See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Pupa don’t forget about this story, your leavin me hanging
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
Yay more chapters
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Venus fly trap, thistle, bramble, something poisonous, or maybe those air plants then they fly around or something. Also Ivy should be like suck energy outta stuff since she is a vine and they line steal other planted nutrients. Great story just ideas if you have already written that far yet. 😁😁😁
Is author-San active ?
Maybe he is being possessive maybe we’l see a dark side
Mason turned his back and walked away, "You can return it Monday, early morning. I'll be in the schoolyard. You're also coming to school early on Monday, right?"
Fantasy · EvilPupa
Too late now lol
Damn it, I couldn't act like I hadn't read it either. Because it was a WhatsApp text, so the blue ticks marked that I've read the text.
Fantasy · EvilPupa
It is very good at dragging the reader in and I really want to start learning all the little secrets that everyone is keeping. Each scene is filled with anticipation. Very excited to watch these characters develop!!!
Eternal Heartbound
Fantasy · Sky_Li_9922