctantly admit is my friend). Yuka is so convincing, it's hard to tell whether she is simply teasing me or genuinely trying to seduce me. For Kiryuu, I KNOW she's teasing.
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As expected of the Princess of Kuoh, Kiba Yuka.
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"Hey what was that attack you just used, some kind of super magic weapon?" said a short brown haired joyful Amazoness with barren lifeless planes on her chest.
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"Sorry for not introducing myself, I am Eina Tulle your appointed guild adviser. Would you please follow me" she said then lead me to a private room.
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"Wait for it," Raja interrupted, pointing at the troll's fallen club.
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CRASH! Their van slipped on a suspicious banana peel.
Anime & Comics · DarkGoldMonarch
Anime & Comics · DarkGoldMonarch
With black hair, a stunning appearance, and revealing clothing that exuded temptation, it was none other than the fallen angel Raynare.
DxD: I Steal Luck
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