Ajay_Dubey_110 - Profile



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2022-01-09 Beigetreten India

Abzeichen 5

Moments 113

Replied to luciifyr

a simple timer

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien


limiting spells

Harry wasn't pleased with himself. Was he bloody dumb or what?

Harry Potter: Dragon Eyes

Harry Potter: Dragon Eyes

Book&Literature · FakeViolinist


just bulid Town on moon or Mars set portkey to Earth and done with and don't tell me they can't make it liveble

I stayed silent for a while as I contemplated his answer. He was right, maybe I could control them through fear, but people like Harry would pop up and rise to the occasion. There would always be people who went against me. Not to mention what he said about the logistical problem, it really was impossible. I soon came to the conclusion that going through with such a crazy idea would only end in everyone suffering. Shaking away the weird train of thought I continued with my day.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

Replied to Tunic01

all power full people and weapons gone in single day or a large retuial to send a powerful magic wave 360 will destroy any tech on 🌎

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

Replied to InfinityAndBeyond

I think nuke even activate coz technology doesn't work near magic

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

Replied to luciifyr

what nuke a single portkey will teleport the same nuke to Whitehouse

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

Replied to Anovatic

the more you think logic the less powerful magic you have magic is Chaos that s make the changes human use logic it's doesn't work well when word magic is in its play

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien


like you

It was currently the 2nd of march and the day after my birthday. I received my gifts from the knights and It was the usual clothing and so on. I was more of a suit person, to be honest, there was something alluring about a three-piece suit. But it would look very weird on a child so for now, I think I'll resist my temptation. I spent most of my time training doing small spells with my wand under the instruction of Drak. He was able to create a dome of sorts that would stop the ministry from being able to detect the use of magic in the muggle world which made it easier to practice. The whole statute of secrecy in my opinion was a useful thing since it would just be chaotic and messy if muggles found out about magic. Envy and greed are fundamental parts of humans, some are just able to control it better than others. Such an ugly characteristic If I have to be honest. I wouldn't mind having a world where wizards are in charge just like Grindelwald imagined. Sure, he failed, but there will always be someone to come after.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

Replied to world_domination

that's why their are call blood traitor they will always poor unless they carect what did wrong in past

"May I convert pounds into Galleons please?" I asked courteously. I really didnt want to piss off these midgets. " You sure can, hand over the money," he said with a greedy look. Do they love gold so much? look how fast his character changed, tch. I hand him the bills that were bound together by rubber bands. The goblin hurriedly took the money, counted it then disappeared from view. Soon he came back with a small pouch that held 100 Galleons in it. It pretty much cost 500 pounds. I wondered how much my family had in the bank. After all, It was protected by a Hungarian horntail and was even deeper than the Lestrange families. Drak told me about it, he said that our family bank is so secret that only the head of the bank will know where it is. He also said if someone who isn't a dragon wielder tries to get in, the vault will not let them in and incinerate the space instead.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien


magic' accept

Also I call Dan and Jenny mom and dad, when I first asked "mom, what's for dinner?" It was by mistake but when mom started crying and hugging me so hard till I thought I broke a rib, I just didn't have the heart to stop so I kept calling them mom and dad until it came naturally.

Harry Potter but AU???

Harry Potter but AU???

Book&Literature · DAFR

Replied to grimmhorizon

and workers

Now for my 'family', let's just say the original Harry was a saint, or more likely, Dumbledore used more than enough potions, obliviations and manipulations to make him think about this place as home.

Harry Potter but AU???

Harry Potter but AU???

Book&Literature · DAFR


na man he will adapt or even worse evolve to survive 😞

Even magic began to disappear from the world altogether but Harry managed to sustain his magic. The years he had lived had only accelerated his power and healing abilities. The reason he had joined the war in the first place was so that he could die in the field of battle. He didn't have it in him to commit suicide but a warrior's death was preferable. Unfortunately, a bullet to his head or heart no longer ensured him the gift of death.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

Replied to LoserIam


Every wizard and witch who worked in the ministry was questioned under Veritaserum. Those who were found guilty of colluding with Death Eaters were transferred to Ministry holding cells pending further trial. The Death Eaters that were being slowly weeded out were sentenced to Azkaban and their assets seized to reimburse their victims for the ordeal they went through. The Goblins tried to protest but one visit from Harry saw to it that the little buggers bow before his orders.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre



Nigel's voice carried a hint of playful sarcasm. "Indeed, Master Harry. The wonders of modern technology at your disposal, and you opt for the quill and parchment approach. But fear not, I'm here to steer you towards the 21st century."

Harry Potter with Technology System

Harry Potter with Technology System

Book&Literature · TheFanficGod


more than marier



The voice of a man soon appeared answering the question "Yeah, he sounds like he's going to be a very happy child. I can already expect great things from him. After all it looks like he's going to have my good looks. Hahahahaha" 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



3) EVERY Harry Potter fanfic, Harry learns about the magical world from a snake and by the time Hagrid arrives he is no longer a canonical Gryffindor.

I'm reborn as Harry Potter

I'm reborn as Harry Potter

Book&Literature · FanFictionForge

Replied to Thornttc

those are goblin names

No one, except her parents, had ever called her that. In fact, the boys in her last school were usually quite mean to her, calling her names like Beaverface and Bucktooth.

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Others · Fortunate_Soul

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