"It's my wife's old Overture," he explained, his tone steady. "High-quality, powerful, double-action. Should do the trick."
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther
1- [Small Changes, Same Path] – I go back and tweak the last chapter, making sure Lukas doesn't just let them take the shimmer in the first place. This keeps the original direction intact while addressing key concerns.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
yes to sansa
The love interest will be Jinx.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
Do you think I should stick to canon and let there be Jinx?
Video Games · raynei_achilles
Now, they shimmered Indigo-Black—the unmistakable eye color of the Shafiq bloodline.
Book&Literature · Maggie329
So what do you guys think of John's made up origin story? I may just make it be that the god that sent him there hears the origin and makes it a reality.
Video Games · Thelostswordman
Romance and if who is FML? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mr. Torres' car, a Quartz EC-L R275, was small, cramped, and only a two-seater. I took a moment to get a feel for the controls, there was quite a bit different than cars back home, before pulling out of the parking lot attached to the diner, merging onto the streets.
The Gonk and The Forge (Cyberpunk Edgerunners/2077)
Anime & Comics · OrangePanther