A hotdog costs 2 dollar. 😉
To rent a one-bedroom apartment in Living Hell for a week cost 15 dollars. This was an unimaginable high price in the East District. Selina's apartment, also a one-bedroom with a bath and balcony, only cost 6 dollars a week.
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
The three of them laughed together, leaving Jacob perplexed. He fiddled with a corner of his clothes, then mentioned to Shiller, "I don't know why, but it seems like the language these people are using isn't English..."
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
Schiller is messing with him. 😆
Suddenly, a stack of A4 papers on a distant desk is blown into the air.
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
U only skip 1 year of school? Howbad are your notes in your first life? 😊
Thanks to the knowledge from my previous life I was able to skip a year of school, I could have likely skipped ahead more but decided not to, I wanted to have as much time to learn more things for my future. I also wanted some time to consider what I wanted to do after high school, something I still haven't figured out.
Anime & Comics · theogbasilisk
What logic! 😅
"I didn't hide in school because I was scared of making you angry, I originally planned to just stay one night, but then the teacher said if I didn't leave by Monday, I wouldn't be allowed back until Tuesday and would have to stay at least two days," Dick shrugged.
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
It's now vivian!🤢
"Moreover…" sighed Gordon, "Vivian has a very good reputation in the industry. Everyone says that she is a beautiful, gentle and talented actress. If she left the theater industry and tried her luck in Hollywood, she would undoubtedly achieve great success."
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
Vicky is the reporter! And why should an actress watch her own musical? 🙄🤧
"Don't be fooling around, Bruce. This is a matter of life and death. The Angelica Theatre Troupe has only been in Gotham for a few days, and their most famous leading actress has been murdered. She has a lot of fans. We need to give the public an explanation."
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
Ahem... collar! 🤐
Batman hasn't even touched Cobblepot, yet Cobblepot rolled on the floor screaming. The guests further away had no clear view of what was happening, but they began yelling nonetheless.
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
Apcepting umbrellas is hard labor? 🫤
The waiter shook his head: "Cleaning floors and serving dishes are fine, but the other tasks require quite a bit of strength. We should see if they can handle it…"
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope
Did Batman forget him in the Batcave? 🤔😅🤣
"Pied Piper?" Shiller said somewhat puzzled. He thought a bit but could only remember him as a villain from Central City.
Days as a Spiritual Mentor in American Comics
Anime & Comics · Meet Shepherd Burn Rope