That's the chad Daemon, this one here is not him..
I drop the message and it falls to the floor as I finish reading the news, Aerion killed a whole army.
Book&Literature · Pretending_Author
She can't even protect herself if some knights decide that their sword must be sullied by her blood lol.
The herald wasted no time and shouted: "House Royce and its lord, Prince Aemon Targaryen, Rider of Urrax, the Bronze Dragon, Lord of House Royce, and Lord of Runestone."
TV · Ghostrider0002
He scared off Sheepstealer, not to say I disagree with you.
At least, that's what I imagine because I've never been tempted to approach his lair. I knew he was a formidable dragon, an expert in hunting his kin, and I didn't want to take my chances before I was sure that Urrax and I could defend ourselves properly.
TV · Ghostrider0002
A beast of a man that is ,Cregan stark the true warden of the north.
As he led the way, I saw that Aemon stayed behind, giving instructions to the young Stark who accompanied him, whom I had identified, though not with certainty, as the heir of Lord Rickon Stark, Cregan Stark.
TV · Ghostrider0002
"Strong boys."
'I will never end up in the same situation as her or my mother. I will never be chained to a bed waiting to bear heirs for a man,' I thought, disgusted even by the idea of giving birth to a child.
TV · Ghostrider0002
Sheepstealer might just steal the boy and cremate him in his belly, I guess.
'Holy shit,' I thought, seeing the rider of Sheepstealer for the first time.
TV · Ghostrider0002
Does this have a defect like caraxes? in the img I mean.
The capital of the Seven Kingdoms was noisily awakened by the powerful roar of a black dragon. The shadow of the latter was so large that nearly a third of the capital was enveloped in it.
TV · Ghostrider0002
I kinda imagine her like this, so I'm fine with it lol..
"Mother, whatever our strength, she remains above all our liege lady and the cousin of the heir to the Iron Throne," I said, preventing her from saying something she might regret in the future.
TV · Ghostrider0002
So he should prevent his children from having children? is that what you're saying cause that's not happening lol as the shimmer is in his genes.
This means it's coming from inside of her most likely, as in from the babe forming inside of her. If she is just now noticing it enough to say something then that means a good amount is pumping through her from the babe. I don't even think a heart should be formed this early into a baby's development so I have no idea how she is getting any from it. But I also do not understand how the baby has it anyway as it should be a 'magic' thing just for me.
Book&Literature · Pretending_Author
Lots of amnesia patients here lol...
Mattia exhaled sharply. 'Damn him. He's forcing Adam to break focus.'
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Knowledge
Anime & Comics · Mr_Graythorn