we all can smell the grind
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Anime & Comics · akikan40
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Anime & Comics · SenatusTheta
Share the RAWS please . . . . . . . . . .
but the majority of vegans are in the west🫣
"Though I bash Xu Dog, he's not wrong about this one. Western cuisine doesn't stand a chance against our country's dishes! Who would eat salads every day, must be out of their minds!"
Urban · I eat Tiramisu
but the salad thing is true tho, its'sjust chopped lettuce and some tomatoes or whatever's in it
"I like to tell the truth. What even is Western food? Randomly wash some vegetables, chop them up, and call it a salad, and this soup, can it even be drunk?"
Urban · I eat Tiramisu
that's op af
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Olivia rodrigo
you've repeated it
why destroy if you can have it???
George thought Mary was worried that Sheldon's friend was being left out. So he said carelessly: "Dan, which country is your name?"
American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon
TV · azzari