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male LV 4

A god

2022-01-25 Beigetreten United Kingdom

Abzeichen 7

Moments 323


Still, surely it could still identify psychics and such by the ability not working on them, but him seeing, hearing, etc them meaning they must be unusual?

But the main ability that the psychic upgrade he'd lose would be the one that let him sense the mental signatures in a four-mile radius. Although this was useful, not only did the upgrade compensate, it only worked on humans as evidenced by its malfunction on Kurt Wagner.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ


Pretty sure it means flash as in the cleaning product

"FLASH!", someone shouted from behind Grant and he heard multiple quick footsteps from behind him.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to uBik


For the United States, a man with neatly styled white hair was seen sitting behind a brown table with the US national flag in the background. He was none other than the President of the United States, Thomas Whitemore.

Re: Apocalypse Game

Re: Apocalypse Game

Games · Avan


The human body is actually very geared towards combat, especially extended combat. Being bipedal saves A MASSIVE amount of energy, allows us to leverage almost all of our muscles when throwing a punch or using a spear or sword etc, and gives great reach whilst sparing the main body. Also, some humans vomit when faced with danger - which is actually a boon as stomach acid is quite strong and foul, and often can be projectile vomited. Then add in the tribalism and socialism.

I don't know too much about biology, however I'm decently sure that bipedal creatures have a much greater advantage than other organisms due to their ability to harness tools. Thankfully, I didn't get the complete combat-uselessness of a human. Those bodies were so ill-suited for my line of work that it was painful. I wished for none other than a set of claws or enhanced bones, it would have made my job so much easier. Regardless, whats done is done, I just have to make the best out of my new body.

Destiny: Hive Rising

Destiny: Hive Rising

Video Games · Blankkk_


Literally no on told him to join a war, or that he has any other duties

"You know what? You're right, I still have some hope here as no one yet knows much of my existence. But must I really join the War? If you have any idea of what I was before then maybe it is possible for me to be like those lords with no duties maybe?" Mark said as he tried to find some leniency from the System.

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Fantasy · Warcry_Ayms


MC is a weeb?

"WHAT THE FUCK!? DOES THAT MEAN I'LL AGE FASTER HERE? I'LL DIE EVEN BEFORE I MEET CAPTAIN AMERICA? WHAT ABOUT WONDER WOMAN? OTHER WAIFUS?!" Mark shouted in panic as he thought that he'll be in his fifties once one year passes by in DC and Marvel.

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Fantasy · Warcry_Ayms


He’s been there two months, hasn’t opened the starter pack or explored all accessible areas, and how has he subsisted? Photosynthesis?

"Right, I never checked there yet haven't I?" Mark then went to the door going to the backyard. But he stopped for a minute and thought.

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Fantasy · Warcry_Ayms

Replied to wcpwnsuto

Two even

So many things would happen and he was not sure what he could do about his situation. He then remembered he had access to the Backyard which he still hadn't checked, as well as the two unopened gift pack he received and the silver chest.

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

Fantasy · Warcry_Ayms

Replied to Xenoir

The rich man can have a man take the bullet though and wear Kevlar, and even if they get shot they can hire a neurosurgeon to perform medical treatment on them instead of joining a waiting list

Screams and shouts echoed among the terrified crowd. The Secret Service and military quickly noticed the disturbance and surrounded the zone. The people of power standing smugly until now were fear-stricken, realizing that all their power and wealth could not buy them the safety of life.

I Became The Pope, Now What?

I Became The Pope, Now What?

Fantasy · MisterImmortal

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