thanks for the update 😃
[ Who falls in love looking like that!?] There was blood on his mouth and onto his undershirt. The splints on his fingers were so visible to me and they're also dripping with blood! "Did he finally murder someone?" I asked the maid.
LGBT+ · Leueret_Yiyuero
Right? What is done is most often poorly performed compared to what was ought to be executed.
She would perform certain moves and her body would respond a half a second slower than what she expected.
LGBT+ · HopelesslyRomantic
Numbness to pain means great amount of exposure to pain or rather, the sensory nerves related to pain is inactive.
"Don't do that ever again…" Qin Lan fiercely warned as she lightly touched Eve's fingers after they had fully healed.
LGBT+ · HopelesslyRomantic
I'll tell her I'm someone else living in another person's body.
Fantasy · Zerin_Lee
what a red flag
From the start, before I leave and talk with the other heroes to venture off to my separate mission.
Fantasy · Zerin_Lee
hahaha so literal
Woman- haven't you heard of that one quote never judge a book by its cover?
Fantasy · Zerin_Lee
looking forward to the next chapter
Fantasy · Claude_miyu