

LV 14
2021-11-20 Beigetreten Antarctica
Abzeichen 11

Moments 177
7 days ago

Hmmm, munchlax … you should name it beelzebub, and give it the nickname bubba

Not only the staff, but this time around even the other guests seemed to be excited due to my arrival. After asking someone I found out that my previous visits had gone viral on the local foodie forum, and from there the other local forums/groups caught wind of it as well, making the news spread across Drafthill City. It seemed like I had become a little local celebrity while I was taking it easy inside Utopia. I was surprised that no one had recognized me yet, but I guess that one did not link a prodigy and junior professor with a super foodie who ate as much as a human Munchlax. Still, I was sure that they would notice it at some point and I had to chuckle imagining their reaction.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

9 days ago

Please 🥺

Nearly all people that had seen a Sandaconda had only seen one in its coiled state, which to be fair was pretty much the species standard "form", and I really really wanted to see for myself how long Sandaconda would be when it stretched out its body. The average length that Sandaconda was known for was around 4 meters, but that was in its coiled state. I suspected that Sandaconda's actual length was anywhere between 12 to 20 meters, but I was not sure. It was actually shocking how rare the data that I found on this was but the ones that I could find all fit into this with the exception of a single case where a 48 meters Sandaconda had been measured/documented, but that Sandaconda was a confirmed Alpha, so its length was not unreasonable even if that kind of length probably made it eligible for the title of Kaiju.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

9 days ago

Alpha wailord when?

Nearly all people that had seen a Sandaconda had only seen one in its coiled state, which to be fair was pretty much the species standard "form", and I really really wanted to see for myself how long Sandaconda would be when it stretched out its body. The average length that Sandaconda was known for was around 4 meters, but that was in its coiled state. I suspected that Sandaconda's actual length was anywhere between 12 to 20 meters, but I was not sure. It was actually shocking how rare the data that I found on this was but the ones that I could find all fit into this with the exception of a single case where a 48 meters Sandaconda had been measured/documented, but that Sandaconda was a confirmed Alpha, so its length was not unreasonable even if that kind of length probably made it eligible for the title of Kaiju.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

10 days ago


15 days ago

I’ve been meaning to ask, but where is the story taking place? In a fictional world, in america, or maybe china?

18 days ago



As A GAMER In One Piece

As A GAMER In One Piece

Anime & Comics · SpiritFest13

1 months ago
Replied to Potato_killer

Unfortunately the author dosent know about the consept of paragraphs and some chapters are just one continous paragraph. With no indents Like these

1 months ago
Replied to ysanta97

I mesn there have been a fair few hisuian pokemon already, right? They probably dont know they are from hisui but are just variants.

I was pretty shocked when Dennis told me that he had a freaking ghost-variant Typhlosion that he had trained in secret, who recently reached the (high) dark gold stage. After staring at the proud-looking Dennis for a few moments, I had to ask if he could tell me where/how he got his hands on a ghost variant (Hisuian)Typhlosion.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

1 months ago
Replied to ImNeverMe


While Arcanine's head was introduced to the floor, Luna Teleported behind it and released a Thunder Wave aimed at its head. She then threw a Water Pulse at Arcanine, who had just seized up, before following up with a Thunderbolt. Looking at her actions, one would think that she was holding a grudge, but Luna was above such petty stuff. Yes, she just wanted to finish the battle as quickly as possible to prevent another mishap, which was why she followed up the Thunderbolt with a Gravity Crush aimed at Arcanine's head, reintroducing it to the floor.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93