It will probably be fun for him to go on space adventures. But probably later
You can give him missions to other worlds Or you can introduce assassin organisations from different movies.
Can't wait for next chapter.
Is the nzt pill a one time use like the movie or modified to be permanent and does it still have the side effects.
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Is it possible for you to do a chapter just on his states because i don't think I'll remember all his skills and abilities.
Maybe for the first time he steals(or something similar) he can get the ability to steal abilitys (like magic) or instead of an ability he can get a 1 time ability that way he can do magic. Just a suggestion.
Please teach the spider hacking. 😂🤣😂
Does he turn people into wolfs like from team wolf?
Nice story looking forward to the rest and if he will get a power up.
Reincarnated in a supernatural universe * Dropped*
TV · Gboy77