Maine wakes up to a locker room full of guns and armor. One in particular had a silhouette similar to his current armor. Instead of black the armor is green, with a golden visor instead of a metal faceplate. Once he put it on, Maine couldn't help but admit the cut of his figure. Before his rebuild, Maine was a large man thanks to the redundant chrome he had, but now his size had a focused purpose that allowed him to perform better as a soldier and fighter.
Video Games · Ryuanwrites
Try tongue but hole
"Too late!" Armstrong called out, holding up a data-slate. "I'm already drafting the chapter title: 'Advanced Negotiation Techniques: When Words Fail, Try Tongue!'"
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
Welcome To U.A. High School!
Anime & Comics · Daoist764038
Yao nodded. "Her along with an incursion force consisting of the X-Men, and on occasion, particular members of the Brotherhood. She claims his throne and becomes the new Queen of Limbo…but with what I just learned of the army of Limbo, it's a wonder she succeeded at all. A billion demons is not a force anyone can hope to stand against. Even the mighty forces of Asgard would think twice about going up against them."
Movies · RaedaX_1
This battle had seen the deployments of various new Military vehicles in a real combat situation which included the new drop ships, the unmanned multipurpose military vehicle, Spider tank, new fighters, new gunships, Spartan-IIIs, Energy Rifle, and the Energy Pistol. The combat data collected would help develop new technology aimed at fixing the weaknesses of the weapons and expanding on their strengths.
Video Games · Dr_Dred
How many of you are still reading this fanfiction? Type, +1. Can I get 100 comments? Who knows?
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
The capital of the Slane Theocracy could be seen, its streets filled with crimson blood, and the large cathedral, once a holy site of absolute purity and faith, could be seen adorned with hundreds of human corpses hanging by nooses, its tall spires and gothic architecture perfect for the sadistic art peace.
Anime & Comics · MarAuthor
The demons, devils, and their subordinate races claimed the northern and southern regions, creating strongholds in these areas.
Fantasy · Origin_Progenitor
Thank you, my lord, for the chapter
The last sight I saw was my head slowly plonking down onto the desk in front of me, the emails having been all completed and sent.
Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds